Make the best out of a bad situation.....LOLAm I missing something here?
you are trying to stop her ,but also want her to pretty up for this?
She never told me who pushed for the marriage, but she is the typical African American woman cant keep her mouth shut. I told her she is coming into his world so better learn to adapt .....FASTIs this funny Friday?
Your friend is going to marry a guy she has never met in person and you are worried about her eyebrows? Who pushed to get married so fast? If it was him, he will not care how she dresses or her eyebrows, he will love her as is.
Teach her what to watch for so she can be sure if he's not a sankie . Actually if she is member she should be reading way way down the list to find all sankie signs.
Good luck changing her mind
Does she speak Spanish?
What's the plan after they get married? Live in DR? Live in US? What about the kids (both sets)?
About how old is this woman? The guy?
So many questions! Sorry
so shes a member of the forum and has read everything so what can we say that hasnt been said
Isn't she concerned about her children living with a total stranger?They haven't met him or spent any time
with him to win their trust.She should be looking out first for the welfare of her children.She doesn't know
anything about this man and yet she's bringing him home to live with her children.She is a foolish woman.
bronzeallspice, it will be some time before she's able to get him a US visa, if ever. They'll have time......
For what I posted she is so mad
bronzeallspice, it will be some time before she's able to get him a US visa, if ever. They'll have time......
I'd be mad, too. You really can't tell from your original post if you want her to succeed or to fail. You seem to want her to up her game, which will only make her more attractive to said sanky. And I don't understand why you expect a person to accept advice from strangers when she won't accept it from you, someone who supposedly cares for her and knows her. The comments about hygiene were out of place when you knew she'd see them, friend.
Having said that, on the basis of immigration alone, it's unwise to marry site unseen or with very little face time. They ask about it, and it's only really accepted in certain cultures and countries, and the US/DR for the most part isn't like that. More than meeting a sanky, I think it's sometimes a slap in the face for Americans, myself included, who believe that being an American citizen means something when you go to the consulate. Never gotten worse treatment from any government agency than Immigration in the US.
So certainly, go see, enjoy. As an adult, she's entitled to make her own mistakes. While your motive as a friend is to prevent her from great pain that you predict she will experience, you're overstepping.
good luck with this!!! from what I've heard, his chance of getting into the US, (even if recently married), is about the same as a snowball's chance in hell -- or on the beach in the D.R. at least she's not planning to drag her poor kids to the D.R. still think it's not exactly stellar parenting!!!!
you know what? i take it all back, don't let her pluck anything. just hide a bear trap in her under belly jungle rug. this should do the great job of controlling a groom-to-be.