Fivefingers is in town. SD.

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Jun 19, 2009
exactly! so, how does one find one of those high paying jobs? I do have a good cv and speak many languages. I am specialized in digital marketing with masters degree and top multinational companies as references.

Can't you work remotely in your field ? You would need electricity 24/7 and a fast connection though.

Have you tried elance and such ?

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Yes, it's me. Was debating between UK, Spain and DR.

I chose DR in the end because I thought there would be opportunities for both of us here.

My husband could go back to beign a professional instead of aspiring to beign a second class citizen in Europe. His highest aspirations without speaking good English would have been to be a cleaner at the airport or the likes, after a year or kitchen porter, waiter and packer.

My best aspirations would have been to climb the corporate ladder once again. Not very enticing.

Staying in Europe would have kept me in the main bread winner role. And it kind of sucks.

DR will offer equal opportunities to us both. And maybe I might even aspire to be a local celebrity (wishful thinking).

But yes, the lack of welfare is overwhelming. Even though we came knowing the ins and outs of this country. I am pretty much down to the fact that we live in a **** hole and I just get on with it. But my husband having experienced how a real country can be, is even more disgusted at beign back.

I really would like to know the positives; please tell me what you enjoy about the country, because I have been here for a month and still haven't been able to make a trip to the beach. Caribbean Paradise my arse! This is hell on Earth. Counting my chelitos so we can make a trip to Boca Chica at least once a month. It is sad.

I have read on other threads about how to eat cheaply, and it's so true. The diet is crap, but if you are on a budget it has to be done. Pl?tanos, rice and beans and very low quality meat, for breakkies, lunch and supper. Soda biscuits for in between.

Now I really do understand when my husband insisted he preferred to stay in Spain even if he would never get a job, than come back here. I though he was exagerating or being extremely negative. But no, he was quite literal.

And I am in that process of doubting my decisions: i ruined our lives! OMG. But then I get out my bottle of rum and I relax for about 5 minutes. Drinking is the only way this country is tolerable, I get the whole colamd?n thing now.

We are in Este because the family lives in this area and the brother in law has the only car in the family. But we will move as soon as we have a job somewhere. Or I could pack it all in and go to the UK by September....

To answer about Spain...yes, our life was comfy there. Basically lived on the same budget we will on here but we had excellent public schools, health system, public transport, safety....and one could go on lovely walks in the street and have a beer. Beer here is soooo expensive! geez. But there weren't any opportunities. So we forfeited all the luxuries of a first world socialist country for this crappy hell hole which might offer us the chance of earning money.

Yup, it sounds crazy. I am courageous, yes...and probably not very smart, and very likely a little off my rocker, and incredibly senseless.

Damm....need a shot of rum....luckily all the windows have hierros and I cannot jump....hold on...i can go up to the roof!

Bottoms up!

don?t hold this against me, but i have to get it off my chest. i fail to understand how your husband did not do his level best to dissuade you from coming here, hoping to find a decent job. he should have known how much of a struggle that would be, and should have told you that you would have had as much chance as a fart in a typhoon. there are certain foreigners who get jobs just as easy as pie, because they can do things that Dominicans just cannot. there are certain engineers and other such types in this country who call the shots, because a politician can?t just give that job to his concubine. unless you fall into one of those indispensable categories, you are not going to get any kind of job which is commensurate with your expectations. this is the DR.

let me give you a simple case. there is a Money Management operation here called JMMB. it is a Jamaican company, and is owned by the wife of a good friend of mine. her husband was a government minister, and i was a special assistant to him. i called her and told her that i would have liked to come on board, and she spoke to the manager here in Santo Domingo. she sent me an email saying that the guy would give me a call in a day or two. that was in 2009. i am still waiting. so, in certain cases, it is not even who you know.


Dec 27, 2010
LOL @ Spain!

23-25% Unemployment
40+% Unemployment in 18-35yr range

I am sure you find this to be a rat-hole (because it is) but I can't say much about the "perfect, comfortable life" you claim to have in Spain. Tell us how much rent/maintenance are you paying (without jobs) for that comfortable life in Spain??? Probably much much more than in here, if you didn't rent, but owned, your opportunity cost would be the rent equivalent for living there.

Laziness level over 9k doing "siestas" for several hours and shutting down business completely for vacation seasons ain't getting the country anywhere.

Very accurate comment, Greece, Spain, Italy, all of these heavily PUBLIC UNIONIONED Countries imploding shortly, look at the BS that just happened with the lazy Socialists from Greece... Coming to Canada and the USA also within the next 2 to 5 years... Socialism sucks! Pension sucking parasites from the tax payer. Nothing against the OP I liked your post and something tells me you are not one of these Government sucking employees parasites that has destroyed these Countries..

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Very accurate comment, Greece, Spain, Italy, all of these heavily PUBLIC UNIONIONED Countries imploding shortly, look at the BS that just happened with the lazy Socialists from Greece... Coming to Canada and the USAalso within the next 2 to 5 years... Socalism sucks! Pension sucking parasites from the tax payer..

i have news for you, Contango. the list of countries which will not be imploding in short order can be written on the back of a business card.

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Canada's new $$Million$$ immigration plan ahs flopped, you my be happy to hear.

Only 6 applicants...........


Dec 27, 2010
I forgot to mention there is ONLY ONE REASON to be in this Country... The CLIMA during the HARD COLD WINTERS we come from... Nothing else at all.. If you aren't from the NORTH, what are you doing here..


Nov 18, 2002
Honest post! If you think about going back don't wait too long. It took my 3-4 years to get used to live here again but now I'm kind of fine here and realize going back will be difficult also after 5 years.

It's key to find a good job. I could live comfortable in the Netherlands if I'd earn 3,000 euros. Here to live the same you need double.

I, after all do regret I came here. I should have decided to go back when we had a year or so here, but now it's not bad enough to go through the hassle of packing our stuff again and start from scratch in Europe.

What does help me to 'survive' is that I have a very flexible job I could hardly find in The Netherlands. If I'd have to work 8-5 5 days a week, I would probably do go through the trouble of moving back.


Well-known member
Apr 22, 2012
Two schools in SD Este worth mentioning:

The Cathedral International School Cathedral International School - Santo Domingo Este

Brilliant Minds Brilliant Minds School

I am not an authority, but Cathedral seems to have a more international focus. I spoke to a Canadian woman who lived in SD Este and had children attendihg Cathedral and was happy with them. They are also accredited with an American agency. I know much less about Brilliant Minds. Sorry, I couldn't get the links to work from my phone.
Jun 18, 2007
Fivefingers, I wish you all the luck. Twice I tried to live and work in the DR, the only reason I went to the DR was because of my daughter but as soon as I got the custody I got the hell out.
The DR is pretty good to live when one is retired and has a fixed income but it's a different story when you have to make a living there and provide good education for your child at the same time.
How many Dominicans have lost their lives at sea trying to get to another country and have a better future?
I'd say there's more competition in the labor market in the DR than in Europe.
I'm back in Europe now and homesick for Latin America I have to admit but I just look at my daughter and the way she has progressed over the last 10 months and then I can cope with it.
Well again Good Luck

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
Fivefingers, I wish you all the luck. Twice I tried to live and work in the DR, the only reason I went to the DR was because of my daughter but as soon as I got the custody I got the hell out.
The DR is pretty good to live when one is retired and has a fixed income but it's a different story when you have to make a living there and provide good education for your child at the same time.
How many Dominicans have lost their lives at sea trying to get to another country and have a better future?
I'd say there's more competition in the labor market in the DR than in Europe.
I'm back in Europe now and homesick for Latin America I have to admit but I just look at my daughter and the way she has progressed over the last 10 months and then I can cope with it.
Well again Good Luck

glad you made the right decision, frank. if you have a young child, and you have an opportunity to at least get her or him some good book learnin, you should go where the opportunity presents itself.


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
WORK !!!!
Kind of kills the purpose of moving here.........

Anyway should have listened to the domincan husband....... the dr is great when u have a house, a SUV, some land, no credits on your back, no kids to worry about...... and a bit of $, €, ? or chf in your pocket :dead:
When I am broke ( well before I go broke, in reality ), I just take a trip back to europe and work a couple of months ( or send my wife ! :lick:).....

And life is gooooooood !!!
WORK !!!!
Kind of kills the purpose of moving here.........

Anyway should have listened to the domincan husband....... the dr is great when u have a house, a SUV, some land, no credits on your back, no kids to worry about...... and a bit of $, €, ? or chf in your pocket :dead:
When I am broke ( well before I go broke, in reality ), I just take a trip back to europe and work a couple of months ( or send my wife ! :lick:).....

And life is gooooooood !!!

I don't even think it is GREAT with no kids, no job, no credits and we have a house and SUV!


Campesino !! :)
Jan 12, 2013
I don't even think it is GREAT with no kids, no job, no credits and we have a house and SUV!

I kind of enjoy the worry-free type of laid back life..... but i guess its not for all !!

Feed my chickens, play with dogs, swim in the pool, ride the motorbike, surf the net, watch the tour de france on eurosport, pick mangos, water the garden, take a nap.......... seems the next best thing to heaven to me after a loooooong 15 years of work/commute/eat/sleep/go-on-holiday-twice-a-year.....


Dec 27, 2010
FiveFingers its only a matter of time before you meet bed bug eddy... Pauly they took my thumb...
(Disclaimer: My post doesnt mean anything, just the finger thing I liked)


Apr 11, 2004
FiveFingers its only a matter of time before you meet bed bug eddy... Pauly they took my thumb...
(Disclaimer: My post doesnt mean anything, just the finger thing I liked)

One of my favorite movies. Have some Espresso.................


Dec 14, 2008
If You...


1. If you have to work here, the country sucks.
2. If you do not have enough money (in your situation 2,500USD+), the country sucks.
3. If you (have to) live in SD Este (Los Minas?), the country sucks.
4. If you live near a colmad?n, the country sucks.
5. If you don't have electricity 24/7, the country sucks.
6. If you don't have water 7/365, the country sucks.
7. If you don't have a car, the country sucks.
8. If you....

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