Legal driving and insurance.


Nov 19, 2008
Position from the US Consulate:

"Legal residents here get documented as such, get a cedula, and can then get a DR license. People not applying for legal residence are supposedly here only on a temporary visa and likely have no need of a permanent drivers license here. As you noted, the U.S. license is good up to 90 days. If any amcits here plan to be here longer than 90 days in tourist/business status, they can always apply for the International Drivers Permit. That?s valid for a year and can be applied for again each year as need be."

I hate to say it, but ............ I TOLD YOU SO...:cheeky:

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
Position from the US Consulate:

"Legal residents here get documented as such, get a cedula, and can then get a DR license. People not applying for legal residence are supposedly here only on a temporary visa and likely have no need of a permanent drivers license here. As you noted, the U.S. license is good up to 90 days. If any amcits here plan to be here longer than 90 days in tourist/business status, they can always apply for the International Drivers Permit. That’s valid for a year and can be applied for again each year as need be."

Well well. The international driver license or permit is only a traduction of your driver license. Try to obtain an international driver license if , lets say, your Florida driver license is suspended. The int. driver license does not give you more right than your regular driver license does. Somes countries won't let you drive without it (the international) others like the D.R. yes (see the D.R. law).

Ask the U.S. Consulate which D.R. law says that you can drive in the D.R. for more than 90 days with an international driver license.


Nov 19, 2008
Well well. The international driver license or permit is only a traduction of your driver license. Try to obtain an international driver license if , lets say, your Florida driver license is suspended. The int. driver license does not give you more right than your regular driver license does. Somes countries won't let you drive without it (the international) others like the D.R. yes (see the D.R. law).

Ask the U.S. Consulate which D.R. law says that you can drive in the D.R. for more than 90 days with an international driver license.

Yes La Mariposa, it is true that you must have a valid license in your home Country in order for your International Permit to be valid. But doesn't that follow logic anyway?

The US Consulate will probably cite that the Dominican Republic, and most other nations were party to the The Geneva Convention on Road Traffic of 1949 .

I have used this International Permit to drive in more countries than I can count on my digits. I never had a problem and it was always honored.

As Robert suggested in a previos post on this thread, insurance companies may see wiggle room here and assert cause not to indemnify a driver not carrying a DR License. Its a good point, but at the end of the day, they are on the hook.

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
Yes La Mariposa, it is true that you must have a valid license in your home Country in order for your International Permit to be valid. But doesn't that follow logic anyway?

The US Consulate will probably cite that the Dominican Republic, and most other nations were party to the The Geneva Convention on Road Traffic of 1949 .

I have used this International Permit to drive in more countries than I can count on my digits. I never had a problem and it was always honored.

As Robert suggested in a previos post on this thread, insurance companies may see wiggle room here and assert cause not to indemnify a driver not carrying a DR License. Its a good point, but at the end of the day, they are on the hook.


From the CAA site:'''Essentially, an International Driving Permit (IDP) is a translation of your driver's licence into a dozen languages, which makes it very useful when you travel abroad. You won't necessarily be asked for it when you rent a car, although it is required in some countries (inquire with your CAA-Quebec travel counsellor). But it's not hard to imagine how useful it can be if you're pulled over for a traffic violation by a police officer who can't understand a word of English… So, as you can see, your IDP helps facilitate communication, especially if you're stopped by the police, and also serves as extra ID. It goes without saying that an IDP can never replace your passport, no more so than it replaces your "real" licence. Think of it as a handy addition.'''

The fact that the int. permit is valid for one year doesn't change the D.R. laws, Does it ? neither the Geneva conventionon traffic changes the D.R. laws.

A few years ago the people at the CAA-Quebec travel(they delivers the permit) told me that the int. permit doesn't give more power than the laws of the country you will use it will give you.

I always drive with my foreign driver license in the D.R.( even after 90 days) and never had problem would Robert says: till something big or bad arrives.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
I would not trust an International drivers license. As you say, it just a translation, it doesn't give you any additional rights, privileges or supersedes any DR laws.

If the insurance company can wiggle out of it they will.

When you get slapped with a "impedimento de salida" so you cannot leave the DR until it's resolved or paid, then your going to wish you stuck to the local laws and aired on the side of caution etc.

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
I just called a lawyer and asked him to check if we could get a driver license for a Swiss National without a cedula (no residency permits whatsoever). He just called me back and told me that he had called "the office" in Santiago as well as the one in Santo Domingo and the one needed to have a cedula in order to get a driver license.

I am not inclined to take that as a definite no, because I don't trust the power of asking and especially not by phone.
I told him that the law said otherwise. He thought that it may but that these secretarias had poder reglementaria... which effectively would allow to do as they see fit? I don't buy that yet either.

Anyway. I am herewith offering USD 200.oo + taxes, fees and costs to whom ever will help me to effectively get a LEGAL DR driver license for my non-resident Swiss business partner. We provide the original legal Swiss driver license, authenticated by the Swiss consulate and certified by canceleria in Santo Domingo.

... J-D.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
I just called a lawyer and asked him to check if we could get a driver license for a Swiss National without a cedula (no residency permits whatsoever). He just called me back and told me that he had called "the office" in Santiago as well as the one in Santo Domingo and the one needed to have a cedula in order to get a driver license.

I am not inclined to take that as a definite no, because I don't trust the power of asking and especially not by phone.
I told him that the law said otherwise. He thought that it may but that these secretarias had poder reglementaria... which effectively would allow to do as they see fit? I don't buy that yet either.

Anyway. I am herewith offering USD 200.oo + taxes, fees and costs to whom ever will help me to effectively get a LEGAL DR driver license for my non-resident Swiss business partner. We provide the original legal Swiss driver license, authenticated by the Swiss consulate and certified by canceleria in Santo Domingo.

... J-D.

i did not study the drivers license law of the DR, but had one little side experience when i did my own permanent DR drivers license. i did so in La Romana. where i presented my finally completed/needed documents to finish that stuff the guy asked me first for my passport and a copy of it, it surprised me b/c nobody told me that i would need that, so i did not have it handy, i told him : hey, why i need my passport in addition to my cedula? and the answer been clear: ooh, excuse me, i did not know that you have a cedula. i bet if i would not be a permanent resident with cedula i would have gotten my same drivers license that day with my passport b/c i am a foreigner.

to the posts about the international drivers license:
that is not a real drivers license, it is just a translation of your original home/local drivers license and gives in no way any additional rights to what the non-translated license does. it is just a helpful translation when pulled over by a cop who does not read your mother's language written on the original license of your homecountry. in case of insurances it is only worth for the same time period than your original home license is worth/valid.

J.D., forget the lawyers, drive with your friend to your nearest office of obras publicas where they issue the licenses and ask for the needed 'requisitos' to get a dominican drivers license, that's the first hand notice from the persons who issue the license.


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
JD, I think the problem is with interpreting both the spirit of the law and the letter of the law. Transit law #241 in article 30(a) grants ALL PERSONS properly authorized to operate a motor vehicle in any foreign country where the requirements are similar to those established in DR law #241 for the concession of a driver's license, and who poses, and carries an authorized and valid foreign driver's license, the privilege to operate a motor vehicle of the same type authorized by the foreign driver's license in the Dominican Republic for up to 90 days from the date of arrival.

Art. 30.- Personas exentas del requisito de licencia.

a. Toda persona que est? debidamente autorizada para conducir un veh?culo de motor en cualquier pa?s extranjero donde se exijan requisitos similares a los establecidos por esta Ley para la concesi?n de licencias de conductor, y que posea y lleve consigo una licencia autorizada y en vigor en dicho pa?s extranjero, estar? autorizada para conducir tal tipo de veh?culos de motor en la Rep?blica Dominicana, durante los primeros noventa (90) d?as desde su arribo.

If we briefly analyze Law #241 Art. 30(a) it would become obvious that the phrase 'Toda persona' (all person) refers to all person that LEGALLY entered DR. This phase implies that the migratory status of 'ALL PERSON' granted the previllage to operate a motor vehicle in the DR under Law #241 Art. 30(a) is in compliance with all migration laws and regulations.

I think that law #241 Art. 30(b) is written with the same spirit and that 'Toda persona' means: All person in the country in compliance with all migration laws and regulations. I think there is some confucion in law #241 Art. 30(b) in the following fragment, "...sin cumplir otro requisito..." (...without satisfying any other requirement...). The fragment is specific to Law #241 and the requirement excemptions pertain ONLY to transit law #241 and not any other law or regulation. I think the state must first recognized you legally before any state documents are issued you.

If a person is here on a tourist visa/card the 90 days granted by Art. 30(a) to operate a motor vehicle with a foreign license is more than enough. If more than 90 days is required Law #241 Art. 30(b) may be used to exchange the foreign driver's license but the person must first adjust their migratory status (apply for residency)

Art. 30.- Personas exentas del requisito de licencia.

b. TodaLEGALLYprivilege perconfusionsona que poseyere una licencia de conductor de las se?aladas en el inciso anterior, podr? solicitar y obtener una licencia de conducir, sin cumplir otroexceptions requisito que el pago de los derechos correspondientes, presentando una certificaci?n del representante diplom?tico o consular del pa?s de donde procede dicha licencia, acreditado en la Rep?blica Dominicana, certificando que la referida licencia es v?lida, y un certificado m?dico expedido seg?n se dispone en el inciso a) del art?culo 32.

I just called a lawyer and asked him to check if we could get a driver license for a Swiss National without a cedula (no residency permits whatsoever). He just called me back and told me that he had called "the office" in Santiago as well as the one in Santo Domingo and the one needed to have a cedula in order to get a driver license.

I am not inclined to take that as a definite no, because I don't trust the power of asking and especially not by phone.
I told him that the law said otherwise. He thought that it may but that these secretarias had poder reglementaria... which effectively would allow to do as they see fit? I don't buy that yet either.

Anyway. I am herewith offering USD 200.oo + taxes, fees and costs to whom ever will help me to effectively get a LEGAL DR driver license for my non-resident Swiss business partner. We provide the original legal Swiss driver license, authenticated by the Swiss consulate and certified by canceleria in Santo Domingo.

... J-D.

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La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
If a person is here on a tourist visa/card the 90 days granted by Art. 30(a) to operate a motor vehicle with a foreign license is more than enough. If more than 90 days is required Law #241 Art. 30(b) may be used to exchange the foreign driver's license but the person must first adjust their migratory status (apply for residency)

Or ask for a prorroga


Jul 21, 2003
Sto Dgo Este
If a person is here on a tourist visa/card the 90 days granted by Art. 30(a) to operate a motor vehicle with a foreign license is more than enough. If more than 90 days is required Law #241 Art. 30(b) may be used to exchange the foreign driver's license but the person must first adjust their migratory status (apply for residency)

Or ask for a prorroga

Well, a prorroga is good to extend the amount of time a tourist may legally stay in the DR but it does not extend the 90 days driving privilege granted holders of a foreign driver's license by Law #241 Art.30(a). I think law #241 Art. 30(b) was drafted and included in the law to handle the need to drive beyond the 90 days granted by Law #241 Art.30(a) by foreign driver's license holders. Once 90 days after arrival has been reached no amount of prorroga will re-authorize or legally allow a foreign driver's license holder to legally drive in DR. If anyone wishes to legally drive in DR after 90 days of arrival using their foreign issued driver's license they'll have to leave the DR and reenter. Driving with a foreign issued driver's license in DR past 90 days of arrival is illegal.

BTW here is a repost of Law #241 Art. 30(b) and a link to the source of Law #241, it was trash by the spell checker in my previous post.
Art. 30.- Personas exentas del requisito de licencia.

b. Toda persona que poseyere una licencia de conductor de las se?aladas en el inciso anterior, podr? solicitar y obtener una licencia de conducir, sin cumplir otro requisito que el pago de los derechos correspondientes, presentando una certificaci?n del representante diplom?tico o consular del pa?s de donde procede dicha licencia, acreditado en la Rep?blica Dominicana, certificando que la referida licencia es v?lida, y un certificado
m?dico expedido seg?n se dispone en el inciso a) del art?culo 32.



May 1, 2005
Just found this thread.......

I have read the entire thread once and will read it again in case I missed the answer to my question.

I have had my temporary cedula and provisional resident cards for two months. My main question, is there a written test to be taken? Quite naturally if so I would surely know it would be in Spanish. If there is a written test is there somewhere to get a manual to study for the exam.


May 1, 2005
Diving schools, mostly around large base ball stadiums sell copies.
They also have copies of the test sheet so you can practice the right answers :bunny:.

... J-D.

Thanks J D, I will see if I can track one down the next time I am in Santo Domingo...........copies of the test sheet? Nothing like the DR, I Luv it....

La Mariposa

Jun 4, 2004
Well, a prorroga is good to extend the amount of time a tourist may legally stay in the DR but it does not extend the 90 days driving privilege granted holders of a foreign driver's license by Law #241 Art.30(a). I think law #241 Art. 30(b) was drafted and included in the law to handle the need to drive beyond the 90 days granted by Law #241 Art.30(a) by foreign driver's license holders. Once 90 days after arrival has been reached no amount of prorroga will re-authorize or legally allow a foreign driver's license holder to legally drive in DR. If anyone wishes to legally drive in DR after 90 days of arrival using their foreign issued driver's license they'll have to leave the DR and reenter. Driving with a foreign issued driver's license in DR past 90 days of arrival is illegal.

BTW here is a repost of Law #241 Art. 30(b) and a link to the source of Law #241, it was trash by the spell checker in my previous post.



Sorry, I don't mean that a prorroga allows you to drive after the 90 days period with your foreign license. What I mean is : After the 90 days period you can obtain a D.R. license following Art. 30b) and to obtain that license you have to be legal in the D.R. so you need a prorroga.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Sorry, I don't mean that a prorroga allows you to drive after the 90 days period with your foreign license. What I mean is : After the 90 days period you can obtain a D.R. license following Art. 30b) and to obtain that license you have to be legal in the D.R. so you need a prorroga.

if somebody plans to stay here mych longer than the 90 days and wanna drive i would recommend to start the process right away, not when it is very late, after 90 days, or there would be a time period during which the person is not allowed to drive alone in his/her own car on the road legally.

when doing the license the dominican way would mean you get the provisional license for 1 year, you have to keep it minimum 45 days, then you can do the practice test and get the permanent license which allows to drive alone. the provisional license allows just to drive with a person at your side who has a permenent license.


May 18, 2002
Reality is what counts!!!

It is not important what everybody who posts here thinks, It doesn't matter what the law says or what posters try to interpretate into it.
What counts is reality, and that means if you get caught as a tourist, illegal resident and even as a legal resident driving with your foreign drivers license for more than 90 days you are in trouble. You can fix it with money (bribe) of course. But if you get involved in an accident and your paper work is not up to date e.g. you use a foreign license for more than 90 days, you better be ready to pay bick time $$$'s (US) or go to jail until you find the money.

Now, if you end up in an accident with a high ranking military officer, a government civil servant or just a Dominican with a big family behind..., well what could happen than goes beyond my imagination.

After more than 20 years living here in the Dominican, this is what I would recommend:

1. Dont overstay if you intend to drive!
2. If you plan to live here and need to drive, get your residency permit and then your drivers license ASAP!
3. Use the best insurance you can get and make sure it covers the "Casa de Conductor".

Happy driving everybody and watch out, it's Semana Santa.
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