We are done. Renewed for another 4 years. The card is now white - "Residencia Permanente (RP-1)" We did it ourselves and total cost was RD$17,700 (US$354) per person. It was pretty straight forward -
Start at the website (
https://www.migracion.gob.do/Menu/Index/19). All the requirements are there and most of the things, we already had. We did get some help getting the CERTIFICACIÓN DE NO ANTECEDENTES PENALES just because of our busy schedule but in the past we did this ourselves and it's not hard.
Once you have scanned all of the required documents into the website, wait a few days and a message will come up on the website (possibly you will receive an email too but don't count on it and check yourself) saying it's time to bring the original documents to Migration. There is a page you will print and bring with your documents.
At Migracion you have to now enter the main door on the opposite side of the parking lot. Upon entering, go to the desk and get a number. Then enter and wait for your number to show up on the TV screens. When it does, go to whatever window it says. They will want to see your documents. You will say goodbye to your expired residency card and be given a paper and told to wait while they check all your documents.
Assuming all is in order, you will hear your name called from window 1. This is where you pay and will be told to go to have the medical exam. By the way, someone told me they don't always ask for the medical exam. I don't know if that is true but if they don't ask you...you're lucky. If you are late renewing, it will be 600 ps per month. We were 2 months late.
We left and immediately went to have our medical exam. It is located Centro Medico San Lucas. It's on Calle Josefa Perdomo between crossing streets Av. Pasteur and Calle Garcia Godoy. It wasn't hard to find. Once you get your medical exam done, you come back in two weeks. The medical exam is just like the previous ones.
After two weeks, return with the paper that has your receipt stapled to it and you will get a ticket (number). When your number shows on the TV screens, go to whatever window it says and they will check to make sure everything is ready.
A quick check and they will tell you to wait for your name to be called for the photo. These names were be called from the windows to the right of the doors in the middle (which you go through for the photo - the same as the past). It took a while for our name to be called.
When called, they will give a pass to enter that area. They seemed to take 4-5 people at a time, trying to keep families together. They take two photos, one looking straight ahead and one looking to the right. They also take your finger prints. Both hands and thumbs. Once this is done, you leave and wait.
For us, it was only about 10 min. and they called us to window 11 or 12 to sign and get our card.
On the first visit we paid for everything - RD$17700 for each adult. This includes 1200 ps. for the 2 months late. Second visit...no charges.
Cedula renewal - Like past years, we immediately went to get our cedula renewed. It was the same process as in the past and took about 1 hour, costs us RD$4000 each.
So we are good for another 4 years. Really, the process is pretty easy now. Just takes time.
Hope this helps!