swiss man murdered in san rafael del yuma

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I guess I missed it but where does it state the gentleman was a dope addict, a junkie? In as much as anyone knows the guy could have been an occasional user who just liked to party and do a few lines now and then. If he went to the safe to get more money for Brugal would that have gained a little more sympathy?

A senseless murder.............

i fully agree with your sentiments, bigbird, but doing a few lines with degenerates is a foolhardy exertion, at best.


May 1, 2005
i fully agree with your sentiments, bigbird, but doing a few lines with degenerates is a foolhardy exertion, at best.
Yes, but I am in no position to pass judgement or go so far as to imply he had it coming to him. We all (well most of us) make mistakes in life but these mistakes do not justify someone taking our life for it.


Jul 9, 2010
swiss man living in el cascajal sector was murdered last tuesday. one of the killers was detained.
allegedly the victim and two local men were drinking and taking drugs together and when the drugs run out the victim went to look for some more money from the safe. his companions stabbed him to death and escaped with money and jewelry form the safe.

Looks like they targeted this unfortunate soul. First rule in the DR is know the company that you keep. He most likely trusted people that had other motives in mind and payed the utlimate price.


Born to Ride.
Oct 17, 2015
That's why I don't socialize with the locals... I don't want friends. Don't need friends. Nobody knows my business and nobody comes into my house.. My moto and tatoo on my left arm ?? Trust No One.

In nine winters,  I've made a lot of local friends here, mostly through my expat friends. I party with them, celebrate holidays, birthdays, weddings with them, and trust them. None of them have tried to take advantage of me, ask me for money, or push drugs on me. Some of them are community minded and help the destitute DR families in any way they can as I do. I've come across a few people who I wouldn't trust and I stay clear of them, and I'm careful about how and where I go in the DR. I would never close myself off from the people and the culture. What would be the point of living here if I did that?


Sep 3, 2013
it is a pity he did not reach out to us for help and try to get clean ...we could have had a collection for his rehabilitation
judging by the outpouring of grief it would have done quiet well
would there be as much sympathy if he died playing Russian roulette ?
and who opens their safe surrounded by their bestest buddies ?


Apr 29, 2014
Drug use is an ancillary but contributing factor in this story. Contributing in the sense that victim and the locals were together to engage in an activity that those of better character probably would not be associated with. As with alcohol, many who imbibe experience reduced inhibition and judgement.

Presenting an opened safe to someone of questionable character, in a state of intoxication, with your back turned to them, in a private space is an invitation that is hard to resist for criminally minded opportunists. The gringo did not deserve to die. He didn't even deserve to be robbed. But the story writes itself as to how he suffered both. A cautionary tale that serves to remind not to tempt a tigre with a steak unless you are prepared to loose your hand, or worse. Sad, but this is a situation completely of the victims orchestration and this time, there is no do-over.  
Jan 7, 2016
Looks like the old lady was having a fling and decided to free herself for further recreation with her least that's what the story says.


I love Hillary!
Dec 13, 2016
I guess I missed it but where does it state the gentleman was a dope addict, a junkie? In as much as anyone knows the guy could have been an occasional user who just liked to party and do a few lines now and then. If he went to the safe to get more money for Brugal would that have gained a little more sympathy?

A senseless murder.............

"liked to party" . "Partying" with a bottle of rum or a fine French Bordeaux is very different. You can go into any store and purchase rum and wine legally. Cocaine, meth, crack whatever one must slither into the lawless world of illicit drugs and while fueling your own addiction support the losers that deal in the drug trade. Being involved with illicit drugs especially here announces that you are fair game to the hustlers, mafia and every street loser that runs dope.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
"liked to party" . "Partying" with a bottle of rum or a fine French Bordeaux is very different. You can go into any store and purchase rum and wine legally. Cocaine, meth, crack whatever one must slither into the lawless world of illicit drugs and while fueling your own addiction support the losers that deal in the drug trade. Being involved with illicit drugs especially here announces that you are fair game to the hustlers, mafia and every street loser that runs dope.

Drugs are available on pretty well every street corner here and readily available. Certainly those that sell and use on a regular basis are not holding down normal work all day jobs. I hear local tragedies caused by drug use almost everyday. Children abused and abandoned, lots of theft and domestic violence, and yes murder. Only difference here is it involves a foreigner.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
This ties the record time for blaming the victim. I always blame the murderer for the murder.

Sometimes the victim has to accept some responsibility.

If I walk through a poor, crime ridden barrio - in ANY country - wearing lots of gold jewelry, designer clothing and handbag, while talking on my iPhone 7, am I not partially responsible when I get mugged?

This man wasn't new to DR, I'm sure he knew the risks he was taking. He lost, and paid the highest price.



I love Hillary!
Dec 13, 2016
Drugs are available on pretty well every street corner here and readily available. Certainly those that sell and use on a regular basis are not holding down normal work all day jobs. I hear local tragedies caused by drug use almost everyday. Children abused and abandoned, lots of theft and domestic violence, and yes murder. Only difference here is it involves a foreigner.

I understand that Bob, my comment was metaphorical. Once you let the locals know your vice for drugs they have your number so to speak. Additionally as I have stated he and his ilk jeopardize the whole community by attracting the desperate drug runners into the local community just because he wants to "party".


Jan 1, 2002

According to a police report, the corpse of the Swiss national Daniel Thomas Ruegg, 56, was found tied and with several stab wounds.

The uniformed woman said in her report that the murder of the foreigner would have involved his wife, Susanne Delma Witting, the Dominican Jose Carlos Castro and another person not yet identified. Everyone is in detention.

The police detail that the concubine of Ruegg would have joined to Castro to commit the fact, since supposedly they maintained a sentimental relation.

The incident occurred in the El Cascajal sector, in San Rafael de Yuma, Higüey.


May 1, 2005

According to a police report, the corpse of the Swiss national Daniel Thomas Ruegg, 56, was found tied and with several stab wounds.

The uniformed woman said in her report that the murder of the foreigner would have involved his wife, Susanne Delma Witting, the Dominican Jose Carlos Castro and another person not yet identified. Everyone is in detention.

The police detail that the concubine of Ruegg would have joined to Castro to commit the fact, since supposedly they maintained a sentimental relation.

The incident occurred in the El Cascajal sector, in San Rafael de Yuma, Higüey.

Thanks mobrouser, there goes the drug addict theory. What motive will the DR1 experts switch to now?


I love Hillary!
Dec 13, 2016
No need to change the motive. He was just another drug user that paid the ultimate price to get his high. Sure am glad he didn't live in my neighborhood.