The battle for haiti


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Topic is "the battle for Haiti"

Any person is free to comment on ,question, criticize the "goings on", policy decisions,etc related to Haiti, but there is a line. When a person crosses that line,I figure that since they presume to be an expert on Haitian affairs, let me ask them an uncomfortable question about THEIR heritage home country . Their response to that question(or lack thereof) generally tells me what kind of credibility that person has moving forward to speak about Haiti or any other topic.

In fact, upon arriving on this board and reading what I thought were comments from DRs that had crossed the line "Haitians sure are stupid"...I posed along the lines of the same question that I asked you privately

again, thanks.

Topic is "Battle for Haiti"


Oct 10, 2010
Topic is "the battle for Haiti"

Any person is free to comment on ,question, criticize the "goings on", policy decisions,etc related to Haiti, but there is a line. When a person crosses that line,I figure that since they presume to be an expert on Haitian affairs, let me ask them an uncomfortable question about THEIR heritage home country . Their response to that question(or lack thereof) generally tells me what kind of credibility that person has moving forward to speak about Haiti or any other topic.

In fact, upon arriving on this board and reading what I thought were comments from DRs that had crossed the line "Haitians sure are stupid"...I posed along the lines of the same question that I asked you privately

again, thanks.

Topic is "Battle for Haiti"

Listen wise guy, just admit that you made a judgement call on me and my peoples without actual fact to back them up. Your PM to me is not in any way connected to ?Battle for Haiti? but for some reason you knowingly choose to send it any ways. Now I?m suppose to sit here in front of my comp, and pretend that anything written here should now be related to the original post.....please.

Furthermore, my post No. 28 is so much related to this thread, it was my personal take to dulce?s post. For some reason unbeknownst to me you took offence, after you publicly announced in post No. 29 that you hadn?t taken offence to it., hence my surprise to find your venomous PM. One more thing, what does the link in post No. 44, have to do with ?Battle for Haiti? or who does it relate to the spiteful question in your PM for that matter?


Oct 10, 2010
Its getting kinda late, so being that anything can be said on this thread, I?ll just say Good night, I?m heading upstairs to watch some Family Guy.:classic:


Jul 25, 2007

You are constantly attacking anyone who it appears to you that criticize Haitians yet you are doing the very same thing with the pm to Taino criticizing Dominicans. If you don't realize it that is grossly hypocritical to say the least and tarnishes even more your credibility.


Dec 11, 2003
Dear Secretary Napolitano,

We, the undersigned New York City Council Members, respectfully urge you not to resume removals to Haiti before the expiration of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti in July 2011. New York City has one of the largest populations of Haitians outside of Haiti, and many of these nationals are long-time residents who have established lives here. Many either help support family members who are U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents or are supported by them. Given the difficult situation in Haiti, we encourage you to halt all removals to Haiti.

One year since the earthquake, the Haitian people are still suffering a series of social and political crises. Individuals removed to Haiti face a range of public health issues, including lack of access to clean drinking water and food as well as an inadequate public sanitation. These factors have already contributed to a deadly cholera epidemic. More than a million Haitians currently live in tents or other makeshift housing due, in part, to the fact that a mere 5% of the buildings have been reconstructed. In addition, Haiti is suffering from much higher levels of violent crime and overwhelmed police and security forces. Compounding these problems is the civil strife since the November 2010 elections. Resuming removals would only serve to hinder Haiti?s recovery efforts and expose removed individuals to an unreasonably high risk of harm.

The Department of State has recognized the dire nature of the circumstances in Haiti and advised U.S. citizens to avoid all nonessential travel to Haiti. This advisory was meant to protect U.S citizens and also to prevent the overburdening of recovery efforts that additional people needing shelter, food, and assistance would cause.

Through TPS, asylum, and other programs, the United States has expressly committed to protecting individuals facing removal from intolerable conditions. Further, both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have publicly declared our steadfast support for Haiti and its people. President Obama has been clear that Haiti ?will not be forsaken? while Secretary Clinton has called upon the world to ?rededicate ourselves to partnering with the people of Haiti in their pursuit to build back anew.?

One year after Haiti?s devastating earthquake, we urge you to consider the severe conditions on the ground in Haiti. Removing Haitians at this time would not only put those removed at risk but also hamper efforts of Haitians to rebuild their country, homes, and lives.


Daniel Dromm, Chair, Immigration Committee, 25th Council District; Mathieu Eugene, 40th Council District; Jumaane Williams, 45th Council District; Annabel Palma, 18th Council District; Larry B. Seabrook, 12th Council District; G. Oliver Koppell, 11th Council District.


Dec 11, 2003


New member
Oct 13, 2009
Analysts point to collusion to bring Duvalier to the presidency - English

thought readers might get a kick out of the coverage from Pravda

i know i did!!

Down with western imperialism!!

down with structural adjustments!

down with the world bank and the imf and

all christian missionaries

religion is the opiate of the masses

can anyone hum the Internationale?

YouTube - The Communist Internationale (Original, with English Lyrics)

i can't hum the internationale and i haven't read the manifesto, nonetheless, i don't see whats wrong about those bulletpoints.


Aug 22, 2008
Well whatever anyone says - I think that we can all agree that whatever has been going on for the last 3 generations is not working.

Someone from my little group of letter writing friends recently asked me why the aid culture works in Haiti - if I did not think I would bore you all to death then I would copy and paste what I wrote here.

Suffice to say that most of the above list featured in my rant as having a negative impact on Haiti.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Well whatever anyone says - I think that we can all agree that whatever has been going on for the last 3 generations is not working.

Someone from my little group of letter writing friends recently asked me why the aid culture works in Haiti - if I did not think I would bore you all to death then I would copy and paste what I wrote here.

Suffice to say that most of the above list featured in my rant as having a negative impact on Haiti.

I'd be interested in reading that.

The "Aid Culture" attracts some workers who are genuinely interested in helping people in a REAL way.
But it's also rife with people who otherwise couldn't cut it in their OWN society, racists who reinforce feelings of superiority by being around needy people of color, and other dregs. Those people aren't interested in "putting themselves out of business" as the Clinton quote said.


Jul 25, 2007
But it's also rife with people who otherwise couldn't cut it in their OWN society, racists who reinforce feelings of superiority by being around needy people of color, and other dregs.

It is so sad too that so many Haitians think like this. All I can say is that the propaganda machine in Haiti has and apparently continues to work very well.


Jul 25, 2007
Someone from my little group of letter writing friends recently asked me why the aid culture works in Haiti - if I did not think I would bore you all to death then I would copy and paste what I wrote here.

It's a very simple answer actually, because there is nothing else.