New fines for overstaying tourist card

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The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
What if I don't have enough money to pay the overstay fine?

Will I be forced to sell my gringo body on the streets and be treated like an object?

then you would simply NOT leave the country, loose the money paid for your airline ticket etc etc.
and you are aware that anyways they can keep you and send you to the investigational Immigrations Prison in San Pedro, because the facts are as a simple as your Immigrations Status is Illegal. the much higher costs for that are cleared with your country of origin, i would await for such debts that any available assets here in the country can be taken to cover for the costs here, the same as a home country government will look on what ever can be done to compensate for Their expenses on the procedures to be taken at home. some countries may even put near Family members in charge/accountable, the laws for such deportation procedures vary from country to country.
the DR been for so many decades soooo supernice with illegal immigrants, now they are in trouble to handle the large amount they have in the country, i would guess the relaxed supernice times are gone, the world is looking on the DR's Immigrations Handlings, they will show some busloads of illegals on deportation on TV for several times to proof that they are seriously handling the theme, and to be not accused of rasism against Haitians, to avoid that accusation the faces of the illegals loaded on Trucks/Busses will not be Haitian looking, every full white face shown on TV on that process will help the DR to notget the reutation of/beeing accused of beeing racist/unfair against the many illegal Haitians on the grounds.
to be married to a DR citizen and/or havingchildren here does only help as long as the "Pardon Time Frame" runs, but that will run out soon. from then on by the existing Laws it is simply "you have a new cedula/up to date residency to show Yes or No", they are not obliged to make the process more complicated than separating into "Yes or No" and send them on their way.

why somebody would not renew the already existing residency for YEARS, is beyond my understanding. those people know that afteryears without renewing your old residency is NOT valid anymore, the Immigrations office is by Law NOT obliged to renew your years long expired residency, that residency is simply not valid anymore and you have to do a new one by the new procedures and start it back in your homecountry at the nearest DR Embassy there.
puzzy whining doesn't count, there is noone else to blame than the lazy azz who did not renew his/her stuff for YEARS or who never ever moved a finger to get it done, did not spent a dime on it.
back in the day, when i did my residency, WITH a lawyer, it costed me converted into USDollars around $400.- for temp residency and cedula, a year later again ncluding Lawyer fees maybe around$250.- to have the permanent residency in hand.
who did not do it back in the day and "safed" the money for getting more cheap Presidentes or pay off the hookers, has to pay the bigger dimes today and go to the added loops of the process for long time overstayers.
honestly, i am happy that they finally come to the point where they check it out and act on the theme, tired of the stupids who so often laughed about the ones who got their papers right. those smiles are gone.


Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
The Purge....the Movie???

When the "purge" starts and once it ends, the overstay will be gone as well.

And so will be a lot of foreign investment and tourist revenue.
Of course the powers to be don't care, as they have a very comfortable life syphoning of the top and they will live well of the trough no matter what.

Are you serious that the government has a plan? The same people who can't decide if to open or close a street.
The people who have failed on simple on street repairs, eradication of illiteracy, electricity, potable water and hospitals/medical care.

Must be why you live in Coral Gables.


*** Sin Bin ***
Nov 22, 2014

I'm on the fence with getting 100% legal. I'm not diametrically opposed to it but want to see if Cuba turns out to be the bigger, better deal.

Within a year I'll take the plunge or move along. If the DR squeezes too hard they're making a big mistake re: real estate...they can't be that stupid.


Jul 9, 2009
"...they can't be that stupid."

You bet they can be that stupid here and beyond... :disappoin


Oct 5, 2010

I did some research the other day as I was a bit upset with the DR but like the Caribbean climate.

Looking at a few different factors and comparing DR with Cuba, PR, and the US Virgin Islands. Let's see which is the best option.

DR rent is low, very low. PR, VI, not so much. In Cuba rent is incredibly cheap but you don't own it - the government does. Even if you own it you can only sell it back to the government at no profit.

Internet/Telephone/TV (with Claro and Tricom completely overhauling their pricing) is a very good deal now in the DR. PR and the US VI have terrible pricing. It was about $100/month in PR for 5/mbps internet and $200/month in the US VI.

Food (depending on what you buy) is reasonable in the DR. In Cuba it's rationed. PR and VI are close in pricing, depends on the items.

Water and electricity are the downfalls of DR.

Overall, if you can put up with that, DR is the top option for living in the Caribbean at a decent price.


Jul 10, 2004
And so will be a lot of foreign investment and tourist revenue.
Of course the powers to be don't care, as they have a very comfortable life syphoning of the top and they will live well of the trough no matter what.

Are you serious that the government has a plan? The same people who can't decide if to open or close a street.
The people who have failed on simple on street repairs, eradication of illiteracy, electricity, potable water and hospitals/medical care.

Must be why you live in Coral Gables.

Because the DR deports illegal Haitians? I think you missed PICHARDO's meaning.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
And so will be a lot of foreign investment and tourist revenue.
Of course the powers to be don't care, as they have a very comfortable life syphoning of the top and they will live well of the trough no matter what.

Are you serious that the government has a plan? The same people who can't decide if to open or close a street.
The people who have failed on simple on street repairs, eradication of illiteracy, electricity, potable water and hospitals/medical care.

Must be why you live in Coral Gables.

thats full crap, Man.
what foreign investment???
the poeple and companies who really INVEST in a other country, get themselfs informed about the rules and requirements to do so, and they since so many decades have zero problem with the existing rules.
the ones who stay out of the games are the loosers who refuse since years and decades to comply with the rules of the country they choose to live and work in, they are not any fraction of a asset of INVESTMENTS to this country, they are all together not a little fraction of decider about "to get or not to get INVESTMENTS".
the superlarge number of European INvestors/Hotelchains etc who bring their INVESTMENTS into this country since decades, since long before even any significant number of northamerican tourists choose to visit those hotelchains here in Punta Cana, those companies/Foreign Investors have zero problems with their company papes, nor would they have any troubles for their reporesentattives/Employees papers. they never had and never will have any troubles of that kind. for them under the line NOTHING significant changed every during the last couple decades.
you are mistaken to see a few 10'thousands of illegally in the barrios and campos ****.ing foreigners as INVESTORS to the country's Value, they aren't.



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR

I'm on the fence with getting 100% legal. I'm not diametrically opposed to it but want to see if Cuba turns out to be the bigger, better deal.

Within a year I'll take the plunge or move along. If the DR squeezes too hard they're making a big mistake re: real estate...they can't be that stupid.

oye, Chulo.
that "Cuba Treathening" is the same crap that is told here since decades,
why the heck you guys are not in Cuba???
why you are all over here??
I dont know, i know Cuba since decades and also the DR and choose for my own reasons the DR above CUba, aside of some Cuba visits every once in a while. once they would be a americanized Mekka for tourists of course my visits to La Habanna will stop, there are sufficient places/countless places of value to frequent around the caribbean and anyways the caribbean alone is not the only place on the globe with great sunny weather, a Ocean in front of the door and cheap living conditions for a foreigner who comes with money in the pocket.
for how many decades more clueless/inexperienced people like You wanna tell on travel forums about "wait til Cuba opens"???
ridiculously clueless.



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR

I did some research the other day as I was a bit upset with the DR but like the Caribbean climate.

Looking at a few different factors and comparing DR with Cuba, PR, and the US Virgin Islands. Let's see which is the best option.

DR rent is low, very low. PR, VI, not so much. In Cuba rent is incredibly cheap but you don't own it - the government does. Even if you own it you can only sell it back to the government at no profit.

Internet/Telephone/TV (with Claro and Tricom completely overhauling their pricing) is a very good deal now in the DR. PR and the US VI have terrible pricing. It was about $100/month in PR for 5/mbps internet and $200/month in the US VI.

Food (depending on what you buy) is reasonable in the DR. In Cuba it's rationed. PR and VI are close in pricing, depends on the items.

Water and electricity are the downfalls of DR.

Overall, if you can put up with that, DR is the top option for living in the Caribbean at a decent price.

you are right if you look on the poor parts of DR.
if you look on decent areas in DR Water and electricity is zero problem.
i am here now since 20 years and i do not even own a Inverter or Planta, because the Power provided by the local Company is on 24/7/365, like i was used to back in germany.
do not start to compare Top Notch areas in one country with the Barrios or Campos at an other, thats useless.
there are great and also completey unacceptable areas in PR, so they are in DR, so they are almost Everywhere.
as for Cuba, as much as i love our 2-4 nights weekends hideaways, it has zero infrastructure, zero value to tease me to even think about buying or even just on rent living there permanently for the next 2-3 decades.
it depends what you are looking for.
with my 50 years of age and a lil family i sure do not look for anything unstable and unsafe, where electricity is available "sometimes", where decent healthy quality food is hot and miss when entering a empty supermarket.
you guys compare locations which are so different like New York City is to Jackson Hole/Wyoming.
of course myself takes Jackson Hole anytme for any price over anything New York like.
it is all different things, and we are all different people looking for very different stuff,
don't stop to have that in mind when people say
"hey, when Cuba Opens"...
Cuba is open since ever, i visited first in the 80's, the only ones excluded from that decades long experinece been us-american passports, but thats only one country, the rest of the world enjoys Cuba since a very long time, and i really prefer it to stay as it is to keep enjoying it for what it is. to get it filled with american tourists demanding imported hamburgers and the people to speak english and airconditions in every room etc etc etc, heck, that would be the point where it would zero fit my shoe anymore.
anyways, it does not look like they would change to such hooror scenario any soon.



On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014

I'm on the fence with getting 100% legal. I'm not diametrically opposed to it but want to see if Cuba turns out to be the bigger, better deal.

Within a year I'll take the plunge or move along. If the DR squeezes too hard they're making a big mistake re: real estate...they can't be that stupid.

My understanding is that time is running out fast to get legal status. No different to the rest of the Caribbean....their is no bigger better deal out there on any Caribbean island for people who want illegal residency status! I really doubt if a communist country will have more relaxed rules than DR has had up to now.

Time to choose is now.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
This was in the Sosua News recently. I'm not sure what it means, can anybody enlighten me?
You can also make a trip to Haiti and then you'd get a new entry stamp in your passport valid for 30 days. That will cost you a total of 41 dollars.
Does it cost $41.00 for a return bus ticket to Haiti?
Is $41.00 the fee that has to be paid at the border to re-enter?
Does the normally $10.00 30 day tourist card cost $41.00 for Haitians?
Thanks in advance,

william webster

Jan 16, 2009
@ Gringo, Mike , et al

I couldn't agree more nd could write pages

suffice to say
'He who hesitates is lost'

let's leave it at that

Mike, you'll remember , perhaps, when all this started - some of our longest standing members/posters were caught in non-compliance.... seriously long term residents

to their credit , they did what wased , and fast,
One had to return to the US for an extended perios to file... before the easy train pulled into the station

Kudos to them.... but remember - long standing residents means they understand the system and respect it


many here have little/no respect for this system nad perhaps for any system

Proceed at your peril - I say


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
This was in the Sosua News recently. I'm not sure what it means, can anybody enlighten me?
Does it cost $41.00 for a return bus ticket to Haiti?
Is $41.00 the fee that has to be paid at the border to re-enter?
Does the normally $10.00 30 day tourist card cost $41.00 for Haitians?
Thanks in advance,

the normal fees are $10.- on entry of the DR and $20.- on Exit of the DR, $30.- total for a roundtrip.
i would not know that the Haitian border has some premium added, maybe some breakfast money to be allowed to come back at all in the first place, lol



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
This was in the Sosua News recently. I'm not sure what it means, can anybody enlighten me?
Does it cost $41.00 for a return bus ticket to Haiti?
Is $41.00 the fee that has to be paid at the border to re-enter?
Does the normally $10.00 30 day tourist card cost $41.00 for Haitians?
Thanks in advance,

and if a few dollars difference would make economically a significant difference for you,
then you are exactly one of those Expats who make that "significant Investment Difference" here in the country in case the country would loose them, as i mentioned in a prior post on the theme.
you wanna stay longer?
why bother traveling to the Haitian border??
go to the next immigrations office/next airport and pay for some extra months ahead of time, such is usual legal procedure, hassle free and cheap and no bneed to travel cross country etc etc etc. just extend legally your tourist visa.
what is it that make?'s people todays so stupid? always looking for troublesome ways.
you guys are raised in a country which put on You Your Rules and obliged you all life long to comply or to go behind bars.
why you then get so stupid to enter a other country and await that this new country treats you nicer than your own country would do in case you would miss the rules there back home???



Nov 1, 2012
My understanding is that time is running out fast to get legal status. No different to the rest of the Caribbean....their is no bigger better deal out there on any Caribbean island for people who want illegal residency status! I really doubt if a communist country will have more relaxed rules than DR has had up to now.

Time to choose is now.

And what will the governement do if we don't comply ? Round up all the "white people" walking down the streets and ask us our "papers" ?? How will "they" difference an "illegal" from a tourist ??

I'll wait and see. I'll fix it when it's broken. At my own risks, I know.


Nov 20, 2013
Probably one of the saddest posts I have ever read, so your grandkids will not have ever met their grandma.
Seeing your own flesh and blood is not worth $1,000?
Stay in your campo, glad I am not your grandson.

me too that is terrible go spend the fk---- money you cant hug money very well but a future heir...????


On Vacation!
Nov 19, 2014
And what will the governement do if we don't comply ? Round up all the "white people" walking down the streets and ask us our "papers" ?? How will "they" difference an "illegal" from a tourist ??

I'll wait and see. I'll fix it when it's broken. At my own risks, I know.

Have you ever noticed that the immigration officer logs your entry and exit into a computer......and if you overstay you have to pay your fine........well the next stage is to ban your next happens in other Caribbean islands......I guess you are gambling that DR can't get to the level that exists on these other small Caribbean islands.........try entering the Bahamas, TCI or BVI without reason or overstay.

It is already happening..........a French lawyer I know had 60 cases of French 'overstayers' at risk of being barred from future entry back end of last year and said the enforcement of the law was happening to all expats due to 'Haitian' issue.

Your choice.......


Nov 20, 2013
Funny thing is the Tax at airport is $ Ten.....


*** Sin Bin ***
Nov 22, 2014
oye, Chulo.
that "Cuba Treathening" is the same crap that is told here since decades,
why the heck you guys are not in Cuba???
why you are all over here??
I dont know, i know Cuba since decades and also the DR and choose for my own reasons the DR above CUba, aside of some Cuba visits every once in a while. once they would be a americanized Mekka for tourists of course my visits to La Habanna will stop, there are sufficient places/countless places of value to frequent around the caribbean and anyways the caribbean alone is not the only place on the globe with great sunny weather, a Ocean in front of the door and cheap living conditions for a foreigner who comes with money in the pocket.
for how many decades more clueless/inexperienced people like You wanna tell on travel forums about "wait til Cuba opens"???
ridiculously clueless.


Calm down there, Pocahontas.

The Cuba scene is changing for Americans and we're taking a look at it, what's the crime?

And based on all of your travels and experience with Cuba maybe you're the guy to talk to about it.
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