american doctors attacked in SD


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
which is the local way of saying

yankee go home

this country is PAVED in dentists and doctors

go away with your charity stuff

you are taking away our livelyhood

the DENTAL union here is very tough

You really need to stop waking and baking, come on now Annie, it's not even 8AM, and you are hitting the WACKY TABACKY?

This was a plain old armed robbery @9PM after dark of tourists flaunting cameras, and jewelry, this had nothing to do with their "medical mission". Were they dressed in OR greens? What makes you say this was a "go home Green Go" mob hit?
I thought you were a reporter?


Dec 11, 2003
the degrees in the united states are doctor of dental science dds or doctor of dental medicine dmd

they are doctors in that sense and in the states, they are all University graduates

sorry by that i meant that you must have four years of undergrad then dental school which is stupid

but it is the dental association which keeps the entry level so high that dentists make fortunes there.. right up with MDs

stupid.. no one ever died of a toothache

the dentist intern who worked for mine, did a root canal THROUGH a gold crown.. and had to REPEAT two years in order to go to the States and be qualified to practice.

she did it.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
i find this hard to swallow. do you mean that nobody witnessed this? nobody stepped up to help? it just makes no sense to me. i am waiting for the next chapter in this saga.


Dec 11, 2003
You really need to stop waking and baking, come on now Annie, it's not even 8AM, and you are hitting the WACKY TABACKY?

This was a plain old armed robbery @9PM after dark of tourists flaunting cameras, and jewelry, this had nothing to do with their "medical mission". Were they dressed in OR greens? What makes you say this was a "go home Green Go" mob hit?
I thought you were a reporter?

tambo.. i am a writer.. i am at work.

a writer is a person who wrote today


Dec 11, 2003
i find this hard to swallow. do you mean that nobody witnessed this? nobody stepped up to help? it just makes no sense to me. i am waiting for the next chapter in this saga.

no it is a very dark and desolate area near the conservatory of music... there is activity at night only on the weekends. The street is not well let and there is no police patrol....
right near the us embassy and the theater

they need to upgrade the police

i am sure that they will

santo domingo is actually very quick.. they are building up this neighborhood... because this is my neighborhood i see real progress since Danilo took over..


Sep 27, 2006
i could actually see it happen: a group of dominican dentists slapping their fists on the tables in some poor lit (of course) room in a barrio, shouting: ladrones quien ofrecen servicios dentales gratis! roban nustra vida, roban nuestro dinero! muerte! muerte a los sin verguenza!
then put on dental masks dyed black, don black tight an capes and then run into the night to attack the offenders. yes.

and castle: all dentists are doctors, no? at least in poland they are, the same medical school for some time and then a split.
Dec 26, 2011
A revolutionary concept: Move every cop from the task of ripping off locals and tourists to protecting them.

Ludicrous, I know.
Dec 26, 2011
Much more detailed report:
Ram?n P?rez Reyes
Santo Domingo
Veinte m?dicos norteamericanos fueron asaltados la noche del pasado lunes por dos j?venes motorizados que los interceptaron en la cercan?a de la esquina formada por las avenidas M?ximo G?mez y Bol?var de la capital.
Los extranjeros, que se encuentran en el pa?s realizando operativos m?dicos odontol?gicos, a trav?s de la oficina del senador del Distrito Nacional, Reinaldo Pared P?rez; salieron alrededor de las 9:00 de la noche del hotel donde se hospedan y cuando un primer grupo caminaba cerca de la G?mez, uno de los asaltantes se desmont? de la motocicleta, pistola en mano, y le pidi? darle lo que ten?an. Pero no se quedaron ah?, otro grupo ya iba por la Bol?var, cerca del templo de Los Mormones, y hasta all? llegaron y tambi?n lo asaltaron.
El primer grupo asaltado estaba compuesto por siete hombres y dos mujeres, pertenecientes a la Fundaci?n M?dica G3, de la Universidad de Utah, Estados Unidos. ?Uno de ellos me puso la pistola en mi cabeza y me dijo que te mato si no me das los relojes, los ipad, las tarjetas, dinero, anillos y yo le dije que no, que de nosotros no tendr? nada, pero hab?a otro muchacho que no vimos atr?s del grupo y comenz? a quitar las mochilas y rob? una c?mara de tres mil d?lares y los otros objetos?, narr? Ken Dibble, uno de los afectados.
Dijo que el grupo grit? y cuando apareci? un hombre de la seguridad se fueron a la otra calle y vieron al otro grupo de ellos y tambi?n les robaron. Ese grupo estaba integrado por nueve hombres y dos mujeres.
Argument? que pueden comprobar que se trata de los mismos porque ten?an los objetos robados del primer grupo, como las mochilas. Explic? que el caso fue reportado la misma noche a la Polic?a Nacional.
?No era muy tarde, eran las nueve. Est?bamos viendo el templo de los mormones. Tenemos reglas y las cumplimos. No salimos tarde y solos... siempre en grupo?, agreg? Dibble. Agreg? que tiene diez a?os viniendo aqu? y nunca le hab?a pasado nada. A pesar de lo sucedido, el odont?logo dijo que seguir? prestando su ayuda humanitaria al pa?s, tal y como lo ha hecho en los ?ltimos diez a?os.
?Eso pudo haber pasado en cualquier otro lugar, como Nueva York?, concluy?.

M?dicos de EEUU son asaltados en la Bol?var? -


You guys called it.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Much more detailed report:
Ram?n P?rez Reyes
Santo Domingo
Veinte m?dicos norteamericanos fueron asaltados la noche del pasado lunes por dos j?venes motorizados que los interceptaron en la cercan?a de la esquina formada por las avenidas M?ximo G?mez y Bol?var de la capital.
Los extranjeros, que se encuentran en el pa?s realizando operativos m?dicos odontol?gicos, a trav?s de la oficina del senador del Distrito Nacional, Reinaldo Pared P?rez; salieron alrededor de las 9:00 de la noche del hotel donde se hospedan y cuando un primer grupo caminaba cerca de la G?mez, uno de los asaltantes se desmont? de la motocicleta, pistola en mano, y le pidi? darle lo que ten?an. Pero no se quedaron ah?, otro grupo ya iba por la Bol?var, cerca del templo de Los Mormones, y hasta all? llegaron y tambi?n lo asaltaron.
El primer grupo asaltado estaba compuesto por siete hombres y dos mujeres, pertenecientes a la Fundaci?n M?dica G3, de la Universidad de Utah, Estados Unidos. “Uno de ellos me puso la pistola en mi cabeza y me dijo que te mato si no me das los relojes, los ipad, las tarjetas, dinero, anillos y yo le dije que no, que de nosotros no tendr? nada, pero hab?a otro muchacho que no vimos atr?s del grupo y comenz? a quitar las mochilas y rob? una c?mara de tres mil d?lares y los otros objetos”, narr? Ken Dibble, uno de los afectados.
Dijo que el grupo grit? y cuando apareci? un hombre de la seguridad se fueron a la otra calle y vieron al otro grupo de ellos y tambi?n les robaron. Ese grupo estaba integrado por nueve hombres y dos mujeres.
Argument? que pueden comprobar que se trata de los mismos porque ten?an los objetos robados del primer grupo, como las mochilas. Explic? que el caso fue reportado la misma noche a la Polic?a Nacional.
“No era muy tarde, eran las nueve. Est?bamos viendo el templo de los mormones. Tenemos reglas y las cumplimos. No salimos tarde y solos... siempre en grupo”, agreg? Dibble. Agreg? que tiene diez a?os viniendo aqu? y nunca le hab?a pasado nada. A pesar de lo sucedido, el odont?logo dijo que seguir? prestando su ayuda humanitaria al pa?s, tal y como lo ha hecho en los ?ltimos diez a?os.
“Eso pudo haber pasado en cualquier otro lugar, como Nueva York”, concluy?.

M?dicos de EEUU son asaltados en la Bol?var* -


You guys called it.

pollogringo, in my experience, i have come to realize that night follows day.


Jul 9, 2009
"“Eso pudo haber pasado en cualquier otro lugar, como Nueva York”, concluy?"

Absolutely, after all they are plenty of Dominicans there... :devious:


Dec 11, 2003
we are talking now about twenty men being attacked?

sounds like the LADRON must have Trained in NY

now we go to nyc where there dentists union is recruitng for the bravest ladron.. to attack 20 Gringo doctors, and the police.. well they would end up in Victoria, for sure.

So let us say that the dentists offered a thousand dollars for the hit

take it away d v eight
Dec 26, 2011
we are talking now about twenty men being attacked?

sounds like the LADRON must have Trained in NY

now we go to nyc where there dentists union is recruitng for the bravest ladron.. to attack 20 Gringo doctors, and the police.. well they would end up in Victoria, for sure.

So let us say that the dentists offered a thousand dollars for the hit

take it away d v eight

The attacked included members of the fairer sex.


New member
Oct 22, 2012
For Some Perspective - I did a Google New search "New York Robbery." Here is what comes up:

"Police are searching for a man they say robbed a bank in East Garden City on Long Island Tuesday afternoon."

"On the evening of January 13, the four teens, all males, believed to be between the ages of 15 and 18 years-old, approached a 53-year-old man on Westervelt Avenue in St. George, physically assaulted him, and fled with his cell phone."

"Sandy-battered Rockaway business robbed as owners try to rebuild
More than $10,000 worth of equipment stolen from Bungalow Bar and Restaurant as owners were set to rebuild the waterfront establishment wrecked in the storm."

"A pair of gunman are waging a reign of terror across Queens, holding up gas stations, pharmacies and supermarkets, sometimes robbing two stores a night."

"The Capital Bank on New York Avenue in Huntington was held up Monday night, with the robber escaping with an unknown amount of money."


the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
For Some Perspective - I did a Google New search "New York Robbery." Here is what comes up:

"Police are searching for a man they say robbed a bank in East Garden City on Long Island Tuesday afternoon."

"On the evening of January 13, the four teens, all males, believed to be between the ages of 15 and 18 years-old, approached a 53-year-old man on Westervelt Avenue in St. George, physically assaulted him, and fled with his cell phone."

"Sandy-battered Rockaway business robbed as owners try to rebuild
More than $10,000 worth of equipment stolen from Bungalow Bar and Restaurant as owners were set to rebuild the waterfront establishment wrecked in the storm."

"A pair of gunman are waging a reign of terror across Queens, holding up gas stations, pharmacies and supermarkets, sometimes robbing two stores a night."

"The Capital Bank on New York Avenue in Huntington was held up Monday night, with the robber escaping with an unknown amount of money."

i have a sneaky suspicion that there is a point in this posting. bear with me while i look for it.