First Trip - Spoiled by Street Sellers


Jul 12, 2004
MikeyandAsh said:
Wow, Paying for charmin seams a bit crazy. As for the panhandlers, I'll teach them a lesson if they try anything stupid with my GF. I have the b*lls to change there life forever. Call my lady a whore and you will be taking a dip in the ocean. Don't even bother f88king around with me while i'm there. They will no better once they see me. And touching me is just 100% out of the question.

From Toronto

Big Mikey
It's not where you're From, it's where you're At.
On Calle de San Luis in Santiago the other day I saw a dominican hauling ass down the street being chased by 5 guys with sticks and rocks in their hands (Gave me the chills on the Ass-kicking he was going to receive). In other words, don't push them and let bad words slide, because if you touch them, they will gang-up and F*ck you up, trust me. So please leave that tough guy non-sense in Toronto and come down and enjoy yourself.


Grande Pollo en Boca Chica
Jan 9, 2002
MikeyandAsh said:
I have the b*lls to change there life forever. Call my lady a whore and you will be taking a dip in the ocean. Don't even bother f88king around with me while i'm there. They will no better once they see me. And touching me is just 100% out of the question.

From Toronto

Big Mikey

They will eat you like a galleta if you try to be Joe tough guy. And you certainly won't have the concealed weapons on you that are quite common with tigres etc., in the DR. Don't challenge them to a spelling bee either.


Dec 4, 2003
joecanada said:
This thread, more than any other, illustrates the sort of attitude that contributes to the fact that the small-town tourism model is struggling in the face of mega ai destinations.

An actual visitor comes on the board and posts why it is he won't be coming back and so far all the responses are about why he's in the wrong

I used to post on here a lot. I have been to the DR quite a number of times but what put me of this board was some of the ones who have been on here a few years.

Like you said, this guy has come on here posted his feelings and got slated big time. Its not on. If he feels that he got hassled then who has the right to tell him he shouldnt have felt hassled and just because he had an AI band on it doesnt mean he asked for it or deserved it.

I wish some of the moderators would be able to calm down some of the condescending morons who jump on the back of every newbie who comes on here just expressing their feelings.

I am just so grateful and pleased that the original poster didnt call it the 'dominican' - that really does get the whingers going. We know it isn't called 'the dominican' but give these guys who have just experienced their first DR trip a break. Unfortunately though they don't know how to answer a post in any way other than in a patronizing or sarchastic manner.

They can come back after this post and moan but they cant change the fact that this is how it is. I have posted maybe half a dozen times this year, i used to average nearly a dozen posts a day. These posters help in many cases but also spoil these forums with the way they act, its a shame, will never change, i could come back here again in a years time and they would still be doing the same.

It ruined it for me - and i am confident i am not on my own.


Jan 1, 2002
re JoeCanada and tired boy
First, I don't think the original poster "got slated big time" It was a discussion, and many posted advise on how not being harrased.
Second, That one person don't like Sosua for a spesific reason, dosen't mean that there is a big problem with the place. There are thousends of visitors that enjoy themselves here, and comming back again and again.
Sep 19, 2005
HOWMAR said:
I can see a future call to the Canadian consul "Please help get my boyfriend out of jail". You may be from Toronto, but you aren't from here. Isn't it smarter to just walk away?

Id love to say i am real smart, but you can get real stupid when someone starts really low lifeing your gf. I have experienced it and it burns me up....there are a lot of ways to get around that, but the fire starts fast and it on before common sense comes into far as jail wont be in jail long if you have cash, and friends in some good positions.....I have a card from a commander of some army area who is related to a good friend down there..... the catch is eyeing up the bad guy because some have guns....if the guy looks like he has any money at all, its better to walk, because he will be packing....i dont understand the concept of the tourist going to jail so fast.....some seem to think thats the case. I am thinking tis the other way around.... they are reluctant to throw tourist in jail...bad for for a fight at night....who will show up to arrest you...I dont think I have seen a cop at night !!!! i see many AMET during the day......not at night.....which I am not sure is a good thing or a bad thing........I know the guys working the clubs doesnt want to throw out a tourist far as walking down the street.....hey you feel better getting your ass kicked , but having stood up for the girl you care about....than putting your tail between your legs...........bob

The Voice

New member
Nov 29, 2005
MikeyandAsh said:
Wow, Paying for charmin seams a bit crazy. As for the panhandlers, I'll teach them a lesson if they try anything stupid with my GF. I have the b*lls to change there life forever. Call my lady a whore and you will be taking a dip in the ocean. Don't even bother f88king around with me while i'm there. They will no better once they see me. And touching me is just 100% out of the question.

From Toronto

Big Mikey

I've been to DR enough to know that this tough guy attitude is only going to lead to you getting your a** kick. Many Dominicans carry weapons, so keep that in mind before you do something stupid. Just ignore the idiots saying stuff about your girl and keep walking. That's what I did with my girl. If you ignore them they will stop.


Dec 4, 2003
Tor said:
re JoeCanada and tired boy
First, I don't think the original poster "got slated big time" It was a discussion, and many posted advise on how not being harrased.
Second, That one person don't like Sosua for a spesific reason, dosen't mean that there is a big problem with the place. There are thousends of visitors that enjoy themselves here, and comming back again and again.

I am not talking about Sosua - its great!

Its the people on this message board who think too much of themselves.


*** Sin Bin ***
Dec 3, 2005
Mr Mike

Our country isn't the land of the weak. We are the land of the strong. We have the world's strongest military. We have the worlds best economy. We also have the high capital per person ratio. Your not much of a patriot
-Bless America



May 3, 2002
"the land of the strong"...blah blah blah. That is the exact same attitude that got us into Iraq...a cocky dirty talking president. Try on a little humility for a change.

It is the nature of the average Dominican to avoid a confrontation unless he has been corrupted by living in the USA. They do carry weapons and they will gang up on you. I have been fortunate to avoid a physical confrontation on several occasions when I lost my cool while trying to adapt to this culture. I never had one touch me. Like I said, they want to avoid a confrontation but I am quiet sure that had we gone to blows I would have got my out of shape butt kicked by ten of them. It is also not their nature to bad mouth your girlfriend. Maybe it happened but I have some doubts. In general that would not be a dominican trait.


New member
May 6, 2003
Having been to Cabarete a few times: I know the look when a vendor is going to approach me so I shake my head and say a polite 'No Gracias' before the person has even spoken to me - saying that though some of the most interesting conversations I have had have have been with the local vendors (when I was too naive to say No Gracias!



I made the 300,000th post!
Jun 1, 2005
tigre72 said:
Having been to Cabarete a few times: I know the look when a vendor is going to approach me so I shake my head and say a polite 'No Gracias' before the person has even spoken to me - saying that though some of the most interesting conversations I have had have have been with the local vendors (when I was too naive to say No Gracias!


My technique is simple and suprisingly effective. It works particularly well on the shoe shine boys and the annoying morons peddling Dominican Charlies'.

I just say "Amigo mio, yo tengo hambre". Then I ask them for 20 pesos.

They always look stunned for some reason. I wonder why?


New member
Aug 22, 2002
rellosk said:
Joecanada, truly a great well-thought, well-written post. You hit the nail on the head. If tourism is to grow and succeed, the DR must make the tourist comfortable, otherwise the tourists will go elsewhere where they are more comfortable. While I don't mind the aggressive street/beach vendors, street walkers, and beggars; the average tourists are not comfortable with them.

Hopefully, some of the DR1 members that own businesses in Sosua will read your post and come to the same conclusion as you.

One would think that local businesses, through the Chamber of Commerce could pressure local government into making small changes to attract tourists to leave the AI's and spend more money in Sosua.

I second this! Well said, JoeCanada!


Oct 26, 2004
melinda said:
What are AI braclets Going to DR March and have no idea what the heck they are
They are plastic wristbands which most resorts require their guests to wear for the duration of their stay to identify them as belonging to that particular resort for security reasons (as proof you belong there!). Only 1 chain that I know of doesnt implement this wristband policy but have extremely vigilant security...there may be others though!
I have to agree, going off the resort with them isnt good for bargaining your trip!;)


Jun 9, 2004
i'd rather have those guys try selling me Rolexes and CDs and trying to get my money that way, than have them stick a knife in my kidney and get my money that way.

i actually have a lot of respect for those guys. they are willing to work hard to make some money and feed their families. you think they like what they do? grown men in their 30s and 40s selling CDs on the beach, and then having some punk tourist kids treat them like sh*t and bitch them out. they swallow alot of pride every day.

if you think street sellers in DR are bad, go to Brazil or Venezuela.

(ps. i didn't read all the replies. maybe someone already said this.)
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