Government Investigating Police Extortion Of Tourist


Sep 27, 2006
Who is doing the real lying?
If false charges are made up to extort tourists or residents that's what needs to be addressed.


that's the whole thing! the extortion did take place, a ticket out of prison. but what was at the bottom of this? newspapers put two different stories, not that you can believe newspapers here. but if the guy lied about anything his whole story becomes not so convincing for those investigating the fraud.


Sep 10, 2008
Read the article in Spanish here: Regionales

It is more believable. if I read it correctly, according to the tourist, he is the one who went to the pharmacy to buy HER some medicine. Meanwhile she robbed him of the 9000 pesos and his credit card. He confronted her, then called the manager of the hotel. They called the police, and the police came, but they arrested him for beating her. The rest is more or less what was reported in the Sosua News. She, by the way, had apparently been arrested 8 times already for theft.


the article does not really say much:
Sosua.- El Inspector del Comando Regional Norte Polic?a Nacional, General Ram?n E. Ciriaco N??ez, afirm? la ma?ana de hoy, haber informado de inmediato al jefe de la Instituci?n sobre la denuncia de extorci?n hecha por el turista europeo Hatsteinn Intimundarson, quien denunci? haber tenido que pagar 151,000 pesos para salir en liberta del cuartel PN de Cabarete, afirm? ser?n sancionado todos los que participaron sin distinci?n de rango.
El general Manifest? que el Jefe Policial, de inmediato manifest? no permitir? acciones re?idas con la ley por parte de ningunos de sus miembros y dispuso la realizaci?n de una investigaci?n, para establecer responsabilidades.

Go to the link I provided and scroll down the page until you get to the article in question

edit: ahhh, never mind, I see you found it anyway


Oct 29, 2010
that's the whole thing! the extortion did take place, a ticket out of prison. but what was at the bottom of this? newspapers put two different stories, not that you can believe newspapers here. but if the guy lied about anything his whole story becomes not so convincing for those investigating the fraud.

Even if the guy was a little embarrassed to tell the whole truth, it's nowhere near as bad as the real story of the collusion between the hooker, police and lawyer to extort money from the tourist. I hope that the publicity will lead to a real investigation and serious consequences for those involved - although I'm not holding my breath!


Jun 9, 2004
How stupid is this guy?! Whore tells him she's not feeling well and he runs to buy her medicine. hahaha.

You know an interesting thing is that in ALL cases where a gringo gets f*cked like this guy did it is ALWAYS some stupidity the gringo victim did that led to the situation of him getting f*cked. ALL Dominicans do a little test on ALL gringos to see how stupid the gringo is and can he be taken for a ride! It is up to the gringo to show them where he is a victim or a tiguere (lol). This guy showed that he is an idiot and they took advantage of him. Lesson learned AND PAID FOR!

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010

here is how this is going to play out. we are just about on the verge of seeing a press report in which some spokesperson from either the government, the police, or the tourist board, in which they tell us that the matter is being "investigated". they know that by week's end, some even greater head scratcher will happen, and divert our collective attention from this one. so, next summer, some guy is going to start a thread on DR1 asking whatever became of the incident in which Dominican organized crime ripped off a guy from Iceland.


Oct 29, 2010
How stupid is this guy?! Whore tells him she's not feeling well and he runs to buy her medicine. hahaha.

You know an interesting thing is that in ALL cases where a gringo gets f*cked like this guy did it is ALWAYS some stupidity the gringo victim did that led to the situation of him getting f*cked. ALL Dominicans do a little test on ALL gringos to see how stupid the gringo is and can he be taken for a ride! It is up to the gringo to show them where he is a victim or a tiguere (lol). This guy showed that he is an idiot and they took advantage of him. Lesson learned AND PAID FOR!

I can't believe that everyone is blaming and ridiculing the tourist who suffered this extortion. Even if he was a little na?ve, the bad guys here are the hooker, the police and the lawyer.


Oct 21, 2008
I can't believe that everyone is blaming and ridiculing the tourist who suffered this extortion. Even if he was a little na?ve, the bad guys here are the hooker, the police and the lawyer.

Thats a matter of opinion. Men coming to the Dominican Republic to have cheap beer and cheap sex with Desperate hookers are playing a game,sometimes a dangerous game.So play at your own risk and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.If you lose the game be a big boy and except your loss and don't run to the police and cry like a chica because you lost.And always remember that once you involve the police and Dominican lawyers losing a cell phone and a few hundred dollars may be the least of your problems:eek:gre:


Sep 27, 2006
I can't believe that everyone is blaming and ridiculing the tourist who suffered this extortion. Even if he was a little na?ve, the bad guys here are the hooker, the police and the lawyer.

to me the point is not that. the point is that if he lied in any part of this story then his credibility is lost altogether. i could not care less if he was a ho lovo, bless his heart, or an innocent pure flower of optimism. but a lie will not go well with the investigation, i think.


Jan 1, 2002
Thats a matter of opinion. Men coming to the Dominican Republic to have cheap beer and cheap sex with Desperate hookers are playing a game,sometimes a dangerous game.So play at your own risk and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.If you lose the game be a big boy and except your loss and don't run to the police and cry like a chica because you lost.And always remember that once you involve the police and Dominican lawyers losing a cell phone and a few hundred dollars may be the least of your problems

Very true.

To give the men who rent apartments where I live some protection, when they bring a girl on the property the watchman takes her cedula. No cedula, no entry. This cedula is held until the man ushers her off the property.

At least we know she is not leaving in the night with his money and he is in the apartment with his throat cut.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Justin Bieber" is "GAY"????
NEXT, you'll be telling me "Ricky Martin" likes his "Pussy On A Stick" too.
I have always wondered about "Boy George"???
I thought he was just your typical English "Wanker"???
Not forgetting, "Rock "HARD" Hudson!!!
Too bad about "Jim Neighbor's" wrist watch!!!
A "Story", is just like a pancake!!!
No matter how thin you make it, it ALWAYS, has "Two Sides"!!!!



New member
Aug 30, 2013
ahahahahahahhahahahah to the tourists!

i can't stand you tourists coming to a poor country to get putas! can't stand them!

the story is too deep, but i don't feel sorry for them at all!

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
ahahahahahahhahahahah to the tourists!

i can't stand you tourists coming to a poor country to get putas! can't stand them!

the story is too deep, but i don't feel sorry for them at all!

ok, so how do you feel about NYPD or some other police department cooking up schemes to rob Dominicans in the USA?

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
Get Real

Thats a matter of opinion. Men coming to the Dominican Republic to have cheap beer and cheap sex with Desperate hookers are playing a game,sometimes a dangerous game.So play at your own risk and sometimes you win and sometimes you lose.If you lose the game be a big boy and except your loss and don't run to the police and cry like a chica because you lost.And always remember that once you involve the police and Dominican lawyers losing a cell phone and a few hundred dollars may be the least of your problems:eek:gre:

Your comment is less than intelligent and so is Ken for agreeing with you and his comment in post #54!
The hotel most likely had her cedula and she was not allowed to leave and reported to the police, which got the extortion by police and a lawyer started.
Quote: hab?a estado presa en 8 ocasiones por robo." Arrested 8x for robbery
This does not just happen to people involved with sex, which makes the inhibited gleeful and righteous.
This happens to tourists driving cars or residents purchasing real estate or expats marring a Dominican.
Criminal collusion of police and lawyers. The very people who are charged with protection and justice.
You guys better start engaging your brains. The list of honest and "christian" citizens, residents and tourists who have been victimized is long.
Isn't this what you are all cheering about in the supposed clean up of Sosua and increase of tourism and investment.
Only with law and order and confidence in officials will people be serious about the DR.
Otherwise one is an idiot to invest 500k or a million in real estate or business.


Jan 1, 2002
Your comment is less than intelligent and so is Ken for agreeing with you and his comment in post #54!
The hotel most likely had her cedula and she was not allowed to leave and reported to the police, which got the extortion by police and a lawyer started.
Quote: hab?a estado presa en 8 ocasiones por robo." Arrested 8x for robbery
This does not just happen to people involved with sex, which makes the inhibited gleeful and righteous.
This happens to tourists driving cars or residents purchasing real estate or expats marring a Dominican.
Criminal collusion of police and lawyers. The very people who are charged with protection and justice.
You guys better start engaging your brains. The list of honest and "christian" citizens, residents and tourists who have been victimized is long.
Isn't this what you are all cheering about in the supposed clean up of Sosua and increase of tourism and investment.
Only with law and order and confidence in officials will people be serious about the DR.
Otherwise one is an idiot to invest 500k or a million in real estate or business.

Off the high horse. The post I agreed to had only to do with men who come only for cheap beer and sex with prostitutes. I don't include honest, serious people who are living a normal life and are doing nothing that opens them up to be extorted by corrupt police and lawyers in that category. In any country, these men would be more at risk.

As far as the rest of your post, it is an attempt to make a meal out of a bunch of assumptions and conflicting information like many other posts in this thread.


New member
Aug 30, 2013
ok, so how do you feel about NYPD or some other police department cooking up schemes to rob Dominicans in the USA?

to me these older tourist who are off the market who come to countries like this to get with putas are just filthy!

i don't like this whole world of men going to putas, i don't even like my friends talking about it!

taking a plane to come to a poor country to take advantage of the weak ones like this..


Jun 5, 2010
Here's the funny thing about this story. The Haitian girl in question has quite a track record of being arrested for ripping off Johns. And no doubt the police, the lawyer and the "lady" in question were being opportunistic. But there were several witnesses to the beating that the Icelandic tourist gave the girl, even after he was warned that that could get him in big trouble when the police showed up. There is even some information that indicates that the woman had not yet had the opportunity to rob him and that he only misplaced and later found what he thought had been robbed. In any case, proper procedure would have involved the police sending him to the fiscal in Puerto Plata, probably to be jailed for a lengthy period. Due to the attention the case got, the next guy who finds himself in a similar situation will probably find it more difficult to buy his way out prior to being handed over to the fiscals.