Does the good outweigh the bad? (My Story)


Nov 22, 2007
I have to say that I am glad that the OP is happy with nothing to complain about. Again I think the majority of us vent. It DOES worry me though, people like the OP because life is just not like that. NOONE can go around living life saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong all of the time. It has nothing to do with loving the DR or not loving the DR, wanting to live in the DR or not wanting to live in the DR. Life just isn't peaches and cream all of the time. Look at Hillbilly, he's been in DR since before I was born, loves it, but but still occasionally you will see a WTF! post from him because that's life. If you never have ANYTHING wrong in your life it means you are bottling up a lot of sh*t, and I don't want to be near you one day when something small makes you blow your top. Cuz you will go straight psycho, we've all seen it....I'm just sayin'....



Nov 22, 2009
OK.. I have NO idea what the hell you're talking about! Just because someone is happy and content that makes them uninteresting??? Only malcontent, whining, S.O.B.s who hate their life are the interesting people in the world???

I guess "interesting" like "beauty" is in the eye of the beholder, and everyone has the right to their own opinion of what (or who) is interesting or not... but you seem to have a particularly unique take on the subject.

Yep, you said it. Most people who are middle of the road and find no fault with anything are mediocre. They have mediocre tastes and are all together generally uninspiring. The person that likes everything, and dislikes nothing has limited taste or exposure to make critically concise decisions. This is the person who wears "walking shoes", and "perma-press pants" and eats at an "all you can eat buffet" because they are drawn between too many needs to feed their for gluttony and then has frozen yogurt because they are torn between ice-milk,pudding, flan, sherbet, gelato and ice cream.

A person who finds no fault with anything, is either too insecure to stake a position or uninformed, hence uninteresting. When you like or dislike something you can advocate the reasons you have for doing so. For example, I like spicy food, I wont go to any restaurant without a bottle of hot sauce. See? Take a position and stick to it. If you go anyway the wind blows then who cares what you have to say because you probably dont believe it.

Now if what I said hurt your may be one of those people.


Nov 22, 2009
I have to say that I am glad that the OP is happy with nothing to complain about. Again I think the majority of us vent. It DOES worry me though, people like the OP because life is just not like that. NOONE can go around living life saying that there is absolutely nothing wrong all of the time. It has nothing to do with loving the DR or not loving the DR, wanting to live in the DR or not wanting to live in the DR. Life just isn't peaches and cream all of the time. Look at Hillbilly, he's been in DR since before I was born, loves it, but but still occasionally you will see a WTF! post from him because that's life. If you never have ANYTHING wrong in your life it means you are bottling up a lot of sh*t, and I don't want to be near you one day when something small makes you blow your top. Cuz you will go straight psycho, we've all seen it....I'm just sayin'....


We C I 2 I.
If nothing gets on her nerves then either she is indifferent to everything or so far dispossessed that she may be senile. Seriously? Her engagement may be limited to where there is no real exposure with the general public. Home to work and back?


Nov 22, 2007
We C I 2 I.
If nothing gets on her nerves then either she is indifferent to everything or so far dispossessed that she may be senile. Seriously? Her engagement may be limited to where there is no real exposure with the general public. Home to work and back?

1.) I think SHE is a HE
2.) I agree, those are the ones that go postal (I am in NO WAY stating that the OP will go postal) I am just saying, OP, keep walking around like Celie in the Color Purple acting like everything is fine and one day without even being able to control yourself you'll find yourself grabbing that knife out of the turkey. I just hope Miss Sofia is around to calm you down. LOL



New member
Oct 31, 2010
We C I 2 I.
If nothing gets on her nerves then either she is indifferent to everything or so far dispossessed that she may be senile. Seriously? Her engagement may be limited to where there is no real exposure with the general public. Home to work and back?

Are we talking about me still? I mentioned that problems I experience here are similar to those I experienced growning up in Canada....

My evenings typically consist of going out in the colonial zone.... Parque Colon and Duarte... Onno's, La Espiral, Hard Rock....

I hope this allows you to better judge me :)


New member
Oct 31, 2010
keep walking around like Celie in the Color Purple acting like everything is fine and one day without even being able to control yourself you'll find yourself grabbing that knife out of the turkey. I just hope Miss Sofia is around to calm you down.

You forgot I'm too young and uncultured!!! I never saw The Colour Purple :)


New member
Oct 31, 2010
See? confirmation of my supposition, uninteresting....The Color Purple was a book before it was a movie. all I m sayin'....

On a serious note, I imagine our age difference, coupled with your naturally grumpy disposition leaves a GIANT CREVICE between us. :) But I'm glad you I was able to make your Sunday evening more enjoyable.

I'll head back to my youtubes and facebooks on this quiet evening. My quizno's isn't settling right and the maid used the wrong fabric softner (again!) so I'll be here making the best of it, and thinking of you!


Nov 22, 2009
I m fine. I just came from the gardening center. Went to buy some small pebbles to throw at the young whipper-snappers who sit on my car while copping feels on their supple girlfriends. The young tarts! Why if I didnt have to take medication for my erratic anger and shaky fist disease I d engage them in some fisticuffs.


May 29, 2004
Like you, I came originally for work. I didn't want to.
That was 10+ years ago. I now can't imagine living anywhere else.
For me? The good outweighs the bad.


Nov 22, 2007
Actually, I'm coming to realize that there is an age difference and it obviously makes our experiences different.

Did anyone do a poll here about the ages of current, active forum users? That would be interesting to see.

It is impolite to ask a woman's age



Nov 2, 2006
Hang on, now I'm the one who's confused. You say in your OP that you are a 27 y/o (male)
So as a young gay man in this country, life is all rosy eh? Some how I doubt it!