ShoeShine Kids - A MaxxJaxx Bitch


Jan 5, 2002
Tony C:Let me help your diction and ignorance


Before you dare challenge my writing skills, be it proper English, Spanish or even slang, be sure to check your skills first. Let me help you correct some absurdities in your last post, and I quote YOU:

"Do you every(spelled ever ) truly(excessive usage of adverb. "ever" suffices) read these posts? Apparently not(incomplete sentence..try "It is not apparent"). You have no Idea who I am or what is my heritage. You do not know either where I live or what is my profession("what my profession is" is correct version since you are not posing a question). Yet you sit there and come to silly conclusions about me(use myself)and my ancestory(ancestry is the correct spelling).
I know your type. It is so obvious. The incapability of having a serious relationship with a female, A muscle car, The posturing, False superiority displays.(Tony:eek:rganize your sentence. It appears you meant "I am incapable of having a serious relationship with a female and also with my car". In addition you made it appear that I could have a relationship with "The posturing".(Posturing is not a verb-the proper usage should be "the posture" and you cannot capitalize "The posturing" after a comma). "Posturing" is by all practical means a political slang word.
A first year college student taking PSYCH-101 can figure out this one.(A Master of English could not figure out your first grade gibberish) "OK Class. All together now!" "Lack of Self-Esteem!" (Is this the title of a book with all capitalized words?)
As to my vocabulary...It may not be the largest, but at least I don't use the word "rap".(You don,t use the word rap because you are isolated from the rest of the world) "

Tony, not having a serious relationship with a woman is not a handicap. What is a serious relationship to you? Is it measured by space of time, form of committment or any other means? I have lived with three different women at different times for periods ranging from 1 1/2 years to 8 years(Married two of them) Are those considered serious relationships? Or perhaps only "death do us apart" is the only serious type? After my 40th. year I decided marriage is for the birds. Is that a problem?

Stick with the times Tony. 50% of marriages end up in divorce. The other 50% that stays with it are mostly unhappy unions with infidelity and economic disparities. Sure, you will find your exceptions. But every one of those old married guys are salivating at the sight of younger women showing their belly buttons wishing they could have a night out with them. The filthy hypocrites make me laugh. I just enjoy my singularity. I believe new skin is always better.

As for Pontiac, who cares? The city of Pontiac, Mich. is a dump and the American Indian heritage means nothing to me. I believe Pontiac is known more for a car than anything else.



Jan 1, 2002
Estimado Golo: No quiero plietos

Distinguido Sr: En su misiva dirigida al se?or TonyC, creo atinado se?alar unos peque?os errores.

Creo, firmamente, que si hubiera revisado su misiva, los hubiera encontrado de todos modos.

A ver: puede dar el "lucro" ?? o mejor puede dar le lujo?

Antepasados 'prosapios'?...Anfibios? No creo. "prosabios" ? me suena mejor.

El uso del refr?n: ""El que sabe, sabe; sino comase el casabe"

Creo, deber?a decir: ?l que sabe, sabe; si no, c?mase el casabe

?stos peque?os deslizes sucedieron, me imagino, debido al esfuerzo de utilizar la Lengua Madre en toda su majestuosidad, no fue as?....??

Sin pretenciones de saber algo de esto, aprovecho la oportunidad para saludarlo con altas estimas de consideracion,

Last edited:

El Jefe

Jan 1, 2002
It Amazes Me

That a post condemning shoeshine boys becomes one of the most popular threads...65 posts and growing...

Tony C

Jan 1, 2002

You make me laugh. I bet the veins on your forehead bulge when you read my posts. Careful now or you might pop a bloodvessel.
How long did you spend correcting my post? A post that took me a minute to right while I was talking on the phone at the same time? Jeez dude, Get a life. Take a valium. Have a drink. do something. Perhaps you should look into Zen? Oh thats right. You prefer a copy of Glamour and a Pink Lady to relax with.


Jan 5, 2002


Thanks for your intelligent observations on my Spanish note to our illustrious friend Tony C.

I agree with you that the typical expression "no me puedo dar el lujo" in this perspective would have been the proper usage. But I wanted to exceed the color of the language by using a stronger word "lucro" (from Latin lucrum)which is not that far apart in meaning. While "lujo" refers to abundance and exhibition of it, "lucro" refers to profit and benefit. It is almost as using the well-known "benefit of the doubt". Can there be any benefit in doubt?

These are just expressions which can be altered at will as long as they project your thoughts properly.

As to "mis antepasados prosapios", prosapia is the word to refer to ascendancy or lineage in a person, normally coming from illustrious background or the aristrocacy with a touch of despitefulness. Being that it was used in the masculine gender in plural form the word "prosapios" was used properly.

Your opinions are highly regarded.



Jan 5, 2002
Tony C.

Tony C:

You omitted something. You were talking and writing the post at the same time, while picking your nose with the other. hehehe!

Tony, you make my day a happy day everyday and me sube la bilirrubina, cuando te escribo y no me escribes......

I will take your advice cool man.


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
TW,at least you give Hillbily his due respect!

TW,could you please tell me if you know the definition of the following terminology? "Pseudo Intelectual Effete Snob".Also,since you are familiar with Latin,please give me the "Latin Root" of:"despitefulness". I think that your usage is as in the old, "US. Southern Slave Dialect"context,similar to, "Decleanliness be necks to Degodliness."I defer to your superior knowledge as to the ligustic validity of my premise. Criss Colon


Jan 1, 2002
Dear TW: I done rit that thar thang without referral to a dickshunary! Trut'!

Actually, I have always held "lucro" (as you pointed out: Benefit or profit) as a pejorative, as in the English usage: "Filthy lucre" from ??Shakespeare? I do not recall...which refers to dirty money, so well know to many of our fellow citizens...hehehe

As one of my sainted professors would have said: It is, at best, an awkward usage.

that word 'prosapios' just threw me for a loop! I though it was hilarious!. "prosabios " or "prosagios" would have not bothered me at all. But the idea of sapos!! Well, the image was just too much to pass up...( I am sorry, I should have remembered "sapience", and kept my fingers off the freakin'keyboard...but I love to mess with words, and you have to admit it 'looks' funny...

I am happy that you took it as it was meant to be took!



Jan 5, 2002
To Criss, the creative warrior


My best guess is that "despitefulness" comes from the Latin "despicere" and I suppose it could be translated as "despectus" from the French "despit" and adding the Latin suffix "us" which would mean "full of despite".

If that doesn't solve the puzzle, contact Cardinal Lopez Rodriguez. He might be better suited at Latin than I am. I have not listened to a Latin mass in years, so I have lost practice.

Regarding the "Pseudo Intellectual Effete Snob", that sounds like a definition of myself. But, I recall that one of my favorite Vice-Presidents, the late Spiro T. Agnew made this expression famous when referring to the Eastern Liberal political establishment and the New York Times. He was such a bufoon I could only admire him and his boss Richard Nixon.

By the way, some of the best books written on foreign policy were written by Nixon, the pragmatic idealist.