I found This Hard to Believe

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Active member
May 21, 2022
I am starting a separate thread for this because it is something I find hard to believe or understand.
I told my GF (34YO) that my children in the states were taking me on a boat ride for fathers day.

She responded "Que Barco". Upon further "discussion" she said he has never been on a boat. Which I thought was understandable given her economic situation.
But then she said no has visto un barco.
I found that hard to believe but than thought to myself that this could in fact be the truth.
So I sent her some pictures.

Are some of these woman so sheltered? It really opened my eyes

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
She would have no reason to be on a boat. Lots of people that live next to the ocean can't swim.....etc. If you are poor you can't afford the price of going on a bike ride, especially as A SINGLE MOTHER.


Active member
May 21, 2022
She would have no reason to be on a boat. Lots of people that live next to the ocean can't swim.....etc. If you are poor you can't afford the price of going on a bike ride, especially as A SINGLE MOTHER.
you are correct... she cannot swim... But not to have SEEN A BOAT


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Unless she grew up/lives near a port or marina, chances are high a person could live without ever seeing a boat. This is more so inland, since many people have never been to the coast. Believe it or not, it isn't shocking to find people that has lived in the Cibao Valley and have never been to Santo Domingo and others who can count the times they have been to Santo Domingo on the fingers of one hand. It's also common to meet people that have never been to the South or the East regions.

Perhaps a little shocking are people from Santo Domingo that have never been to another public access area of the city. In this case it isn't a place on the other side of the city, but rather "right there" and they never been there.

I suspect many Dominicans die with never visiting once many areas of the DR. In the past the DR was a very land tied country where most people lived their entire lives in a radius of perhaps 15 kilometers and never left that area. Even today, despite that after Trujillo the country has seen greater mobility after centuries of being very land tied, you can guess with good accuracy the geographic area where such-and-such extended family and/or ancestors lived by simply noticing their last names.

There are also other signs not just of how land tied the DR was until recently, but also that most of the population lived inland for centuries rather than the coasts which for all practical purposes were deserted. Unlike islands in the Lesser Antilles, you will notice that seafood isn't as prevalent in Dominican cuisine as they are in the cousine of most islands. Even plates that have their origin with much seafood in Spain, all the seafood part is replaced by land animal meat in the DR. Take as example the arroz caldoso which is native of southern Spain. This is very soupy rice full of seafood. That made it to the DR and became the asopao and guess what? There is no seafood in the asopao since they are replaced by land animal meats. The reason for that is rather simple. Since most of the population lived inland where it is less humid and less hot than on the coast, plus better land for farming; it was impossible to take seafood from the coast into inland without having it spoil along the way. Reaching Puerto Plata from Santiago was a several days journey.

The same happened in other places such as Puerto Rico despite it's smaller.

To this day there isn't a fishing industry in the DR like in other countries where they have fish farms on the coast and/or go fishing in open waters with big nets. Whenever fish is presented, usually it was captured earlier that day (minus what is found in supermarkets such as Nacional and often times that is imported seafood).
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JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Nals is right on the money.

I can't begin to count the people I know who have never left the area they grew up in, especially if they don't work.

I have hired people in the past who didn't know where a free zone was even though they lived less than a mile away.

Or how about people who are unaware of a landmark when you are giving directions even though the live nearby? Hundreds of them!

Another favorite is persons who don't know the SD Malecon (Ave. George Washington) goes straight into San Cristobal (Carr. Sanchez).

And related to that, people who don't know how to read a map.


Active member
Mar 7, 2004
Yes, for poor campesinos it might well be that they never saw a boat in real.

In the late 90s I met a 20 year old who claimed that he would learn everything fast. Truck driving for example he learned in only 2 hours driving from Sto. Dgo to La Vega. This trip was the only time he left Sto. Dgo in his 20 years if life.

Here in Germany read about and believe it is true that in cities there are 14 years old who never saw a cow in real life.

They are sheltered by poverty.


william webster

Jan 16, 2009
Years ago, we were doing a bit of film work on the north coast....

The crew was from Sto Dom.
All were under 30, well educated, bilingual.... not poor at all...

None - not one - had ever been to the north coast before - never seen the oldest lighthouse in the New World !

Sto Dom people often feel there is no need (or nothing to see) to leave the Capital.

Another case in point....

The DR history was in turmoil when a Spanish gold coin was discovered at Playa Grande... especially minted for the New World.
Heretofore, the north coast had been written off as a wasteland for Tainos... no historical significance whatsoever regarding trade.
That discovery proved that there had been activity on it about the same time as the south coast.

BTW, the coin was on Christian Bale's property....
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
This is not country your country of my good DR1 people.
@JD Jones and @NALs are dead on 🎯

It may interest people that I did not see snow with my own 👀until I was a teenager.
Even though I had been to another country many times.
We are all no more than the sum of our experiences and thought.

I have had many Dominicans tell me that I have seen more of their country than then have.
I tell them to get out and see their country.
It is the most beautiful country I have ever lived in.


Jul 27, 2011
I am starting a separate thread for this because it is something I find hard to believe or understand.
I told my GF (34YO) that my children in the states were taking me on a boat ride for fathers day.

She responded "Que Barco". Upon further "discussion" she said he has never been on a boat. Which I thought was understandable given her economic situation.
But then she said no has visto un barco.
I found that hard to believe but than thought to myself that this could in fact be the truth.
So I sent her some pictures.

Are some of these woman so sheltered? It really opened my eyes
It's possible that you will find people that have never seen a boat, BUT, didn't she study tourism?
During your career you get to go on lots of trips and see lots of stuff.


Active member
May 21, 2022
It is close to impossible, to live and work in the Punta Cana area, and never to have seen a boat!
She lives primarily in Veron... gets up...walks to the bus station...takes a bus to hotel...gets off work..walks to bus....takes a bus back to Veron.
On days of she takes a bus from Cap Cana to Romana via Higuey.

Can you understand why she may never have seen a boat?


Mar 13, 2017
She lives primarily in Veron... gets up...walks to the bus station...takes a bus to hotel...gets off work..walks to bus....takes a bus back to Veron.
On days of she takes a bus from Cap Cana to Romana via Higuey.

Can you understand why she may never have seen a boat?
Veron is a dump ..education here is terrible if you have no cash...tough not see a boat if she works in a resort .. I'm calling Bull


Oct 29, 2010
Agreed that it does seem strange that she has never seen a boat if she works at a resort. Surely at some time during her working day she can look out to sea. Maybe there is a comprehension problem (you did say elsewhere that her literary skills are limited) or could it be that she doesn't really work in Punta Cana?


Active member
May 21, 2022
Agreed that it does seem strange that she has never seen a boat if she works at a resort. Surely at some time during her working day she can look out to sea. Maybe there is a comprehension problem (you did say elsewhere that her literary skills are limited) or could it be that she doesn't really work in Punta Cana?
First off, she works in Cap Cana because that is where I met her.
Secondly, she works inside in the buffet behind that counter. She rarely gets to be outside. Once in a very rare while she will work at an outside barbeque.

I was at the resort for a week and sat out on the beach and I did not see a boat while I was there. I walked all along the beach almost every day. This was in August

JD Jones

Moderator:North Coast,Santo Domingo,SW Coast,Covid
Jan 7, 2016
Can we clarify that she has probably never seen a cruise ship? I'm guessing she's probably seen a small boat.
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Active member
May 21, 2022
Ken... don't worry about it....
you are the source here, not these others.....
Thank you Mr Webster.

If she tells me she has not seen a boat I believe her... I know her living conditions and life style. It's poverty and deprivation.. And to be honest it breaks my heart. Furthermore she hasn't any reason not to be honest with me.
I want to expand her horizons if possible. It would be so exciting to see her reactions to get her on a boat or a plane etc. Things that she has never experienced and has no concept as to what the experience would be like. Like a kid in the candy store.

Bill, If I may call you that, I am in love with this woman on several levels. I am not a fool. I understand that she wants things that she never had and probably is never going to have and that I am a conduit for her. But she is also a good hard working woman and she has a moral compass. Yes, there are hiccups in our communication...words mean one thing in English and something else in Spanish and vice versa. Yes, there are major differences in cultures.... She has no clue about my culture, while I have immersed myself in hers

But there is a very strong emotional connection that has been formed over the past year. A day never passes that we do not communicate. Even if it is only to say goodnight.

I understand the cynicism by many on this board. Yes, they have lived in the DR and I am just a naïve gringo. An old, well to do married man and an indigent 34 YO DR unmarried mother of 2.
But they do not see the nature of our daily communications, nor can they see the desolation and loneliness in her eyes like I do... or the tears of unhappiness that we have shed together.. Or the undying commitment that we have to each other.


Apr 20, 2015
She lives primarily in Veron... gets up...walks to the bus station...takes a bus to hotel...gets off work..walks to bus....takes a bus back to Veron.
On days of she takes a bus from Cap Cana to Romana via Higuey.

Can you understand why she may never have seen a boat?
Ken she works at Cap Cana, she has seen a boat. Same if you live in La Romana.
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