You are incorrect, as is your definition. The DR is considered a developing nation. Anyone living here knows that it is first world in some respects, second in others, and third in others, thus, developing nation status. The DR, for example is more developed than Cuba in most aspects.
You are incorrect and it is not my definition it is direct from, history channel and USA govt websites. "The Dominican Republic is a middle-income
developing country primarily dependent on agriculture, trade, and services, especially tourism." Developing Country is political correct word for 3rd world - "According to the UN, a
developing country is a country with a relatively low standard of living, undeveloped industrial base, and moderate to low Human Development Index (HDI).
This index is a comparative measure of poverty, literacy, education, life expectancy, and other factors for countries worldwide.
Im sure most countries feel developed to Cuba. That is not saying much. Like I said the fast food apps, malls, ubers and over financed cars on the road do not mean its not 3rd world. In the important things it is 200% 3rd world infrastructure, electric even in the best areas in the capital the power goes out often, the water system fails often thats why most of the people have the tanks on the roof even in towers. All the big businesses and middle to upper class apartments need to have their own backup power planta or you need inversor in casa because the power grid is not reliable. Have you ever seen a Dom mail truck... didnt think so. Most of the country including the city does not even have addresses. 2nd worst driving in the world only ahead of somalia, one of lowest education and literacy in the world and much more.
"With a lead of 28.7 points, the Dominican Republic (DR) is
the most dangerous country for driving, being named by WHO the worst for traffic accidents per inhabitant in the world. According to the entity, the leading cause of death in people aged 15 to 29 in the DR is fatal car collisions,
surpassing figures for at least three underdeveloped African countries.
In the DR, the annual deaths related to traffic average 3,000, a higher rate than those of Zimbabwe, Liberia and Eritrea, and even Venezuela, a fellow Latin American partner.'
Think whatever makes you feel better. My opinion does not matter. But the rest of the world views, considers and ranks DR as 3rd world.