Lots of Negatives


*** I love DR1 ***
Dec 23, 2009
Picardo has managed to "Highjack" this thread. Moderator please take notice.
And please, can we all get back on base!!!


Nov 4, 2011
And you point after all that ranting was? There was a point to it, right?

My point was you CAN'T compare Costa Rica to DR in regards to anything NOTHING!!! and Mexico please!!! Most of the people I come in contact with in Costa Rica and Panama have spent time in Dominican Republic as well and if you could here how many of them bad mouth the DR it will make you cry. You are a Dominican man so a lot of times people will spare you on how they really feel about the DR.

When I lived in Santo Domingo many time I was treated like a criminal even though I was a paying customer. Dealing with Dominicans on an everyday basis is not an easy task and I have much respect for people like dv8, CC, Bob Saunders, Chip, even my good friend Givadoghome for lasting as long as they did in DR, me on my last day I walked through the streets of Santo Domingo " waving the white flag" because Dominicans and Santo Domingo have defeated JMB773. I lost the battle and war and I DO NOT want a "rematch" LOL

You have MR Pichardo have traveled far more then me and that is good the people stamping your passport may be impressed, but Chicago and Costa Rica are two places are called paradise and the only two places in the world I need.

BTW You want to hear something funny my skin color is maybe similar to Don Omar and in Escazu, San Jose I stick out like a "sore thumb" but Ticos NEVER stare at me NEVER!!! in Santo Domingo I look like everyone else, but I am stared at BIGTIME!!! please explain this Pichardo if Dominicans are so busy improving the DR why do they have so much time to stare at a HELL OF GUY like JMB773 all the time. If I walk around downtown San Jose Ticos do not even notice me.

The difference between you and me Pichardo is you deal with "STATS" I deal with FACTS;)


Jul 10, 2004
garbage happens. DR is a pigsty. i live here. you don't.

Exactly. Tired of seeing the "it happens everywhere" posts. We live here and it happens here.

Haitians like to live near the water and throw garbage in to the rivers? Dominicans also like to live on the water and also throw their garbage in. I have seen it.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
My point was you CAN'T compare Costa Rica to DR in regards to anything NOTHING!!! and Mexico please!!! Most of the people I come in contact with in Costa Rica and Panama have spent time in Dominican Republic as well and if you could here how many of them bad mouth the DR it will make you cry. You are a Dominican man so a lot of times people will spare you on how they really feel about the DR.

When I lived in Santo Domingo many time I was treated like a criminal even though I was a paying customer. Dealing with Dominicans on an everyday basis is not an easy task and I have much respect for people like dv8, CC, Bob Saunders, Chip, even my good friend Givadoghome for lasting as long as they did in DR, me on my last day I walked through the streets of Santo Domingo " waving the white flag" because Dominicans and Santo Domingo have defeated JMB773. I lost the battle and war and I DO NOT want a "rematch" LOL

You have MR Pichardo have traveled far more then me and that is good the people stamping your passport may be impressed, but Chicago and Costa Rica are two places are called paradise and the only two places in the world I need.

BTW You want to hear something funny my skin color is maybe similar to Don Omar and in Escazu, San Jose I stick out like a "sore thumb" but Ticos NEVER stare at me NEVER!!! in Santo Domingo I look like everyone else, but I am stared at BIGTIME!!! please explain this Pichardo if Dominicans are so busy improving the DR why do they have so much time to stare at a HELL OF GUY like JMB773 all the time. If I walk around downtown San Jose Ticos do not even notice me.

The difference between you and me Pichardo is you deal with "STATS" I deal with FACTS;)

They aren't staring at you, they just want to steal your watch.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Most rivers in Costa Rica can only be called sewage drains. You can take a rafting expedition (with heavy protective gear that is) to see it and smell it first hand!

People visit a beach or two and some campitos in Costa Rica and think they have seen it all or that the whole country is entirely like that little chunk they saw.
Hardly, I've been all over Costa Rica and stay with Ticos that I know. Of course there is garbage and pollution but nothing on the scale of the DR.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
I as well beg to differ with your statement above, having been and repeatedly gone to Costa Rica, Mexico, Honduras and Cuba, the garbage is much worst than what I find in everyday living in the DR.

There are buildings in San Jose which I wouldn't dare touch with my bare hands/fingers at all.

The problem of DR is that most low income and even middle income hoods see very little reliable garbage pick-up service. Refuse can sit and collect for a long period of time before it gets hauled away.

The DR is like garbage night in NYC, but a week instead of a day of seeing it piled up.

Every sector in Jarabacoa is on a garbage pickup day and they keep to the schedule very well, even in the poorest barrio.
As far as San Jose, lots of poor people there as well as huge drug problems. The DR has the Haitians and the Ticos have the Nicos.


Aug 26, 2012
BTW You want to hear something funny my skin color is maybe similar to Don Omar and in Escazu, San Jose I stick out like a "sore thumb" but Ticos NEVER stare at me NEVER!!! in Santo Domingo I look like everyone else, but I am stared at BIGTIME!!! please explain this Pichardo if Dominicans are so busy improving the DR why do they have so much time to stare at a HELL OF GUY like JMB773 all the time. If I walk around downtown San Jose Ticos do not even notice me.

What colour is your skin anyway?
Sorry............I don't know who Don Omar is.


Nov 4, 2011
Trust me, Panama is a lot cleaner than the DR. Who would you believe, a down to earth German who has lived there 12 years or a $30.000 watch wearing world travelling mack daddy BK hamburger flipper from Chi town? ;)

I Trump you LOL!! My uncle has lived in Panama since forever married to a Haitian woman from Colon that runs a very good business in Panama. The 1st time I stepped foot in Panama was 1993 when it was a totally different place back then. I knew about Albrook when it was an American city.

I never said DR was cleaner then Panama anywhere in my post. I said Panama is NOT known for its beaches example Punta Cana has its OWN international airport that service this area in DR true or false. If you want to go to Bocas in Panama tell us frank and the world how would someone get to Bocas flying into Panama, tell us all about the BIG international airport in Bocas. I even talked to people that flew into San Jose CR and they were going to Bocas.

Sure I agree with you on DR1 I am just a "burger flipper" but this is DR1 if you ever want to step into my world AKA the "real world" you would be just another gringo looking for latin ass in various latin countries.

Walked the streets in Panama City in the 90's and then come talk to me BUDDY!!! The Panama you see today is a "fairytale" I liked Panama much better back then. I have talked with so many Panamanians that wish the Americans never left because they say it was a better place to live.


Nov 4, 2011
I just want to say this one last thing. Everytime we discuss garbage in the streets in DR, no poster or newbie signs in and say " are an organzation that is helping to clean and improve the living conditions in DR and we need more volunteers to help if anyone is willing" a long list of posters complaining about the garbage when it is an easy fix. Talking about it on DR1 is not going to move the trash any quicker. Lead by example show Dominicans how important it is and how it will improve the moral of a neighborhood if trash is not everywhere.

Talk to the mayor or whoever try to get people from the outside to invest in or donating dumpsters and garbage cans so when the garbage is not picked up for what ever reason the garbage is not disposed on the streets or in a vacant lot.

How does this make any sense you live in a clean house but you have to walk by a vacant lot filled with trash and cows, dogs and kids are picking through it.

The Dominican Republic does not belong to Dominicans it belongs to the earth and no way countries like the USA , Canada, Australia should be a 1,000,000 times cleaner then the DR when they are much bigger with far more people. It is no excuse why the DR has issues with garbage in the year 2013 NONE!!! If you can build a subway you should have no problem with removing trash from the streets.

Enjoy the day everybody:knockedou


Jul 9, 2009
"...from the outside to invest in or donating dumpsters..."

I vaguely recall that such an attempt was made in Sosua more than a decade ago(?). The dumpsters were for years standing on an empty lot and never used or s'thing like that, or?


Dec 11, 2003
I have travelled a lot around the country and there ae places that are noticably cleaner than others. Bani is very clean././ So are Pedernales and most of the little towns on the South Coast. Dajabon is quite clean. So are Jarabaco and Constanza. These are towns that most tourists do not see, unfortunately.

And the job of cleaning up the trash is a municipal function// it is just too big for any NGO to do properly. Sure, they can educate about recycling or what is biodegradable but that is about as far as it goes.

Suddenly.. in the past couple of weeks, there are no street cleaners in Gazcue. Do not know where they went.

Maybe they are just sent around the country when Danilo is scheduled to visit.

that would make sense


Sep 27, 2006
Talk to the mayor or whoever try to get people from the outside to invest in or donating dumpsters and garbage cans so when the garbage is not picked up for what ever reason the garbage is not disposed on the streets or in a vacant lot.

this will solve nada. let's go back to the barrio i had a misfortune to live in for a year. two rubbish bins on every corner. most folks to lazy to lift the lid so garbage was routinely dumped around the bins. you'd think a simple solution would be to use those nice bins with a handle in the bottom that you press with your foot in order to open the lid. indeed, great idea. and this is why all the bins were exactly like this.

but so it happens that this handle was such a useful piece of pipe that was wasted on a rubbish bin, right? and had so many domestic uses, right? and was totally free, right? all you had to do was break it off, right? so no handles left.

then, of course, we have half empty bins with piles of rubbish on the side. great environment for rats. roaches, worms. diseases. and a mentality of poor folks who think they are entitled to live in sanitary conditions but without being responsible for creating and maintaining them.

so those folks protest. and what better way to make a statement than douse the little rubbish that made it inside the bin with gasoline and setting everything on fire?

you see where i'm getting?