These are the six best ? Can anyone explain honey coffee ?
I have tried the Induban and Monte Perello and while I liked the smell of both neither had much after flavor for me, although the Perello was better of the two.
The Santo Domingo is my go to, and it's cheaper, but you know I also like the Cafe Bustelo in the yellow can, so maybe that makes me a bottom feeder ?
Anyway the coffee I drink must mix well with Baileys at home.
After a small dinner I used to really enjoy a Monte Real with steamed milk at Velvet restaurant. Haven't been there in a few months however.
When in Puerto Rico we would always have coffee after dinner, or with desert. Coffee at the end seems to set off a nice dinner perfectly.
I think coffee is given more social importance in PR than DR. But I socialized more there with Puerto Ricans than I do with Dominicans here, likely for socio economic reasons.