Hell night in san jose de las matas.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Hell night in san jose de las maas

My apologies to everyone.
I really mean it. My Scots-Irish temper just took hold and I lost it for awhile there.
I just have absolutely no sympathy for thieves and liers. What ever sentence they recieve, SHORT of death, is justifiable in my book. Can't help it, it's the way I am.
As to the "brutality" shown to those aprehended by the Dominican Police, I have no comment. They do what works for them in this country, the same as every other country does. Personally, I think we'd better clean up our own (not intended for US alone) before we critisize another too severly.
Added comment--- Convicted Criminals have no rights at all in my opinion. They have violated society's rules, have been removed from intercourse with that society and should suffer the penalty dictated by law, regardless.

Texas Bill


Jan 1, 2002
Sorry for what happened to you AZB...

When you are a victim of theft, specially when somebody breaks into your private space it is about more than what they stole, one feels violated. My car(s) has been broken into in at least 3 ocassions. The lock was damaged and trouble and expenses ensued. A bummer. At least they couldn't steal the car or the radio (this is my first car with a CD player and it's standard in this vehicle, I didn't buy it).

My new car has a dettachable CD player, I never leave it in the car, keep my car clean so they can see through the window (no trunk) that I have nothing they can steal and installed an alarm. The car is nearly impossible to take without the keys, but just breaking in is just as bad.

I know all too well that it doesn't feel this way, but trust me, it could have been MUCH worse. Stay away from crowds, and from PPH people.

D & D

New member
Jul 17, 2003

I am not a liberal and make no apologies.

When I was a kid growing up, we didn't have a key to our house, therefore it was never locked. But, that was in an age when drugs and dopers didn't exist in small or even mid sized towns. This is not to say that all theives are drug addicts.

Now, I live in a house with bars on the windows and doors, as do most of the people in this country. I am here by choice and this is what has to be done in order to help protect me and mine.

Someone said that they would prefer not to have anything that theives would want. Why? Are we to work all our lives so that we can retire to a place that we've enjoyed over the years, then divest ourselves of everything we own and have labored for in order to live like paupers simply to avoid being made a target?

By the way, being "poor" is not a license to steal, and not all poor people are theives. Some of you make it sound as if it's okay and that we sould feel sorry for all these criminals simply because of the "poor" label. Also, who brought up the color issue? Does it really matter what a color criminal is?

Why can't some of you just admit that there are people in the world who are too sorry to work for what they want. It's much easier to take it from some smuck who actually had the temerity to go out and earn it!

"Revenge is a dish best served cold". Way to go Bill!!!



Jun 24, 2003

I think I said do not leave valuables in your car where anyone could steal them..Not saying people should live like Paupers because someone could rob your things..Being poor is not an excuse for being a thief..I could tell you great stories of really poor homeless people who I help and never take a penny when I have cash laying around my home..It was meant to say..It is a car stereo..It was reported to the Police and that is all he can do in my opinion. Revenge is not the answer unless of course you catch them in your home..Then god help them then I am sure. NO ONE wants to be robbed, certainly it is not a happy thought but it happens and all you can do is take reasonable precaustions against theft as you seem to have with bars on your windows etc. Remember a stereo is a materialistic item, not that necessary and not something AZB saved his whole summer working washing cars to buy...It is wrong to be a thief but if your material possessions are that important do not take them in a vulnerable car in a questionable area at night.. Believe me I had my AC Compressor unit stolen from my home before I moved in here in Ga..It is built into my neighbors home at this very moment..The police did nothing and I am in the USA not the DR where people are poor and possibly hungry....Pam


Jun 4, 2003
I still think we should all have gold Kugerands superglued to each of our noses . . .

For our next DR1 get-together, and we should all have our six shooters ready (but well hidden) for those baaaad people. For veriety, Larry can just keep his big fat wallet in his back pocked with a 100 US$ bill or two sticking out a little (like he always does) j/k ;) . Oh and let's all leave something valuble in plain view in out cars (but keep our cars with in view of our club we'll be at so we can strike when we see em coming). Personally, I'll go with the Mr T look, with about 100lbs of gold chains around my neck. I'tll be fun, nothing like justifiably shooting a tigera to make a blue day bright again.
I'll be like playing SWAT.

I think only a LIBERAL could complain about that kind of good old clean fun.


D & D

New member
Jul 17, 2003
Pistol Party


Sounds like it could work except we'll have to borrow a kugerand. We had to sell all of ours to buy the bars!



Jan 1, 2002
I dont feel any sympathy for AZB. He likes to hob-nob with the PPH and the PRD...he has taken money-equivalents from the PRD ....still hanging out with those "tigres"..."they pulled out their guns"...is this the sign of an upstanding crowd? i dont think so...maybe the local who stole your radio is one of the many local "tigres" you so frequently and so enjoyably insult.
my comment.....tough shit....you live the lifestyle....then suck it up and move on to your next conquest.

As for the generic victim of crime...of course no one condones crime...no civil society can progress without fair and balanced adjudication of fair law.


Jan 2, 2002
Mondongo, word are cheap, and so are you.

It was not a 150 dollar radio, don't forget, the damage done to the car was far greater than the value of the radio.

Lee, you just don't live a real life, now do you? Are you sure you are not related to ken? Just joking ken, I didn't mean to insult you by relating you to this guy.

Many of you folks are talking after the fact. yeah, I should have known, I deserve it for being hanging around with the PPH guys etc. By the way, I don't get any money from PRD scums.
I was with a group. The radio was already installed, the car was parked in a well lit street near the crowd. there was police petrol around. How much more security do you guys want? To be honest with you, I was not worried about my car, I was more concerned with my wallet and cell phone. Do you all get my drift?

I was with a group, its not polite to just leave. this is not USA. I am not a white bread gringo. get it?

So the radio gets stolen, the police rounds up the criminal elements of the society (not the innocent citizens). Mind you, police do know their business. the tigres who got roughed up were the ones who wouldn't cooperate. One tried to run over a cop. Did anyone read that part?

Not all guys got beat up. Only the smart asses who were real criminals got the heavy hand. the innocent ones were let go. I was told that alot of drug dealers got beat up in the square. One was in the process of making a real drug deal. Got busted with cocaine in hand. He got beat up and arrested. These were not your average church going kids. These guys looked dangerous and were known for regular criminal activities. Like I said, the real innocent ones were let go after questioning.
Now for the pople who think I deserved it. screw you all. thanks god I am not poor like the women you guys are married to. I have the money to buy even a better stereo and not to mention I will buy another better car soon. I will also buy gun and shoot the next tigre who breaks into my car. I hate those scums and I have no sympathies for them. You liberals can all kiss my ass. I don't need your advise, I wasn't born yesterday. this can happen to anyone.


Apr 13, 2002
Now for the pople who think I deserved it. screw you all.

AZB, you are right, you or anyone else would not deserve to be violated!! To paraphrase a great American philosopher "SHIT HAPPENS"

Tony Cabrera

New member
Sep 24, 2002
Re: Hell night in san jose de las matas

Texas Bill said:
Thanks Larry!
I was a little concerned that I might have steped over the line, but had to say what was in my heart and on my mind.
I do tend to take the Texas motto of "Don't Mess With Texas" a little seriously on occassion.

Texas Bill

That's right Texas Bill, let's do it like we do it here in Texas: if a robber came to rob you in front of your house, shoot the son of bitches and bring his body inside the house and tell the police that he broke onto your house..
AZB sorry to hear about you stereo(but man hanging around with
those PHH)...


Mar 2, 2003
I used to hang out with PPH people, had to cut off ties for my conscience sake. For some reason they always want to take you off to some little campo town and show off their gringo friend. It's disgusting the way they act like big men out there, bossing everybody around, chasing 15 year old girls right in front of their parents, man it's like they get a kick out of showing you what dogs they are. Their backs must hurt after a full day of walking on only two legs.

I think a big difference between our culture and theirs is that we despise tyrrany, bullying and all it's aspects, but these people admire it even when their on the receiving end because they think someday if they play their cards right they'll get to help dish it out.


Jan 2, 2002
First of all, I don't go hanging around with PPH. I have stopped supporting those thugs a long time ago. I do not get invited to their parties or political gathering anymore eversince I had made it clear that they were ruining the country.
it so happens that I was invited to a dinner along with other people who happen to hold important positions in PRD.

Now let you tell you another secret:
Many PPH are disgusted with their party and actually want their party to lose. These people do not support Hippo from the heart. They hold important jobs in government and just can't afford to lose them by displaying their discontent with the PRD. these folks have families to maintain. Many know cold Heartedly that Hippo will not win and not are doing much to support him. Many PPH are forced to compagne for hippo or they would lose their jobs.

Now lets make another thing clear:
Since PPH is in power and they are the ones who are running this country then you better make sure you have some friends with-in the circle because in times of trouble, they will bail you out. I am a foreigner in this country and I live among the dominicans. I think its essential for me to have contact with many important people in DR for protection or simply to make my life easy. Many dominicans who openly talk against PPH / PRD don't live in the country and are not affected by their power. Golo is one of the few dominicans who has the guts to say things the way they are, the rest are only typing from Boston and NYC. These guys do nothing to straighten this political system and are the first one to cry foul. They don't even live here and never will. they are only talk and more talk.
Look at it this way, if it wasn't for the PPH muscle I would never have gotten a police response like I did on friday night. Now the tigres know who we are and I doubt if anyone will mess with us again.

By the way, the tigre or tigres who stole my radio didn't care if i was with PPH or PLD or whatever. Why is that an issue here? These guys are theives and street thugs who would steal from anyone if given the right opportunity. They had tried to open up 4 cars and distroyed their locks. Mine was the one that opened up. My windows are all dark so they didn't know if I had a nice stereo system inside or not. They were simply opening up cars to see what was inside. I was the unlucky one.

So what, stuff happens and I am over it. I will buy another stereo soon and get back to my next conquest. Life goes on. I simply want people to understand that this can happen anywhere to anyone (except if you are like Lee who locks himself indoors 24/7) and especially in the place where I was at. So please take precautions but also live an exciting life, especially if you are visiting DR.


Mar 2, 2003
I understand all of that AZB, and you are right about most of the things you said, but in the end it just doesn't pay to hang out with crooks for any reason. Let's look at it this way:

If you had not been hanging out with PPH your radio would not have been stolen. (because you wouldn't have gone to the middle of nowhere to see a shitty band in the first place)

Your PPH "friends" did many things on your behalf that would be considered crimes and headlined local news in a civilized country as a result of your complaints, and you still do not have your radio.

Think about it; if the police know so Goddamn much about who the criminals are, what are these criminals doing on the street in the first place? How come there are enough cops to arrest everybody and their brother in the space of half an hour who could have possibly had anything to do with a radio theft, but still not enough cops to provide safe parking in the first place?

The tactics the police used are very effective, unfortunately, they are the tactics of thugs, and the tactics of the kind of people who are going to be passing your radio around after they recover it, and thinking about how nice it will look in the car they stole from the other gringo.

My car was stolen two weeks ago and I talked to my PPH "friends" too, and they beat the justice drum, made phone calls, arrested some bystanders and talked big too, but still no

I question the value of an eventual "bailout" from PPH contacts, because if I ever needed it, it would likely be because of PPH corruption in the first place, and the Bailout would likely be orchestrated to secure my loyalty for future dishonorable PPH endevours.

Sure alot of PRD people are appalled at the damage being done by the current administration, but this does not make them less criminal.


Jan 2, 2002
Mr.Mike, you are correct in your comments but I still don't understand why does it have to be a political issue? If I were with gringos and still wound up in the festival, the radio (somehow) would have been spared? We were invited to go to the festival by the host's son and the woman also accompanied us. This woman has nothing to do with PPH. She just invited some folks whom she knew when they were kids. Some of these kids have grown up to become PRD supporters. Just like some of your love ones become criminals and wind up in jail. This woman simply invited some poeple and made dinner for them. later we all went to the festival. Now tell me, what does PPH has to do with that? I could have been out there with anyone and the same would have occured to my car, regardless......


Mar 2, 2003
OK AZB, I misunderstood your earlier post, I should have read it more carefully. Maybe it's just knowing these PPH people like I do, I assumed they were the ones inviting you out there, they are always "campaigning" with me and trying to drag me off to this or that event, so I kind of read that into your post, my mistake.

You're right, it's not a political kissue at all. I don't have time right now, but I assume if I read the archives of this message board back to the days the PLD was in power there would be just as many complaints about them too. Somebody tell me if I'm wrong.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Blaming the victim is outrageous!!!!!!!!!!...NEVER!!

A woman goes to meet her girlfriends at a "Disco",she is dressed in a "sexy" outfit.On her way home she has a "Flat",she gets out to fix the tire,and is raped!!!!!! "Blame HER!!!!!!!
So STOP blaming the VICTIM!

And stop the "Name Calling" or this is history! CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC