I'm new 2 all of this and would really appreciate some help


Jan 1, 2002
First off, DO NOT say "Dominican" when referring to the Dominican Republic. Use 'the DR' as a very acceptable substitute, okay

Next. The issue of racial relations. As a 'people' Dominicans think of themselves as being anything but black, no matter their skin tone. That said, for most people, it does not make any difference. What is important is how you behave, how you are able to communicate, how you interact with people. This is what you'll be judged by. Acceptance will come, slowly. Many people will think you are Haitian, if you are dark; or they will mistake you for a Dominican if you are lighter. You will have to correct this hundreds of times during your stay here, and if it offends you, then you might think about somewhere else.

Your suggested choice of place of employment is another matter. Bar tending? Sorry, not going to gain access to any middle class groups. Do you have any other skills? If not, take a few years and find some other of your talents. Anybody can tend bar, and here, that is who does it: anybody!

As for whether Dominican and Haitians get along, generally speaking, they do. However, it is seldom seen that they mix socially, except at the very highest levels where money talks...

Take a deep breath, think about this and do not sell England short.


You might like to read this. You'll have to register but it's worth it.
Forty Acres and a Gap in Wealth - New York Times
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New member
Nov 16, 2007
thanx 4 ur advise. i work for social services and have been 4 the last 7 yrs, the reason why i said i will do bar work as for the time being it seems an easier option. In regards to the whole middle class thig, I'm not quite sure what u mean by that.
I'm really not interested in being apart of any md group I just want to be happy, and who ever I meet along the way regardless of their social position is a bonus.

I am dark skinned andhave often been mistaken as Haitian, which dosn't bother me at all.


Aug 20, 2007
Its not cold and damp all the time in the Isle of Man, it just seemed that way when I was at College there. But , yes , your advice to Chunka was good but I think he?d be a bit pushed to make 3000 sterling last a year.


New member
Nov 16, 2007
I've decided to give it a try and if it all goes wrong I can come home. I know 3000 is not alot of money but I've always been a risk taker and I'm still young with no committments. I just don't wanna live my life wishing and wondering.


Mar 4, 2004
I've decided to give it a try and if it all goes wrong I can come home. I know 3000 is not alot of money but I've always been a risk taker and I'm still young with no committments. I just don't wanna live my life wishing and wondering.

OK you've made a decision so we wish you well. You'll have noted that most responders had some reservations, me included. All I can say now is do some planning, get your streetwise skills working overtime and be very careful whom you trust. A background in social work should have equipped you with a level of ability to suss people out, now you need to apply that to a different culture.

And if you find yourself in a situation you can't handle which requires the intervention of the UK Government, the Hon Consul on the north coast is Genni Mendez - a really nice guy. Details here, keep his phone number in your purse
UK Embassies Overseas*Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Santo Domingo UK Embassy details here, the Ambassador, Ian Worthington, is also a very down to earth person
UK Embassies Overseas*Foreign & Commonwealth Office

If you choose not to hear any other advice, please hear the bit about keeping their numbers available.

And good luck! :)


New member
Jun 20, 2007

Listen to those whose have given you some insight. You may wish to reconsider your decision. Get to know the country a bit... I wish you well.;)


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003

You may wish to reconsider your decision.
Not a chance......Her decision was made way before she posted.

I always feel that when a person is in such a hurry to relocate to the DR, it's because of something (someone). The devil in me tells me there's something more to this story (even if she says there isn't).

In any event, I wish her the best and I hope she keeps us informed.

Btw, Chunka:

There's a thread somewhere for those relocating to the DR, something about their "do's" and "don't's".


New member
Nov 16, 2007
thanx everyone.
Change of plan again, I've had a job offer for 6mths starts in Jan and finishes in June. So I decided to take the job and save for another 6mths and go in June.
There was/is a guy on the seen but after getting some good sense knocked back into my head I know I need to plan this properly!

My aim is to save aroud ?8,000 by June I've already got ?3,000. When I move in June Ireally don't want to come back.

Is ?8,000 enough to last? I was thinking to go back in Jan just for 2wks (i need to get it out of my system for the time being).

Do u think I could use that ?8,000 for a deposit for a apartment?

and thanx for all of advice


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
Que les dije?.....

I always feel that when a person is in such a hurry to relocate to the DR, it's because of something (someone). The devil in me tells me there's something more to this story (even if she says there isn't).
Man, I gotta hand it to myself....The devil in me is THAT GOOOOOOOD!.


Mar 4, 2004
Is ?8,000 enough to last? I was thinking to go back in Jan just for 2wks (i need to get it out of my system for the time being).

Do u think I could use that ?8,000 for a deposit for a apartment?

and thanx for all of advice

You want to use the ?8000 in January to put as a deposit on an apartment you won't be renting until June? Don't do it - things change so fast here. Owner could have left by the time you get back. Or did you mean deposit to buy an apartment? How would you pay off the balance? From salary on a bar job? You won't be earning enough, sorry. And out of that ?8000 you'll also need to meet your living expenses until you find some work, so you couldn't use whole amount as a deposit.

By June, you might have changed your mind again, it's your prerogative after all. But you might find posters are less likely to respond if you haven't properly thought all this out in advance for yourself. Did you read everything on DR1 about moving here, as suggested twice a while back?


New member
Nov 16, 2007
no. Iwant to go there in Jan 4 2wks just to get it out of my system. From Jan to June I want to save more money around ?8,000. When i get to the DR I understand that I'm going to have to rent for a while. On my las visit I spoke to an estate agent from century 21, and was told that i could get finance from the banks depending on how much I needed. I've been looking at apartments and have found a decent 1bed for about 10-15000.

I thought this through but just got a little carried away and was goin on emotions rather then sense.


New member
Aug 7, 2005
Do you know why you feel at home here? I think if you could analyse this it would help you (I don't mean post it, just think about it for yourself). You see there are plenty of young black women here in DR for whom life is not exactly a bed of roses. Would suggest you do some reading around the race issue. If you were to move to a tourist area you could find yourself mistaken for being Haitian - frequently Haitian women in DR in tourist areas are labelled all sorts of things which you wouldn't want attached to you. Not saying this should prevent you coming here, but better if you are fully informed before making any move.

Good words of advice and caution. DR can be very hard on the sisters.



On Vacation....
Jul 31, 2007
Hormone Boost

... When I move in June Ireally don't want to come back.
How can you be so sure?
From all I read you very probably will. :tired:

.... Jan just for 2wks (i need to get it out of my system for the time being).....
What is "it"?
(To me it seems that you rather want to get something into your system... :cheeky: )


Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Dear "Chunky" Paaleeeeeeeeeeeze" DON't Do THIS!!

You seem like a very nice,albeit, veeeeery innocent and "Un_Worldly"!
It sounds as though you are not only running TOO somewhere,but FROM somewhere!!!
This Country can eat you alive,and I garentee the men will! (No Pun Intended!!)
I will not say; "A FOOL and her money are soon parted!" But you will be taken advantage of at every courner! I have a "Criminal Mind",and I would be drooling at the possibility of "Taking you under my wing" when you arrive in the DR, if I weren't an honorable man! There are lots of people here,who, like me, are eagerly awaiting your arrival. Thanks for telling them that you are now coming with 8,000 pounds! That will make "Taking You" even more desirable,AND lucrative!!!!!!
Do you get my "Drift"?????????
You are much too innocent to survive here! Book another 2 weeks at an "All Inclusive" in Sosua,or Puerto Plata. Then,everyday come to "Rocky's Bar,and we will give you "Life Lessons" on "How to Survive In the DR!" Because you won't make it on your own!!!
Cris Colon


On Vacation....
Jul 31, 2007
No Gringo Help Needed

.... Because you won't make it on your own!!!

Behold, she is not alone.
"There was/is a guy on the seen (!) ..."
Yes, and he will guide her, protect her, love her (money).... :cheeky:
Because she is his victim, isn't she? :lick:



Mar 4, 2004
On my las visit I spoke to an estate agent from century 21, and was told that i could get finance from the banks depending on how much I needed. I've been looking at apartments and have found a decent 1bed for about 10-15000.

I thought this through but just got a little carried away and was goin on emotions rather then sense.

Yes there are mortgages in the DR but it is the bank who decides whether you are eligible, not the Century 21 agent. If you come back on a 2 week holiday you could go to a bank and ask what the proceedure is and see whether you would qualify.............and how long it would take. Ask what the interest rates are, compared to UK. But, the real question is, how would you earn enough to pay off the mortgage on a monthly basis? If you couldn't and the bank foreclosed on you, that wouldn't be a scam; it would be perfectly legal. And you would have lost your apartment. So what would you do then?

Then there are all the scams as referred to by Criss Colon...............

I know..............we all sound so negative. But the only reason people are still responding is because a) we've seen unfortunate things happen to lots of young women & b) you come over as a pleasant young woman looking for guidance & prepared to admit you're working on emotion rather than commonsense rather than a brash kid telling us where to put it (there have been a few of those on DR1 from time to time :cheeky:). You're in social services, right? So you're used to guiding & advising others. And you try to stop them making costly errors, yes? That's all that people are trying to do here, trying to offer what they feel is the best advice.

Come back on holiday in January as planned. Spend the whole of the 2 weeks looking for a job, gaining info about salaries etc etc. Check out everything you are told, whether it is by an expat or a Dominican. And check it out 3 times, at least, to see if you get 3 different answers. Then ask yourself whether you can live, on a permanent basis, with that level of confusion & uncertainty.


New member
Nov 16, 2007
when all of u moved out there did u have much support?
doesn't everyone have to start somewhere?
with regads to the guy i'm trying to wean myself off of him
do u think love can exist or it always about money?
how long did it take u all 2 adapt to the DR lifestyle?


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
You could do worse than read Mad Dogs and English Couple, by Ginnie Bedggood, available from the DR1 shop and other leading outlets. ;)

Everyone has their own version. I had a job lined up, as well as a Dominican boyfriend.