It’s about the same. A little less. I guess I get discount because of past relationship.
Its difficult to get all the details on the plans offer buy Humano unless you are able to read the policy and all the fine print and exclusion. I have plan MAX which is 1 notch better than Plan Royal and 2 notches under their plan platinum and their best plan international. I used my plan Max at Cedimat (one of the best hospital in Santo Domingo) and it covers most expenses. I added extra coverage for medicine bought at pharmacy without hospitalize the most I was able to get is 30000 pesos. Do not forget the cost goes up each year depending on your age and past uses.
I wanted plan Platinum but was not available because I was older then 50. Note dental and ambulance coverage included in plan Max is a big show and useless.
I do not know how can someone quote you a price without knowing your age? If you were able to pay for the international plan which is the plan that really wealthy persons have (here for example politicians) and covers health care abroad ( example politicians go for surgery in the USA) and want reduce coverage I would look at Plan Platinum or Max. Do not forget to try to pay extra for extra medicine coverage as in my case this payoff.
You can PM me if you need more details because I recently use plan Max at Cedimat for Emergency and 1 week in hospital.
Keep Healthy but be prepare for the worst.