We shall see.
I just sent $700 to my kid's older cousin in Perdanales to get his visa. I have no clue how this will work out. But all it is is essentially a tourist visa. We need a work permit and I don't see a simple path to get one.
On another front, I'm sure you are aware that US Customs has implemented a program for Haitians and others to legally emigrate to the USA with a sponsor. I'm trying that out as well. Again, we shall see.
You have to be living inside the US to be a sponsor and have qualifying income, which they don't specify, and guarantee their health insurance pre-paid - which could be $4-5k per person annually.
The 'parole' is only valid for two years but we all know no one leaves once there and who knows if it can be renewed.
It does allow them to obtain a social security number and work (after separate SS application).
Not sure if it allows resident college tuitions, or you must register as out-of-state student ?
And I do not know if the program is actually now active ?
It is limited to 30,000 annually sponsored and includes Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Cubans. They must travel on a passport issued from one of the 3 home countries.
I expect the 30K applications will all be submitted in the first month.
Also the person must be in and travel from their home country, or approved 3rd country, but I think they would accept Haitians sponsored traveling from DR.
But they can not come from Mexico,
nor can they already be in the US. If they already entered illegally into the US and were screened they can not apply.
They must arrive at an approved airport to clear immigration, be accepted, then go for TB and health screening and Covid vaccination unless they have proof of CV-19 vaccination