Deportations Will Begin Today


Dec 11, 2003

a) Las autoridades dominicanas de migraci?n se comprometen a no realizar
repatriaciones durante horas de la noche, es decir, entre 6:00 p.m. y 8:00 a.m.,
igualmente no har?n repatriaciones durante los domingos y d?as feriados de los dos
pa?ses, excepto entre las 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 m.
b) Las autoridades dominicanas de migraci?n evitar?n la separaci?n de familias
nucleadas (padres e hijos menores) en los procesos de las repatriaciones.
c) Las autoridades dominicanas de migraci?n se comprometen a realizar las
repatriaciones que se hagan hacia el territorio haitiano, exclusivamente a trav?s de
los puestos fronterizos de Jiman?/Malpasse, Dajab?n/Ouanaminthe, El?as
Pi?a/Belladere, y Pedernales/Anse-a-Pitre. Por su parte, el Gobierno haitiano se
compromete a reforzar y/o establecer puestos de inspecci?n migratoria en esos
lugares fronterizos que habr?n de recibir a los repatriados.
d) Las autoridades dominicanas de migraci?n reconocen los derechos humanos
inherentes a los repatriados y adoptar?n medidas concretas para hacer acompa?ar
a los repatriados de sus efectos personales, as? como a no retener los documentos
personales del repatriado, salvo que los mismos evidencien a juicio de dichas
autoridades vicios de legalidad, en estos casos ser?n retenidos y posteriormente
enviados a la Misi?n Diplom?tica haitiana en la Rep?blica Dominicana.
e) Las autoridades dominicanas migratorias entregar?n a cada repatriado una copia
del formulario individual que contiene la orden de su repatriaci?n.
f) Las autoridades dominicanas de migraci?n se comprometen a comunicar
previamente, dentro de un plazo razonable, a las autoridades diplom?ticas o
consulares haitianas acreditadas en el territorio dominicano, las listas de personas en proceso de repatriaci?n. Esas autoridades podr?n ejercer su funci?n de
asistencia consular.
g) Las autoridades haitianas proceder?n al establecimiento de puestos de control
migratorio a lo largo de la frontera dom?nico-haitiana, para evitar el flujo ilegal de
sus ciudadanos hacia la Rep?blica Dominicana.
h) El Gobierno haitiano se compromete a redoblar sus esfuerzos para dotar a sus
nacionales de documentos de identidad haitiana, en el contexto del flujo
migratorio potencial hacia la Rep?blica Dominicana.

this is the protocol under which the deportations are taking place


Dec 11, 2003
a) The Dominican immigration authorities undertake not to perform
repatriations during evening hours, ie between 6:00 pm and 8:00 am,
also will not make returns on Sundays and public holidays, the two
countries except between 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.
b) The Dominican immigration authorities will prevent the separation of families
nucleated (parents and minor children) in the process of repatriation.
c) The Dominican immigration authorities undertake to carry out the
returns to be made to the Haitian territory, exclusively through
border posts of Jiman? / Malpasse, Dajab?n / Ouanaminthe, Elias
Pineapple / Belladere, and Pedernales / Anse-a-Pitre. For its part, the Haitian Government
agree to strengthen and / or establish migration inspection posts in those
border areas that are to receive returnees.
d) The Dominican immigration authorities recognize human rights
inherent returnees and adopt concrete measures to accompany
returnees of their personal effects, and not to withhold documents
Personal returnee, unless the same judgment evidencing such
authorities of irregularities in these cases will be retained and subsequently
sent to the Haitian Diplomatic Mission in the Dominican Republic.
e) Migratory Dominican authorities delivered to) The Dominican immigration authorities shall issue to each repatriated back
individual form containing the repatriation order.
f) The Dominican immigration authorities undertake to communicate
previously, within a reasonable time, or diplomatic authorities
Haitian consular accredited in the Dominican territory, the lists of persons
The Haitian govein the repatriation process. These authorities may exercise their function
consular assistance.
g) The Haitian authorities shall establish checkpoints
immigration along the Dominican-Haitian border, to prevent illegal flow
its citizens to the Dominican Republic.
h) The Haitian government is committed to redouble their efforts to provide their
Haitian national identity documents in the context of the flow
potential for migration to the Dominican Republic.
Done in two originals in Spanish and French,


Jan 12, 2010
Yes MikeFisher , you are correct . Ignorance is no defence . However the situation is fluid here in relation to Habeus Corpus . I have seen accused released when the accuser is late in coming to the police station or the fiscal to commence proceedings. ..other times they are imprisoned for months .

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The US Embassy seems to think that habeus corpus applies to "foreigners"

Habeas Corpus: According to the Constitution of the Dominican Republic, any prisoner detained for more than 48 hours without being formally charged is entitled to request a hearing of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is a physical release of an arrestee from prison while awaiting trial. The presiding judge at the hearing is empowered to order the prisoner's release if he has been detained for more than 48 hours without being formally charged or there is insufficient proof of a crime to warrant further detention. The judge's decision to release is subject to appeal by the district attorney. A defendant released on habeas corpus is required to remain in the country until the charges are finally resolved.

I guess after 31 days, the right to habeus corpus will be rescinded?

Notice to foreign embassies to follow.
Any Dominican Citizen.
Anyways, entitled to request after 48 hrs doesn't mean one will be released. The DR also has preventative custody and they aren't about to rel?ase somebody to escape into the population. The DR isn't the USA where they rel?ase ilegal Aliens into the community , and then go kill somebody. Do ilegal Aliens get a trial for being illegally in a country?


Dec 11, 2003
I suspect that the DR will be very careful with the deportations

Dominican Republic: Start of Deportations

Press Statement
Mark C. Toner
Deputy Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
August 14, 2015
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The United States is aware of the decision by the Dominican Republic to begin deporting persons who are deemed illegally present in the country. We recognize the prerogative of the Dominican Republic to remove individuals from its territory who are present without authorization. At the same time, we urge the Dominican Republic to avoid mass deportations and to conduct any deportations in a transparent manner that fully respects the human rights of deportees. Deportation procedures must adhere to clear, publicly available and verifiable protocols and procedures. Dominican nationality and migration policies and practices should be consistent with Dominican law and the Dominican Republic?s international obligations and commitments.

We urge the Government of the Dominican Republic to permit the observation of deportation proceedings by civil society groups and international organizations, such as the International Organization for Migration and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, including at the borders. We remain deeply concerned that individuals with a right to citizenship or otherwise eligible to remain in the Dominican Republic may not have had sufficient time and means to access the processes to regulate and formalize their status and have their claims adjudicated. Therefore, it is imperative that the Dominican Republic effectively screen people potentially subject to deportation to determine if they are Dominican citizens, require international protection, or are eligible for naturalization or regularization. In all cases, the Dominican Republic should take measures adequate to prevent the risk of statelessness and the discriminatory confiscation of documents.

We encourage the Dominican Republic and Haiti to consult and collaborate with each other to develop effective processes and procedures for the safe and orderly return of migrants across their shared border. These processes should be consistent with each country?s international obligations and commitments, uphold the rule of law, provide procedural safeguards to guarantee appropriate treatment of deportees, and facilitate the immediate return of individuals deported from the Dominican Republic who have a right of citizenship or presence in the country.

The United States will continue to actively monitor developments in the Dominican Republic, and engage the Government of the Dominican Republic to ensure the protection of human rights, encourage social inclusion of all people, and work to prevent the arbitrary deprivation of nationality for legal citizens.


Dec 11, 2003
Bob - I hit the dislike because it is just so very stupid of you to think that the laws of this country only apply to DOMINICANS and not to all the foreigners who are here.

WAIT -- AIRGORDO thinks that maybe "illegal aliens" should not have the right of habeus corpus?

like they are somehow enemy combatants at Gitmo?

well, true -- the DR can change the constitution on Thursday so that it does not apply to anyone except those born in the DR itself to two Dominican born parents.

That would take effect on Monday.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Yes MikeFisher , you are correct . Ignorance is no defence . However the situation is fluid here in relation to Habeus Corpus . I have seen accused released when the accuser is late in coming to the police station or the fiscal to commence proceedings. ..other times they are imprisoned for months .

if a accuser does not show up to officially make his accusations in front of the Magistrado/Fiscal,
the accused one of a minor delict will be released.
such has nothing to do with the habeus corpi clausula,
it's simply because there is no reason to to keep somebody in a cell without someone accusing his/her of something.
people should not be for months in a cell at a police station just in a holding cell without beeing accused of anything, never heard about that one.
once presented at a prehearing, there they take the decision about how long a accused person stays in preventive/investigational Prison. such decided time lies always between minimum of 3 months and up to one year. it can after expiration of the set time frame be extended by the next judge, if he see's reasons that the prosecutor or the defendend's side need more time to prepare their case.
it is absolutely normal, that it takes years before a real trial in front of a 1st instance court(that's a bunch of 5, sometimes 3 judges) takes part. only cases of significant public interest/importance get quicker dates set in the overfilled calendars of the courts.
during/for that given time frame a accused person can request to be set free on Bail.
if considered a flight risk and such bail is denied, a accused person can stay in prison for years before a real 1st instance court evaluates his/her case for the first time.
and always keep in mind:
a Foreigner, with a foreign passport, is ALWAYS a highest flight risk.
so Bails will always be set on maximum levels,
in case of serious accusations Bail will almost surely be denied.



Kansas redneck an proud of it
Apr 23, 2004
Heard enough. Haitian returnees are Haiti's problem, They need to provide for them. as one of the articles Anni posted says most have no documentation, again Haiti's problem. The NGOs and their own elites have been raping the countries for Decades. While crying that everyone else should fix the problem for them.

News Flash stand on your own two feet and fix your own problem. I can say the same for the economic refugees in Europe. Hold them in camps as long as to takes to vet them, if they are not true, asylum candidates them send them back.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Bob - I hit the dislike because it is just so very stupid of you to think that the laws of this country only apply to DOMINICANS and not to all the foreigners who are here.

WAIT -- AIRGORDO thinks that maybe "illegal aliens" should not have the right of habeus corpus?

like they are somehow enemy combatants at Gitmo?

well, true -- the DR can change the constitution on Thursday so that it does not apply to anyone except those born in the DR itself to two Dominican born parents.

That would take effect on Monday.

of course the Laws of the DR apply to verybody, DR Citizens, legal foreign Residents and even illegal Immigrants alike.
one question comes to mind, while typing this:
what says the dominican Law about a Illegal Border Crossing?(i am not talking overstaying of a Tourist Card, as such person would cross the border legally and then just commit a violation to immigrations laws, by staying longer than allowed, working without permit etc).
for example in the EU, illegal border crossing is a crime and can be punished with jailtime,
so such person could first be handled as a criminal, do time behind bars, and THEN would be up for deportation.
not that the stu europeans would enforce their laws on such, not much or often at least.
they do the same as the DR on so many points,
they have laws on one side, but how things are handled is something very different, so often.
somebody knows about the DR Law in case of Illegal Border Crossing?



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Heard enough. Haitian returnees are Haiti's problem, They need to provide for them. as one of the articles Anni posted says most have no documentation, again Haiti's problem. The NGOs and their own elites have been raping the countries for Decades. While crying that everyone else should fix the problem for them.

News Flash stand on your own two feet and fix your own problem. I can say the same for the economic refugees in Europe. Hold them in camps as long as to takes to vet them, if they are not true, asylum candidates them send them back.

basically right,
but the handling of such is not the same easy, as just follow your own written Laws about such thing and kick 'em all out at once.
because a sovereign country, like the DR, member of brothahoods who swore on human rights and such,
such country/countries have aside of their own sovereign laws, also the obligation to act in a human way, respect human rights, avoid human desasters.
a simple example, as for DR on the Haitian masses to deport,
the DR has the moral obligation(and also agreed to act accordingly) to not run mass deportations, in numbers which the receiving country(Haiti) could not handle, which would lead to a human desaster, if 100.000 deportees would be carried to the border and kicked out within a few days/couple weeks.
and the DR is doing so far nothing wrong,
they do not sweep the whole country permanently, taking in thousands per day, kicking out thousands per day.
the opposite,
by my own observation they run it too slow, they should hurry up a bit more, to be believed that they really have the intention to run according to their new Immigrations Policies.
but nobody can accuse the DR of producing any human desaster, to date i did not see a report where deportations took place violating human rights.
it's in my opinion handled well better and a thousand times more peaceful than in Europe, but then in europe they have a violent species of humans as immigrants, compared to them the Haitian illegals here are nice quiet well behaved Angels, so the stuff can not be compared any easy/at all.
on the other hand, talking numbers,
the DR has per Capita a higher number of illegals to handle, than the EU does, considering the number of population of the 28 UNunited EU members in comparison to the small population of the DR with a high number of illegals already on the grounds.
til now i say, that no intl community/other country/organization has any reason to complain about the way the DR is running their thing.
if all Mass-Movements of Humans on the Planet would run as peaceful and organized(YES, I used that word with the DR on this case!!!) as the Immigrations Crisis in DR, then the Planet def would be a better place than it really is todays.


bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Bob - I hit the dislike because it is just so very stupid of you to think that the laws of this country only apply to DOMINICANS and not to all the foreigners who are here.

WAIT -- AIRGORDO thinks that maybe "illegal aliens" should not have the right of habeus corpus?

like they are somehow enemy combatants at Gitmo?

well, true -- the DR can change the constitution on Thursday so that it does not apply to anyone except those born in the DR itself to two Dominican born parents.

That would take effect on Monday.

LOL, MA when you actually make an accurate quote and analysis of Dominican laws and constitution I'll take you Dislikes more seriously.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
4800 since mid august,
that averages around 80 per day, nothing else.
and they deport only 5 days per week, right?
that comes to around 20K's per year, correct?
200K per Decade.
as awaited, this century they will not get rid of the what, 1 million or more illegals on the grounds?, considering the numbers of daily Incoming Fence Hoppers??
nice complaint link,
the kid has zero papers, says his parents never had, so he did not register anywhere and has nothing of any proof about whom he is or where he came from?
well, they should declare him stateless and leave him for further procedures with the intl organization in charge for stateless people. if he get's lucky they send him with a new idendity/passport/BC and free wellfare cash to the USA or Canada or Germany, he could only improve on the procedure, compared to his situation found here in DR.



On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
Dijo que las repatriaciones han continuado su ritmo normal y que diariamente la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n est? enviando un promedio de 250 inmigrantes haitianos a su pa?s.

Quote today from Paulino Sem in Listin Diario article.......average of 250 daily now

300 days left in year x 250 = 75,000 + 4850........about 80k annually

If he only refers to a 5 day week then we get just short of 60k
Last edited:


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
We read in today's papers that the border crossings are closed - that no one is going out or coming in, not even if they have a visa.
Sep 4, 2012
Dijo que las repatriaciones han continuado su ritmo normal y que diariamente la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n est? enviando un promedio de 250 inmigrantes haitianos a su pa?s.

Quote today from Paulino Sem in Listin Diario article.......average of 250 daily now

Nothing compared to the Balaguer days.