We had a great success distributing the baseball equipment this year, to literally over 200 boys. This year we outfitted boys from Rancho el Medio, Carlos Pinto, Barahona, Jamao, Miracielo and Nigua. We tried something new this year, and it worked great! I brought down a big roll of double tickets, the kind they use for 50/50 raffles. Each boy received a ticket, and then I pulled numbers randomly from a bag. This way everyone had the same chance at picking first/early, and it was cute to see how excited they were while waiting and when their number was called.
This year we had so much more to give out. In addition to lots of donated used equipment and clothing, a client of our son donated 10 brand new Wilson gloves. (When we got those, the idea of using the tickets came to mind, and we split the new gloves up between the different groups). We probably had 75-100 gloves, at least 200 bats, about 75 pairs of cleats, helmets, equipment bags, batting gloves, baseball pants, jerseys, socks, you name it, we had it. As we did in the past, we gave everything directly to the kids, no middle men. Here are some random photos.
Those of you who helped pay for the shipping, THANK YOU! We couldn’t have done it without your help.
We arrived home last night in NJ, and laughed when we found two large bags on our porch. You guessed it, baseball equipment for next shipment.
Lining up to get their tickets in Miracielo
So hard to choose what to pick!
Some of the boys from Miracielo, the rest were already back on the field
Boys from Carlos Pinto waiting their turn
Boys from Carlos Pinto
Boys from Rancho el Medio
This boy missed coming with his team, so his grandma brought him to our house, he left very happy (so did abuela)
These three came by bus from Barahona to our house, they left at 4 a.m. and arrived about 11. We made the trip worth their while, outfitted the boy completely, gave his father softball bat and glove, and sent the coach with a bag full with catchers gear, balls, etc.
Volunteers ready to help distribute in Jamao. We did this giveaways through
Lindsey Kaufman’s Strength for the Journey
Waiting their turn in Jamao
The boys from Jamao and Lindsey