New fashion, leaving dogs behind when moving?


Sep 20, 2009
I don't know how they do it here but I would be present and insist on a heavy sedation first so the pet falls in a deep sleep and once in deep sleep, the vet can give the fatal injection. In this way the pet feels no pain and if you are there, they can go to sleep with your image in their last thoughts. The second injection will stop the hart but your pet won't feel anything because they are in a deep sleep.


Sep 20, 2009
~I think its very irresponsible of anyone to just abandon an animal, regardless of circumstance. At best one should try to re-home the animal, or put them down if they cannot re-home them. Sad, however what is the other alternative, hope that the next person cares for them...I guess for some, its out of site, out of mind. Its unfair to the once beloved pet! and the new tenant!

Its especially unfair towards the pet, the pet doesn't know what is happening. Boss there and suddenly not anymore and new people in the house. If the new tenant has dogs of his/her own, the old and the young dogs of both packs can have a heavy period in front of them to adapt to this new situation. Not to speak of the alpha dogs in the packs, you cannot throw two alfpha's suddenly together, you will have a fight for sure or multiple. What also can happen is trans-aggression which means that certain dogs will start attacking the smaller or weaker dogs in the new pack whenever the tension in the pack builds up a bit, because they do not know how to fit in. All depends of course also of the new tenant but is it fair to put this burden in the hands of the new tenant and his or her dogs? No, I do not think so!