North Coast Tourism numbers decreasing


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
You know the source of the data but I am not prepared to share the analysis with you other that the Team has been working on this for over three years now.

Olly and the Team

3 years, yeah ok! Is this proprietary info you plan to sell? Like anyone cares!

By the way, I know the location of Jimmy Hoffa....

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
"Eddy", who you gonna believe, the DR "Spin Doctors", "Banco Central",or your "Lie'n Eyes"???????
My friend had 4 casinos in "PP" in "AIs" up until 3 years ago, now?....NONE!!!!!
The "Ai's" all folded!
The owners never keep the hotels up!
Food goes to HELL, people come here, get the same bad food, all 7 days and nights, go home and tell their friends, house of cards , "FALLS"!
Hotel sits empty for 3 years, is sold to new owner, updated, guests come, then "History Repeats It's Self"!!!!!
Not the best "Business Plan" for long term success!

"Fat Jimmy" was at Black Beards last time I was there!
"Elvis" had just, "Left The Building"!


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
For many years the rumors have had it that the powers that be, have stalled the evolution of tourism in the southwest due to
the strength of influences in PC. Whether this is the recent tourist demise of POP and surrounding areas may not be far from
the truth.

But have no proof to that or privy to that type of confirmation.

The biggest obstacle that SW tourism faces is the quality of the beaches. They are great but not up to par with what can be found elsewhere in the DR and rest of Caribbean. The only beach that is truly up to par is the one in Bahia de las Aguilas, but environmentalists don't want the Jaragua National Park to be touched and the beach itself is entirely within the park.

The rumors about leaders from other Dom destination getting in the way of developing the SW tourism arises from the lack of interest that the government has regarding improving the beaches, especially in Barahona where they tend to be pebble types instead of white sand. A few years ago the government improved the beaches of a few destinations, especially Jaun Dolio and Puerto Plata (anyone that remembers what playa Dorada originally looked like would instantly notice that the sand is now considerably whiter and even the color of the sea is nicer), but not a single beach in the SW was improved at all.

Rainieri is supposedly involved in a new tourism project I think its near Bani or Azua, so maybe greater interests will arise in developing the SW tourism, although it will not be in Barahona.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Bad food old hotels over priced taxis some one constantly trying to sell you something or trying to hustle you and go to PC is what people hear from friends returning from DR


Dec 19, 2009
The rate on pesos is most likely different than the rate on dollars.
When I checked rates a few years ago in the DR, because I had heard of the supposed high CD rates, in actuality, I found that they were no higher than US CD rates. So I tend to believe it's still an urban legend about the high rates.
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Sep 27, 2010
I don't think the average tourist gives a monkey's about the CD rate.

I may be wrong tho',


Jun 2, 2006
Lower the airport tax....when will this sink in???? It's the number one complaint yet it is never addressed.

drop/lower the airport tax for 3 months and watch what happens. doesn't the DR still hold the record for highest airport tax in the carribean ?


Active member
Oct 9, 2004
drop/lower the airport tax for 3 months and watch what happens. doesn't the DR still hold the record for highest airport tax in the carribean ?

Good luck with that ! That's the gov 's bread and butter how else does this country make money....that Gold mine ? Ha it would probably pay the government employees for 6 months max, without the tourism tax this country is Haiti within 2 years less maybe


Oct 29, 2010
Good luck with that ! That's the gov 's bread and butter how else does this country make money....that Gold mine ? Ha it would probably pay the government employees for 6 months max, without the tourism tax this country is Haiti within 2 years less maybe

I don't agree. If you lower the level of tax to a more competitive level, you should get more air traffic and more tourists = more income for the country.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
DR, Dominican Mentality does not allow for that kind of forward thinking!
Just like the merchants who would rather try and sell you one "Wldget" at $100, and make $10 each, rather than sell 50 "Widgets" at $50 each and make $5 on each sale!
They just can't see it!
May 29, 2006
That's like the guy I met selling apples at a roadside stand I asked him, how much for an apple, and he says, "$100." I asked him how did he expect to make any sales with that price and he said, "Yeah, it's harder, but this way I only have to sell one a day!"

Not true, but very like some of the dealings I've had.


New member
May 29, 2013
In the area of Puerto Plata we need new hotels, able to compete with the quality of the hotels in Punta Cana . The charter tourism - at least from Europe - claim huge and beautiful hotels with a lot to offer . And most of all, the tour operators claim less reclamations from their clients. They can send a family to Punta Cana for the same price as it would cost in Puerto Plata and the hotels are better in Punta Cana and they avoid complaints.. Complaints are expensive and disturbing.
Most hotels in the area of Puerto Plata are average or even old and pretty bad. Just look at Playa Dorada. The whole project of Playa Dorada is in a terrible shape ( except for maybe one or two hotels). Just look at the entrance to Playa Dorado - nothing has been done for the last 20 years. The mall in Playa Dorada has soooo many problems and most of the shops are closed. Then we have a few other hotels, which are acceptable like Iberostar, Coral Marien and Riu and end of the story.
Even if the tour operators would want to sell Puerto Plata, they cannot find decent hotel rooms for their clients and I know about companies that left Puerto Plata, because they just don’t want to offer the small and average hotels, because they are not competitive.
Maybe you and I would prefer staying for vacation in Puerto Plata and personally I hate Punta Cana, but a tourist does not know and he goes mainly where the tour operator is sending him. And the people mainly want nice beaches and sunshine..

It is an adventure for an investor to build a hotel in the area of Puerto Plata. The problems with the light for example. Furthermore you do not have any security for your investment, because here they change the laws, like normal people change their shirt .. The Government also makes a lot of bla bla and promises and afterwards they do nothing. Just look at that terrible garbage field almost in front of the Riu hotels. 10 years ago the Government said they were going to move the garbage dump to another place and nothing has happened so far. They don’t take care of the pollution - the rivers are infested and nobody is doing, what they really should do to improve the area. The main road to Santiago is not even in the budget for the year of 2014.. ( and Punta Cana has high ways, that you think you are in Miami)
They can clean the city, build a museum and whatever snick snack they can imagine - without new investments and new hotels the north coast is going nowhere.

And even the local business people - people from the city of Puerto Plata - are moving their investments to Punta Cana. We need nothing less than a miracle to save the North Coast.


Apr 29, 2005
And even the local business people - people from the city of Puerto Plata - are moving their investments to Punta Cana. We need nothing less than a miracle to save the North Coast.

Goes back to what I said before.......the gobmint is pushing this place down so they can buy it up at cheapy cheapy prices and turn it into a PC..... think about it....REALLY!!!!


Active member
Oct 9, 2004
I don't agree. If you lower the level of tax to a more competitive level, you should get more air traffic and more tourists = more income for the country.

There is already lots of air traffic into this country just not on the north coast.

Here's my comparison

Puerto Plata is like Puerta Vallarta or Aculpoco Mexico a washed up tourist destination from 20 -25 years ago

Punta Cana is like Cancun or Playa Del Carman or the Mayan Riviera Mexico

Casa del Campo is like Cabo San Lucas Mexico but still a little nicer

Boca Chica is like Tiajuana


Jun 17, 2005
Goes back to what I said before.......the gobmint is pushing this place down so they can buy it up at cheapy cheapy prices and turn it into a PC..... think about it....REALLY!!!!

I don't think the gobmint has enough money to bring the North Coast back to an AI / high tourism area. The beaches are not nice enough and the people who deal in tourism were corrupted years and years ago...impossible to drum that out of them. If this is really the gobmint's plan....they are going to lose big time.