Understanding the Dominican Mentality

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Jul 27, 2011
In your last post you stated "then you're considered a fool and the other person was totally right for screwing you, ".
I guess you're trying to get the moral high ground, but you have no morality. It is never right to screw someone over. Our mentalities are different and don't try to be part of a philosophical discussion. You need to know the difference between the words why and what, and that is over your head.
You asked a question about why this happened and I answered. I didn't say that was what I thought, or that I think that's correct. I'm telling you that this is how people who screw you think here. Plus, I gave examples on how people can protect themselves. Then you nag me saying that it's never right trying to screw someone over. Give me a break!


Jul 27, 2011
So you really believe that I believe Columbus was charged the gringo price and snapped???
I can't believe I had conversations with these people. I think your statement was a little more sincere than mine, but this is all over your head.

Are you kidding? Do I really have to explain myself why I thought your comment was no fun?

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Well, I guess they actually could say it. ;)

But why on earth ought they say sorry, if they do not give a **** about it anyhow, huh? :bunny:


I have been surprised by the number of me culpas that I've heard in the last six months. I guess my training is working LOL.


Moderator - Living & General Stuff
May 25, 2011
I am not so interested in the "I am sorry" part because honestly at times I do not know how sincere it is. I would rather someone just own up to it. I have had my share of "disappointments" I guess you could call them but some were my fault. But it still bothers me to no end how taking advantage of someone is just a everyday part of life here, like it is normal. I am sure it happens to gringos and Dominicans alike. I am the type of person if I do not like you well I do not like you. I am not going to spend the whole year talking about what a horrible piece of cr*p you are then at Christmas pretend like your my long lost friend.I see that all the time here. It always amazes me. Sorry just my thoughts...


Papa de Negrita
Oct 19, 2013
In the end it's all the same.

Dominicans snap every once a while, killing someone in a traffic feud, their wives, novias and ex-girlfriends, a friend for a 150 Peso debt, the disco rival in some gallo-rage, etc....
Usually not going to prison for long.


Some one said earlier that Dominicans don't carry a grudge. Are you kidding ? Agree with you donP. Revenge killings here are notorius. Feuds that go on for generations. And not just Domincans against Dominicans.


May 29, 2013
It is unfortunate most want the quick money instead of long term business.

I go to one Centro de Internet close to where I live, had been going there for a while.

He has a chart of his prices right in front of you when you sit down and talk with him. Black & white copies - 5 pesos.

I had him make one B&W copy for me.

"Cuanto es?"

"10 pesos"

This is the 3rd time he has overcharged me, and now he's struck out.

He lost at least RD$500 in future business from me over 5 pesos three times.

Why would you give him 10 pesos for the copy when he already told you (on the sign) that it is 5 pesos? Just give him 5 and walk out. If you ask cuanto, he thinks you are willing to bargain, that is, pay more : )


Nov 20, 2013
you (we) wont be able to understand them, because you can travel....have experience, travel, education...can move leave go where you want to...they cant...they dont make trouble for themselves(rat) or finger peeps. y make an enemy??? lives 2 blocks away....
your worker is surviving eating and sleeping without you...he /they steal /get extra 300 dp extra well thats great life just returned to normal and dont have to go clean/work tomorrow,,,,he he he


Sep 29, 2014
In the end it's all the same.

Dominicans snap every once a while, killing someone in a traffic feud, their wives, novias and ex-girlfriends, a friend for a 150 Peso debt, the disco rival in some gallo-rage, etc....
Usually not going to prison for long.

The gringo snaps once in a life time (then in jail for ever) killing 21 in a mall/school shooting...

Who is to judge which is the 'better snapping'....? :cheeky:


Sure, some gringos have made some mistakes in the past, but that's why pencils have erasers.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Never pay in advance. Perhaps give the guy $100 pesos for lunch at most. Do not pay until the work is done the way you want it done, and make sure that the worker understands what you want precisely.

Not all Dominicans see things as you describe them. Maybe not even most, but I have no statistics.

This is good advice. I learned this the hard way when I had a car painted. The guy wanted several thousand pesos, with paint, bondo and labor included in the price. I gave him 1/2 and he promptly disappeared. He appeared about a week later and I learned that he had thrown the money around like a big shot, living "the life". Then he wanted more. I told him that there was no more money until the job was completed. It was done, and done well, in about 2 days. Lesson learned.

In Guatemala there is a saying, in Spanish: "M?sica pagada no se toca bien". The meaning is obvious: If you pay in advance, there is no motivation for the worker to do a superior job. If you haven't paid him yet he may suppose (rightly) that if he does a better job then he may get a tip; if you do tip, make sure that he knows that it is extra and that you don't feel that you were cheating him at the outset with a low price.

I like the analysis of the no win-win situation. Of course, different people have different ways of thinking and in this fast-changing world no two people think exactly alike. Having said that, the no win-win theory is probably more valid now than ever before.

*Comment on the forgoing: We are in a globalized world. Just remember that the Dominicans have no exclusive right to this thinking... it is becoming more and more popular. Wall Street has had thinking for decades. :rambo:


Nov 2, 2011
Great thread,
I have my own personal experiences. With my project I am lucky to have a gringo who has lived in R.D.20+ years who knows the culture and speaks spanish and married to a Dominican.
We use a Dominican for the concrete work. Junior hires the guys and we only talk business with Junior. One day, when the pump house was near completion two workers started complaining about money. I kept quiet, Thomas told them not to mix and concrete. We called Junior and told him he needs to tell his guy, who ever isn't happy pick up Thier tools and leave. We have 10 guys who want to work. Junior said just that and that was the end of . The job was done quickly, correctly and looked fantastic. We set a chain of command and stuck to it. I the owner do not deal with the help, out side of general conversation. I alway show the same respect I show to everyone. Thomas deals with the guy we hired and junior deals with his crew. This way the crew saves face, and junior is the bad guy, not the rich gringo. Plus we say what we do, and do what we say. No flip flopping.
I don't expect local to understand money in general. They don't have the opportunity to make lots of it, how to manage what they have , forget about them understand how money can make money. Maybe in a couple of generations the average person will. Not in today's world.
Also I agree with the other posters, if you know the price ,pay it. Don't ask, that's a sign of weakness pay it and walk out. Be fair but firm, be firm but not aggressive , if your aggressive leave an out so that person can save face. Remember more guys, that's all they have, if you dont, be prepared for payback when you least expect it.
Aug 6, 2006
Con dinero baila el perro. With money dances the dog.

M?sico pagado toca mal son. The paid musician plays a bad song.


New member
May 30, 2005
Shortly after I bought My House I had some work done , I had a verbal agreement with a Dominican "maestro"
And I paid as I saw work done
the total Agreement was for 240,000 Pesos, He paid his men and I paid Materials with receipts

Darnedest thing, He was as reliable as an atomic clock for 3 months ! Protected my interests and did a really nice job !
Right up until about the last week ! I owed him (as far as he was concerned) RD$7000.00 of the $240,000 and we had a little bit of work to do, mostly just finish work. and he disappeared. Whats funny about it is that I had held back RD$10,000 (without telling him) And planned to surprise him with a final payment of RD$17,000.00 Of course he spent his money like crazy over the 3 months and to finalize the work it cost me RD$10,000, with another Maestro. So I Guess I was the winner ! LOL True story ! I have had several Jobs done , Pay as you feel the work is done and not more. Similar to a draw on most contracts in Canada , the US. You only get paid for work completed. Here it is just less formal.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
"If it is the former, than you probably can't make it anywhere else anyway, and you fit in."
Indeed I do.


New member
Jul 26, 2014
I believe that if you treat dominicans with respect that they do see past tomorrow and wont try to get over on you. I employ six dominicans for now over 3 years and not one has missed one day of work or taken a pesos from me. You receive what you give in this life.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
I believe that if you treat dominicans with respect that they do see past tomorrow and wont try to get over on you. I employ six dominicans for now over 3 years and not one has missed one day of work or taken a pesos from me. You receive what you give in this life.

you receive what you give in life?

who told you that one?
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