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    Rats do not lie, and, when the stakes are this high, neither do they gamble
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    Toxic Pesticides

    "The Dominican government continues to allow the import of these toxic chemicals despite the evidence of their effects on humans and the environment. With no regulatory agency in place to monitor pesticide import and use, these toxic chemicals will continue to make their way into study region...
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    count your moles....

    "The number of moles may offer an indication of how quickly the body ages, a study suggests. King's College London scientists compared key ageing DNA with the number of moles in a study of 1,800 twins. They found the more moles a person had, the more likely their DNA was to have the properties...
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    Crime and the environment

    A community parodoxically called ?Para?so de Dios? in Haina happens to be one of the 10 top contaminated places on Earth, including Chernobyl. Over 90% of children living in this community have about 10 times the maximum allowed blood threshold levels of lead according to the WHO (World Health...
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    NaS batteries

    All emerging new technologies in the field of energy is DR relevant, both environmentally and economically (just in case ;) ) "A new type of a room-size battery, however, may be poised to store energy for the nation's vast electric grid almost as easily as a reservoir stockpiles water...
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    Warning for motorists entering Santo Domingo from Cibao

    A massive protest has practically closed down the highway (Autopista Duarte) leading into Santo Domingo. Traffic is backed up from Pedro Brandt (Kilometer 25) to Villa Altagracia (Kilometer 45). Regular army troups have been called in to restore order and open the road. The protest started...
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    Dominican historian Bernardo Vega, in an interview published in today?s HOY DIGITAL, mentions, after reviewing the recently declassified CIA documents known as Family Jewels, that during the 1960s, the CIA outfit in the DR was second only to Vietnam in number of agents.. Bernardo Vega emphasizes...
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    More job cuts...

    The Associated Press Published: June 27, 2007 "Hanesbrands Inc. announced Wednesday it will cut 5,300 jobs and close nine sewing and assembly operations in five countries." "The underwear and apparel maker will close plants affecting nearly 5,000 employees in Canada, the United States...
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    DR hotel occupancy rate is dropping....

    According to ASONAHORES, hotel occupancy rate has dropped dramatically from last year (2006-2007). Here?s some figures, by region in percentage points? Boca Chica/Juan Dolio .?.. ?3.8% Sosua/Cabarete?.. ?4.4% Samanᅅ. ?8.2% Puerto Plata?.. ?1.6% Romana/Bayahibe?.. ?1.4% DIARIOLIBRE
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    Forced Labor of Children

    In today's CLAVEDIGITAL there's an article that quotes from a US State Department Report which accuses the DR government as an accomplice in the forced labor of both Haitian and Dominican children, adding that the DR government does nothing to help the victims or take firm actions against...
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    I'm Back in the DR

    Flew in from England in Air Europa Didn't get to bed last night Oh, the way the paper bag was on my knee Man, I had a dreadful flight I'm back in the DR You don't know how lucky you are, boy Back in the DR, yeah Been away so long I hardly knew the place Gee, it's good to be back home...
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    Don't brush your teeth!!! ...yet!

    Taday's Listin Diario article informs the public about the introduction of a toothpaste that contains a toxic substance, via Panama, where a product with the ingredient already has caused over 100 deaths. The shipment entered the country declared as animal feed, during different dates, through...
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    German tourism has fallen more than 50%

    According to German Ambassador Karl A. Kohler, German tourism to the DR has fallen from about 500,000 visitors a year in 2000 to only 230,000 visitors now, a situation he attributes to the country's lacks order, cleanliness and security...
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    Mexicanos muestran el culo

    18,000 Mexicans Strip for Nude Photograph Fox News
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    they're stealing the church bells....

    This morning the Catholic faithful of Sabana Buey missed their morning mass. During the night, thieves broke into the bell tower and stole both bells!. Days ago, the 500 lbs bell of the Church of Los Alcarrizos was also stolen. El Nacional In the meantime, the DR chalked up a US$100 million...
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    Hanes laying off 1400 workers in Haina

    "Hanesbrands Inc. will close at three plants in the Dominican Republic and cut 1,400 jobs as part of its ongoing effort to become more efficient, the company announced." The Business Journal Wait for a spike in crime in neighboring Santo Domingo...
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    La Piedra Pre?ada

    Many years ago, when I painted for a living, I would carry a few canvases to a place around the middle of the Quibor desert, in midwestern Venezuela, and painted the far away hills and other desert motifs. One day, I stumbled upon an old men in his nineties, bent over with a walking stick...
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    becoming too emotional...

    Deleted as it's more political BS!
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    Santo Domingo Carnaval Parade 2007

    Here's a few pictures taken by my daughter Alexandra (14) this afternoon of the carnaval parade on the malec?n...
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    Brujer?a y hechicer?a

    Whatever you call it, it?s plain old witchcraft and sorcery, and I doubt any of you living in the DR has not been exposed to it. Personally, I find it healthy and amusing, the symbolic lengths certain people will go to influence you? Here?s two of my most recent encounters. A few weeks ago...