Paid sex is always cheaper than free.


New member
Jun 10, 2002
Too funny, AZB!

I meant someone that you could consider an equal not someone that you could walk all over! Geez...

But now if they could create the perfect man....hmmmm...I don't think you'd want to see the list for that. J/k...I don't think perfect exists...perfection is boring.

Nathan - You met and married the wrong person. Not every woman is going to be like that. The two of you are just a bad match.


Jan 2, 2002
Can't put a musician in a box but then not everyone can take that kind of life. It's not the money she wasn't happy with. She didn't want that life no matter how much money you would have made.

dam speller. My sis tried to tell me I'm losing
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Feb 3, 2003
Anna, true as the Bible!

We barely see each other! It takes a toll on a relationship. We are both married to our careers.

The price I have always paid for being a humble instrument of the muse is that I always end up alone!

Without that, I would be incomplete and so would my music!

I mean, we do love each other and the "loving in bed is freking awesome! But, we just don't snuggle like we used to and If I say "I love you" I get silence!

Pretty tough! I am a musician and a homebody. I work from home and I don't get out and socialize. I am always working!

It's a pretty lonely life! I mean if my piano had "un toto" I'd be alright!

My wife hates music and the industry and that's what makes me the person that I am! She can't roll with it..fine.

I just wish one woman would come along and be supportive and love what I am and what I do!

Tough price to pay!

If there wasn't guys like me, there would be no wonderful love songs or soulful music! Songs you enjoy and cry over are written by guys like me who pay the price in their love life and find themselves empty every day!


Jan 2, 2002
"It's not the money she wasn't happy with. She didn't want that life no matter how much money you would have made." anna coniglio"

That proves the point: women are never satisfied no matter how much they have.
lets control these monsters now before they get out of hands and control the world. Lets start by taking away their driving licenses and Baning PIB from this message board. She scares me. We would certainly eliminate "the PIB" gene from the perfect clone woman and replace it with the newer modified "tonta Gene". That alone will make her 90% PERFECT in general sense.
Then we should remove them from the public offices and place them where they belong, the kitchen and the bedroom; since this is 2003 we will extend their moving priviledges to the laundry room as well.
Every cute girl who wants to date a ricky martin look-alike would be required to date an ugly guy at least 3 times in her life to keep the crime rate under control.
The list goes on and on.... but lets implement these changes first and then upon revision of their behavior we will modify the rest.

Note: if the woman happens to be your mom then the above rules don't apply. After-all moms are moms and my mom is the best. :)


Feb 3, 2003
Well, gotta go for now!

Cooking, if not I'll starve!

Voy a cocinarme un arrocito con habichuelas y voy a poner un NY steak al Horno!

If I were'd all be invited to come and grab a bite!

Un abrazote pa todos!


Feb 3, 2003
This is an Email that I received from a fellow musician who lives in Spain! Someone who truly understands me:

Hola, acabo de leer tu nota en el foro de cubase y me ha impulsado a
escribirte este mail.
Se te ve tan emocionado con tu trabajo, que contagia y da buen rollo, a
pesar de los trastornos que has debido pasar para llegar a este grado de
satisfacci?n. Entiendo que ahora desees compartirlo.
Yo me llamo Carlos, vivo en Espa?a y tambien compongo musica para imagen y
escena, entre otras cosas. Quiero que sepas que te comprendo y apoyo al cien
por cien. Es muy duro estar encerrado un mes en un proyecto y ver como
irremediablemente se descuidan otras cosillas. Tambien se lo que sientes
cuando la persona con la que compartes tu vida, piensa que ya no eres tan
divertido. En fin,esta profesion es lo que tiene. Hace que a veces te
preguntes si merece la pena y la respuesta es SI!!!. En fin se pueden
escribir grandes tratados sobre este tema. Me ha alegrado tu carta, me ha
dado buen rollo (aunque contenga cierto halo de tristeza). Que vamos a
hacerle compa?ero, a seguir bien.
Me encantaria ver el trabajo del que hablas. ?Como se llama la peli?, a si
la alquilo en un blockbuster y contribuyo a increnmentar tu cuenta bancaria.
Un saludo amigo.


Jan 2, 2002
83 I said sounds like you had a bad night..
But I was told I was the best


New member
Oct 17, 2002
nathan, i would think that a professional ballet dancer would have SOME sort of passion for the arts and music.


Feb 3, 2003
Yes, classical music! Not Hip Hop, R&B, nor pop!

It's very different loving to listen to music than living with a guy who creates that feces for a living. It's realy tough Lee Lee!

It takes a special and different caliber of woman to be able to deal with my sleepless nights! Not every woman wants to put up with the noise at all hours of the night. People rapping and singing at 3:45 am while you're trying to go sleep to go to work!

I mean, I work 24/7! When I am not, I am cooking, cleaning, and watching my daughter! And sleeping (not much about 2-4 hours a day!)

Women are hard to keep happy I think! I don't want to killl my music career after 13years of dedicating my life to it, before it even really takes off!

I refuse to work in a cube just to make make a woman happy! What about me? Even with an illustrious cube job she still wasn't happy!

How can I make someone happy if I am not fulfilled by doing what I love and nor feel happy!

Oh yeah, my wife loves shopping!

I mean, even if she doesn't go buy shoes like freaking Imelda Marcos here, she will stop daily at CVS and buy at least a lipstick! Or she'll go on EBay!

Here I am trying to save every penny as to invest into my business! No matter how you look at it...
Women love to spend also!

Much love to the women! Boy I love shopping too!
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New member
Feb 22, 2003
Well AZB this is in reply to what you wrote to me.....I admit that most of what you wrote is true. There are many women that when you give them your all, they take advantage of it. But, guess what men do the exact same thing. I too was burned by a "Man" that I gave everything to. I treated him as though he were a king and he just used me. So don't come with theory about women being only into bad guys because if we are going to make that broad assumption then we should apply it to both sexes. I applaud you for that wonderful bachelor life that you are living. But, let me get this straight it seems to me that you think that you have found the answer to never being burnt by women because you don't treat them like queens. My question is why do you actually do this? Could it possibly be because you?re scared? And is this your solution to it all?? If it is then again I say you just haven't found the right woman.

A piece of advice that maybe I can offer is that you should not give all women the same "confianza". Not all women should be treated the same. Those women that you are meeting now, that let you treat them the why you do are just "stupid". But, if it makes you feel better; and gives you a bigger self-esteem to treat them that way then congratulations. Maybe when you find that right person you'll know exactly what I mean.

Also remember that what goes around always comes around. If I'm wrong about all I have written then "my bad" but your approach seems all wrong to me. These women that you say keep coming back aren't worth it. To be honest you?re not winning; because these women that keep coming back, aren't the ones you actually want to come back are they??


Feb 3, 2003
The thing is that it is hard not to be cautious when you see stuff like that happening all around you.

You can never be too careful and just go around giving "the benefit of the doubt" all the time when something like that is so commonplace.

We as men are always on guard as not to get taken for a ride...nobody likes that nor being a victim of abuse to one's wallet.

AZB has a very valid point, and maintains a life of total carefree status! That is hard to do now a days and I am kind of glad that there are people like AZB who are able to live their lives that way.


Everyone has to settle down someday!

I am laughing here imagining AZB walking down the aisle and saying "I do at an altar!" jejeje

That would be the day it rains upside down...ah AZB?!


Jan 2, 2002
I have this approach, not because I am afraid, but because it has produced results for me. This is the only way I have been able to control women in santiago. I am not in love with anyone of them nor I want them to come back once thrown out. I am not looking for the right person. I am only looking for a good time. I guess you won't understand that at all.
Why is it that gringos or dominicans who act like gringos think that we are always looking for the right person? You see you have confused me for a gringo, just because I am writing in english. Gringos (foreigners in general) are the ones who come to this country desperately seeking a wife. What baffles me is that the same guys are either divorced and lost everything to a woman or are burnt by one in some other ways. Yet they want to restart the whole hell process all over again with a girl who maybe a hooker. Do you know how many foreigners are married to ex hookers? You will be surprised to know the number. These guys are looking for a wife not me. I know there are some great women out there and I personally know a few guys who are very happy with their marriage but for every one guy who is happily married, I will show you 10 who are miserable. So please try to understand, not all guys are looking for the right woman.
Some guys are terrified to have kids. Once they have them, they love their kids but most men don't want kids but just to have some dirty fun. Kids are expensive and a luxury in the current economy. Sorry I just can't afford them for the moment.


New member
Feb 22, 2003
I totally agree with you Nathan what I wrote was just my opinion. If I'm I'm wrong then I'll admit it. But with things like this no one is totally right or wrong. I had said in both posts that AZB was right about "some" things just not all. I don't hate because to each his own.


New member
Feb 22, 2003
AZB I respect your opinion and will leave things as they are you are right about what you have written. The only honest truth is that all people are different. If you say that that is the only way you have been able to deal with women in Santiago then I guess you might be right and I'm wrong. I'm not from Santiago nor have I ever lived there so I can't really speak for women there.


New member
Feb 22, 2003
Oh one more thing AZB...No soy gringa ni tampoco deseo ser gringa. Si hay una sola cosa de la cual yo soy orgullosa en este mundo es de ser DOMINICANA!!! Amo mi tierra y si Dios me diera la opportunidad despues de muerta de volver cien veces entonces 100 veces seria DOMINICANA!!


Feb 3, 2003
Wow Dominicana! What sense of Patriotism!

I always wondered what it would have been to have been born anything than Dominican blooded!

Nah...I am proud of being Dominican as well! Would I do it again if I could?


AZB is honorary Dominican though! He lives here and loves it here!

He's Dominican in my book, if not....AZB I hearby christen you an honorary Dominican!!


New member
Feb 22, 2003
Thank you Nathan... I really do love my country. To be honest the reason I'm not there is by force not by choice. But come September Santo Domingo brace yourself cause I'm coming home!!!!


Jan 2, 2002
Thanks nathen for welcoming me to your den.
I actually feel like a dominican sometimes. I have been accused of being a dominican tigre many times.
If you meet me in person, you will see how well i blend in with the santiagueros. Most people don't know I am from a foreign country until i open up my mouth. Then they think I am from guatemala. Hahahaha. Just joking.
My dominican name is Juan pablo....of course the last name is: Duarte. But I only tell people my name is juan pablo. Started out as a joke and now it has stuck on to me. I will tell you the whole story on how an old lady gave me that name because she couldn't pronounce my real name. Let this be a simple discussion with some cold ones.