What if I don't have enough money to pay the overstay fine?
Will I be forced to sell my gringo body on the streets and be treated like an object?
then you would simply NOT leave the country, loose the money paid for your airline ticket etc etc.
and you are aware that anyways they can keep you and send you to the investigational Immigrations Prison in San Pedro, because the facts are as a simple as your Immigrations Status is Illegal. the much higher costs for that are cleared with your country of origin, i would await for such debts that any available assets here in the country can be taken to cover for the costs here, the same as a home country government will look on what ever can be done to compensate for Their expenses on the procedures to be taken at home. some countries may even put near Family members in charge/accountable, the laws for such deportation procedures vary from country to country.
the DR been for so many decades soooo supernice with illegal immigrants, now they are in trouble to handle the large amount they have in the country, i would guess the relaxed supernice times are gone, the world is looking on the DR's Immigrations Handlings, they will show some busloads of illegals on deportation on TV for several times to proof that they are seriously handling the theme, and to be not accused of rasism against Haitians, to avoid that accusation the faces of the illegals loaded on Trucks/Busses will not be Haitian looking, every full white face shown on TV on that process will help the DR to notget the reutation of/beeing accused of beeing racist/unfair against the many illegal Haitians on the grounds.
to be married to a DR citizen and/or havingchildren here does only help as long as the "Pardon Time Frame" runs, but that will run out soon. from then on by the existing Laws it is simply "you have a new cedula/up to date residency to show Yes or No", they are not obliged to make the process more complicated than separating into "Yes or No" and send them on their way.
why somebody would not renew the already existing residency for YEARS, is beyond my understanding. those people know that afteryears without renewing your old residency is NOT valid anymore, the Immigrations office is by Law NOT obliged to renew your years long expired residency, that residency is simply not valid anymore and you have to do a new one by the new procedures and start it back in your homecountry at the nearest DR Embassy there.
puzzy whining doesn't count, there is noone else to blame than the lazy azz who did not renew his/her stuff for YEARS or who never ever moved a finger to get it done, did not spent a dime on it.
back in the day, when i did my residency, WITH a lawyer, it costed me converted into USDollars around $400.- for temp residency and cedula, a year later again ncluding Lawyer fees maybe around$250.- to have the permanent residency in hand.
who did not do it back in the day and "safed" the money for getting more cheap Presidentes or pay off the hookers, has to pay the bigger dimes today and go to the added loops of the process for long time overstayers.
honestly, i am happy that they finally come to the point where they check it out and act on the theme, tired of the stupids who so often laughed about the ones who got their papers right. those smiles are gone.