Deportations Will Begin Today


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
We read in today's papers that the border crossings are closed - that no one is going out or coming in, not even if they have a visa.

so they are not even deporting their 250 peep's today or tomorrow?
looks like there are some hurdles to take
to reach anything near your "year's" estimates.
the Fact:
til now, since august 16th, only 4800 deported, thats 80 per day and even that number will decrease with the border closed.
wanna bet that more than 4800 haitians crossed the border from There to HERE since august 16th??
as a flat rate,
since the "deportations" begun,
i would estimate that we do not have a single haitian less in DR than we had prior to august 16th.



Jun 17, 2005
so they are not even deporting their 250 peep's today or tomorrow?
looks like there are some hurdles to take
to reach anything near your "year's" estimates.
the Fact:
til now, since august 16th, only 4800 deported, thats 80 per day and even that number will decrease with the border closed.
wanna bet that more than 4800 haitians crossed the border from There to HERE since august 16th??
as a flat rate,
since the "deportations" begun,
i would estimate that we do not have a single haitian less in DR than we had prior to august 16th.


and not a single overstayer less also.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
so they are not even deporting their 250 peep's today or tomorrow?
looks like there are some hurdles to take
to reach anything near your "year's" estimates.
the Fact:
til now, since august 16th, only 4800 deported, thats 80 per day and even that number will decrease with the border closed.
wanna bet that more than 4800 haitians crossed the border from There to HERE since august 16th??
as a flat rate,
since the "deportations" begun,
i would estimate that we do not have a single haitian less in DR than we had prior to august 16th.


Dijo que las repatriaciones han continuado su ritmo normal y que diariamente la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n est? enviando un promedio de 250 inmigrantes haitianos a su pa?s.

Average 250 daily now.....and they only just started this whole thing 8 weeks ago.......they are still ramping up

Yes 4850 to date...and as we know very few first few weeks...several hundred by 1st week in September...getting much quicker now.

Why ask me?

Read what DGM have said and speculate if you want.

What they set out to do in their Strategic Plan 2015 - 2019 as posted on DGM website is quite achievable on the basis of what Paulino Sem is saying and doing.

And everybody can all judge this Plan when it comes to an end and review it's progress given a decent amount of time rather than speculate now.

He said this too today:

Declar? sin embargo, que las repatriaciones no solo han afectado a los haitianos, sino tambi?n a otros ciudadanos extranjeros cuyo estatus de ilegalidad era similar.

Judge him in 2019 with interim annual reviews.


Nov 18, 2002
4800 since mid august,
that averages around 80 per day, nothing else.
and they deport only 5 days per week, right?
that comes to around 20K's per year, correct?
200K per Decade.
as awaited, this century they will not get rid of the what, 1 million or more illegals on the grounds?, considering the numbers of daily Incoming Fence Hoppers??
nice complaint link,
the kid has zero papers, says his parents never had, so he did not register anywhere and has nothing of any proof about whom he is or where he came from?
well, they should declare him stateless and leave him for further procedures with the intl organization in charge for stateless people. if he get's lucky they send him with a new idendity/passport/BC and free wellfare cash to the USA or Canada or Germany, he could only improve on the procedure, compared to his situation found here in DR.

Haha, I like your way of calculating: 4800 in 2 months averaged 80 per day (60 days), but then you change to only 5 days per week deporting and get to 20,000 per year. If they only deport on weekdays 4800 in 2 months gives 120 per day, 600 per week and 30,000 per year. Still not a lot, but I guess the deporting has an effect of less illegals trying to enter the country and others decide to leave by themselves.


Jun 17, 2005
All your speculating and number crunching still have no bearing on how the government will approach Ex-pats who OVERSTAY their visas/tourist cards. So far, as far as I can tell, NO ONE HAS BEEN DEPORTED in that category. Zip it, shut up and dont' worry about it. What happens, HAPPENS.

We all know that this was nothing to do with anybody but Haitians. Period.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
I never believe one statistic the DR government releases. They are kings of doublespeak.

What Paulino Sem says might be worth following. To date I suspect that everything he has said since assuming charge of DGM at a most difficult time back just before the end of the Regularization Plan has happened.

He seems to be devoted to his role and the rules and objectives that have been set for him. He comes across as a very effective and determined CEO. Perhaps you better hope he has some of those flaws you think every Dominican has.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
We all know that this was nothing to do with anybody but Haitians. Period.

You are wrong here and the report confirms it. People overstaying a tourist stay do get deported even if not Haitian.

Only SKY has any credibility right now because he has said consistently that no gringos ( and he means the American variety) have or will be deported for overstaying their tourist stay.

But he has until 2019 to wait to retain his credibility.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
All your speculating and number crunching still have no bearing on how the government will approach Ex-pats who OVERSTAY their visas/tourist cards. So far, as far as I can tell, NO ONE HAS BEEN DEPORTED in that category. Zip it, shut up and dont' worry about it. What happens, HAPPENS.

Exactly. And if it happens (to a NA gringo rather than other nationalities as reported) in the next 4 years , they have no one other than themselves to blame.

Hopefully we still keep getting news from DGM from time to time to keep the gallery especially 'meemselle' content.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014

You are wrong in stating that only SKY believes that no gringo has/ will be deported for "overstaying a tourist visa". From what I can tell there are only about 5 people on the board who think as you do. Outside of DR1 this debate does not exist, everyone knows better.

BTW, what does your screen name mean?

I don't think or speculate like you.

I have stated what the law and rules book says and reported what the DGM says. Told you to consult legal advice if in doubt.

You are an adult and must make up your own mind and best of luck.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
the cubans up for deportations, are caught viajeros.
the 14 persons from India, are caught viajeros.
the deported Dutch guy been on the Intl wanted list.
the 4 colombian guys i have no info about.
til now,
not a single person of non Haitian heritage/descent been deported from the DR due overstaying anything, and much less a Tourist Card.
don't forget, Cubans can not buy a tourist card, they would need a Visitor Visa to enter the DR legally.
nobody is searching anywhere for tourists on a overstayed tourist card.
as i explained you in prior posts on those topics,
once a government wanna get rid of s person, without wasting court time/resources on minor offense people or people"seen" guilty by hard to proof for anything, then the overstay of a tourist card and/or a Visitor Visa or leak of obtaining either, can be used to kick such person out of DR.
as long as such person is not wanted "out" for something else, so long nobody will search for a person on a overstayed tourist card.
IF they ever decide to change the handling of that thingy, would mean they would first announce such "future action" and give a time frame/deadline for it to take place.
they also sure would take a way the overstay fees prior to do such "announcement".
people on a overstayed tourist card, who clearly LIVE in DR permanently and/or even work here/or online from here(which is clearly prohibited to do , not even allowed within the 60/90 days of the tourist card allowance), maybe once in a while such person may be caught accidentally/by coincedence due other circumstances, but solely for overstaying a tourist card without working in DR, nobody will be bothered.



On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014

As usual you are making false inferences. I have stated numerous times that there are valid reasons to have residency and citizenship: driver’s license, gun permits, professional licenses are just a few. I am at a loss as to why you and a handful of others spend so much time trying to scare non-residents away from the island? If I recall you are Mexican, not Dominican, so some misguide nationalism cannot be the answer. Perhaps you are just trolling or you are a shill for some interest (an immigration lawyer, another country’s tourism board) or you just have some type of grudge against the Dominican Republic for some reason?

If a country wants you it will state the rules. Here the rules are in black and white and to avoid zero confusion there was an amnesty and a Plan.

I love DR. and I am principled and agree to DR's rules and became a resident. This is very common for all nationalities seeking a new life in ALL other regional countries to follow rules which get enforced.

Don't for one moment doubt me. I love DR and have shown my commitment. You haven't, so don't try questioning me. Apart from conjugating with your spouse and trying to look good you have done nothing to suggest you really love this country.

I have been all over this land that I love for all it's imperfections and I frequently post accordingly about my enjoyment. I don't harp back to my homeland for comparisons.

It is a developing nation and deserves more respect from a very few like you.


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
the cubans up for deportations, are caught viajeros.
the 14 persons from India, are caught viajeros.
the deported Dutch guy been on the Intl wanted list.
the 4 colombian guys i have no info about.
til now,
not a single person of non Haitian heritage/descent been deported from the DR due overstaying anything, and much less a Tourist Card.
don't forget, Cubans can not buy a tourist card, they would need a Visitor Visa to enter the DR legally.
nobody is searching anywhere for tourists on a overstayed tourist card.
as i explained you in prior posts on those topics,
once a government wanna get rid of s person, without wasting court time/resources on minor offense people or people"seen" guilty by hard to proof for anything, then the overstay of a tourist card and/or a Visitor Visa or leak of obtaining either, can be used to kick such person out of DR.
as long as such person is not wanted "out" for something else, so long nobody will search for a person on a overstayed tourist card.
IF they ever decide to change the handling of that thingy, would mean they would first announce such "future action" and give a time frame/deadline for it to take place.
they also sure would take a way the overstay fees prior to do such "announcement".
people on a overstayed tourist card, who clearly LIVE in DR permanently and/or even work here/or online from here(which is clearly prohibited to do , not even allowed within the 60/90 days of the tourist card allowance), maybe once in a while such person may be caught accidentally/by coincedence due other circumstances, but solely for overstaying a tourist card without working in DR, nobody will be bothered.


Sorry Mike again a rare disagreement. I read Spanish quite well and no point trying to tell me a Cuban or Indian is anything other another foreigner who overstayed his tourist stay as most clearly reported. I guess I'm not so racial as many. Only SKY has posted clearly. Glad you have inside knowledge on the Dutch guy and Albanian...share it.

We have 4 more years to judge all this so it appears you have joined the chorus and will eat humble pie if you are wrong in those next 51 months.
Last edited:


Jun 17, 2005
Sorry Mike again a rare disagreement. I read Spanish quite well and no point trying to tell me a Cuban or Indian is anything other another foreigner who overstayed his tourist stay. I guess I'm not so racial as many. Only SKY has posted clearly. Glad you have inside knowledge on the Dutch guy and Albanian...share it.

We have 4 more years to judge all this so it appears you have joined the chorus and will eat humble pie if you are wrong in those next 51 months.

Why 51 months?


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
To end of 2019 as the Strategic Plan for Immigration 2015 - 2019 which is concise and posted with interim objectives on the new DGM website.

Yep, you have 51 months to wait to prove your case. Mine is simply that it is what is written and could happen any time lol.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Sorry Mike again a rare disagreement. I read Spanish quite well and no point trying to tell me a Cuban or Indian is anything other another foreigner who overstayed his tourist stay as most clearly reported. I guess I'm not so racial as many. Only SKY has posted clearly. Glad you have inside knowledge on the Dutch guy and Albanian...share it.

We have 4 more years to judge all this so it appears you have joined the chorus and will eat humble pie if you are wrong in those next 51 months.

i don't like pies and such stuff,
i love my steaks and will continue to eat them, first class, as usual.
and my joy on doing so, living my life my way, does not the slightest depend on anything related to immigrations or such stuff. form my side they can deport everybody who lives here illegally or works here illegally, i would not cry a tear for a single one.
but they are not that stup1d to bother their big income venue, named Tourism, and deporting people who overstay a toursit card allowance, just for that, without working or living here illegally, such would be a not significant but in the press noticed small dirty dot an a white jacket, no need for such.
the overstaying mid term visitors pay anyways their overstay fees upon departure, and they have their return ticket purchased/handy to show it as proof that they are just overstaying tourists, and not illegal immigrants.
and that is the significant difference between those 2 groups, whom some seem not be capable to differ between.
a TOURIST, is OBLIGED to hold a return flight ticket, as simple as that.
even bothered in any ID check thingy with no ID or such handy, once interrogated the ID will be revealed and the existence of a return ticket can easily be prooved/ confirmed.
a illegal Immigrant does not hold such ticket, hence here the line can be drawn withotu any big affords necessary.
a snowbird, mid-term tourist/visitor, will never be a target for anything, they pay good money upon departure in form of the overstay fee, everybody is happy.
that system should stay in place for a very long time to come
and the snowbirds, specially our very welcomed Canucks fleeing cold winters, are rising in numbers and a funny crowd in the 'hood.
what the DR wanna get out, is illegal immigrants, to that group also count the ones who enter the country on a tourist card without a valid return ticket, i fully agree with you that they all can be kicked out.
i don't think anybody will target them in any specific way on any searches around the 'hood,
those raids will be for the ones who make for 99% of illegal immigrants in DR, Haitian Illegals.
the long term illegally overstaying other nationalities are so small of a number, it really doesn't matter a thing to catch''em or not, so no extra affords necessary, such would be a waste of resources/time/money.
some will be caught by coincedence duw normal daily things which can go wrong for some, and kicked out, SOME,
the few left will be fine to live their life Their elected way, stayout of troubles, keep the head low.
the vast mayority of overstayingt visitors is real visitors/tourists, people who hold for example a valid passport and a valid return flight ticket, they do not have the intention to stay for ever, they just enjoy some weeks and/or months per year, and nobody in DR has any beef with such, the opposite, they are welcome.
