Observations from the Frontier III

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May 12, 2005
Mirador said:
Docopac, I've never heard of Hugo Chavez ties with Al Queda. However, I did a quick search in google and found 239 hits on "Bush and Bin Laden family" ties, with titles including the following:

Osama bin Laden's Bush Family Business Connections

The confluence of Bush and bin Laden family interests

Why was Bush Sr. meeting bin Laden?s brother at the Ritz on 9/11?

Bush and Bin Laden Family (members of highly secretive and powerful international Carlyle Group and investment in Bush Jr.'s first oil venture).

There are 15 families which own 95% of the worlds money and the Bush and Bin Laden Family belong to them

The infamous Carlyle Group, linked to Bush and Bin Laden family investments



Well let's see, if i had a brother that was some sort of criminal does that mean I support what he does or that people who meet with me or do business with me support my criminal brother. I don't think so.

Mirador, you are starting to remind me of all of those "progressive" lefties that I went to college with. No sense of reality and the real world.

gary short

" What about Chavez's ties to Al Queda".
" Sincerely" Docopac

Really Docopac...that's ubsurd to the nth. Are you a faux news " journalist" Where's your references to fffffrrreeeedommmm, heeeros and tearissss.

Chavez's ties to Castro and Morales..............hhhmmmmm.........ummmm.......they're all freakin leftists. WHAT'S YOUR POINT!!!

gary short

I would suggest, Frank, that you should not have contact with your criminal brother.
Go back to college and finish that degree............in plumbing.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Mirador said:
Docopac, I've never heard of Hugo Chavez ties with Al Queda. However, I did a quick search in google and found 239 hits on "Bush and Bin Laden family" ties, with titles including the following:

Osama bin Laden's Bush Family Business Connections

The confluence of Bush and bin Laden family interests

Why was Bush Sr. meeting bin Laden’s brother at the Ritz on 9/11?

Bush and Bin Laden Family (members of highly secretive and powerful international Carlyle Group and investment in Bush Jr.'s first oil venture).

There are 15 families which own 95% of the worlds money and the Bush and Bin Laden Family belong to them

The infamous Carlyle Group, linked to Bush and Bin Laden family investments




That post STILL didn't answer Scandall's primary questions!
Aside from that, Osama Bin Ladin's own family have disowned him for his activities and terrorism.

Furthermore, you are asserting that there is colusion between GW and the family of Osama Bin Laden, which are speculation, at best. You haave absolutely no proof of such.
Yeah, I know, where there is smoke, there is bound to be fire. But Proof is something else again. Such innuendos and defmatory remarks should be beneath you as a learned man and debater.
You obviously don't like GW and company. News break, many don't, but simply let that aspect ride. That he is a bumbler and pig-headed, goes without saying. We all know that is the case, but I think you're laying motives at his feet that are not appropriate to the question.
Now, let's get back on the subject of the OP. That is the building of health facillities in a part of the country that really needs such. But Please don't lay at the feet of the builders the unfounded accusations that have been spread by the left-wing movements in the country. They simply aren't true and you know it. Give "Good Samaritanism" credit where it is due and don't attribute such to ulterior motives. These sort of projects have been going on for years and have been met with open arms in the countries that have received the largess. It has only been the DR that has an element which attributes nefarious meaning to the actions and these negative actions have been "rabble-roused" by the same group each time. I you are a member of the groups, then all I can say is that you are very misguided as to the intentions demonstrated by the builders of the clinics.
Aside from that and to extend the OP, don't you think that the DR has the right to request a mutual defense of it's borders and it's soverignty from a wealthier nation with whom it enjoys an ongoing partnership if this is what is happening? Would you deny that prerrogative? Or would you rather the country reman subject to intimidation by countries other than the US, which you claim has/is intimidating and coercing the DR into this scenario? Isn't the presence of the combat element with the engineering and medical units the source of all the protesting? Or, is just that some elements of this society don't want participation by the US in any project which benefits the population of a particular area. These elements seize every opportunity to drive a wedge between the DR and the US. Obvioulsy that is/has been the focus of their efforts. Their motives are as clear as glass. And they have the undeniable right to protest peacefully (although there were reports of conflict with the police in the area). We both know that Domnicans are very excitable and sometimes respond with a great deal of unruliness. Political rallies are rampant with violence.
That aside, I hope we have gone beyound the name calling and obtuse innuendos so prevelant previously. Let's try and conduct our debates without such in the future.
Think we can?? To do so required thatthere be no "baiting" with remarks designed to receive negative responses in opposition or retaliation with the same type of remarks.
As I see it, we need to post in the manner of real observations, backed by reliable references and written in such a manner that the meaning and intent of the post is clear.
Is that acceptable to you?
And when a pointed question isasked in a clarifying sense, that question be answered as honestly and completely as possible. There have been too many cases of "bbeating aroundthe bush"(no pun intended) in this OP.

Texas Bill
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Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003

I really don't know whether to post this or send you a PM.
Be that as it may be, your reference to the Carlyle Group led me to "google" the reference. For that reference, I sincerely thank you. At this time, it doesn't/hasn't changed my attitude, but who knows? Thanks again.
What i foundout, while notreally surprising, given the ongoing atmosphere in Washington, really has set me to thinking.
I've not been one to "surf the Web" very much and now realize that there is much out there that has "slipped through the floorboards" of my knowledge base.
That said, I will retire to my computer and to the ever increasing ability of "Google" to ferret out a lot of heretofore "hidden" information.
Bear in mind what I requested of you andothers in my previous post and I'll be getting back to everyone after my searches.

Texas Bill

gary short

Wild Bill I can't/ won't read a wind bag post such as your last. However I respect your opinion...ish. Get your facts straight.
The Carlyle groups chief advisor and once CEO is, was George senior and one of the major shareholders is the Bin Laden family.
You can speculate all you want. Thems the facts.


Mar 19, 2005
Scandall said:
"Sometimes the least voted for"????

I can only assume that you are referring to the popular vote versus the electoral college. Try to remember that 51% of the US population resides in only 5 states. Without the electoral college those few states could control elections for the remaining 45. The electoral college makes sense.

There is no federal recall statute but Presidents are subject to impeachment which can result in removal from office.

With very few exceptions, the US system of checks and balances works pretty well.

I hate the electoral college thingy for one particular reason: whether a presidential candidate wins in a state by a million votes or 50 votes that presidential candidate generally gets all the electoral colloges designated to that state. As democracy, that really sucks.

Furthermore, I think loosely populated states get enough representation from the U.S. Senate.
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Has left the building...
Feb 7, 2006
Why is it that the fundies always resort to the tired old clich? of "you have no proof"?

But a few weeks ago, The Kid brought you the news that Carlyle is now investing heavily in China. And as that other tired clich? goes, these thieves want to have their cake and eat it, too. Follow the money. Murdoch is now helping Hillary. I say, "eff 'em all and feed 'em catfish."

-The Kid


May 30, 2004
Scandall said:
This is turning into a Michael Moore thread. Wild speculation like the rest of his body of "work".



Edited to include: There is stuff in here about the Carlyle Group etc.

Interesting, at the risk of going off topic, the following paragraph shows how the electoral college is the wrong system to have:

The false announcements that the polls were closed, as well as the premature calls (the Presidential race ten minutes early; the Senate race an hour early), may have cost Bush thousands of votes from the conservative panhandle, as discouraged last-minute voters heard that their state had already been decided; some last-minute voters on their way to the polling place turned around and went home. Other voters who were waiting in line left the polling place. In Florida, as elsewhere, voters who have arrived at the polling place before closing time often end up voting after closing time, because of long lines. The conventional wisdom of politics is that supporters of the losing candidate are most likely to give up on voting when they hear that their side has already lost.


Has left the building...
Feb 7, 2006
Since Joe college (aegap) has asked for "Executive Action," I suggest we go back to the OP. However,--and you can have the last word, if you so desire, Scandall--there are things...

-The Kid


On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
Google produced 14,500 hits on the search of "the military mindset". Here are some representative titles:

The Problem of the Military Mindset

The military mindset does not like or countenance people who think independently

What happens if the military mindset predominates over law enforcement in counter-terrorism?

I don't want the police to adopt the military mindset

The military mindset naturally gravitates towards war, hence the sealing of the Mexican border




Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Mirador said:
Google produced 14,500 hits on the search of "the military mindset". Here are some representative titles:

The Problem of the Military Mindset

The military mindset does not like or countenance people who think independently

What happens if the military mindset predominates over law enforcement in counter-terrorism?

I don't want the police to adopt the military mindset

The military mindset naturally gravitates towards war, hence the sealing of the Mexican border



Ok. Our hijack of this thread is over. I just PMed SOTN to get my answer.

Mirador...elaborate on the "military mindset" and how it is developed in a PM to me. Then tell me what experiences you are basing it on.

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Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Mirador said:
Google produced 14,500 hits on the search of "the military mindset". Here are some representative titles:

The Problem of the Military Mindset

The military mindset does not like or countenance people who think independently

What happens if the military mindset predominates over law enforcement in counter-terrorism?

I don't want the police to adopt the military mindset

The military mindset naturally gravitates towards war, hence the sealing of the Mexican border



Funny. When I hear military mindset I think Chavez. An Army LTC who took over his government in a Coup. HHhmmm. Interesting.


Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Something of the Night said "I suggest we go back to the OP". This is a very good idea. I have no problems when some of you decide to stray a bit as it usually has a tendency to get back on track. What I do not agree with is the name calling and general animosity that begins to form and escalate with some of the posts. The rules are simple Ladies and Gentlemen and I think I allow enough diversity within the thread without anyone having to get into a pixxing contest with another board member.



Doctor of Diplomacy
Sep 23, 2002
Mirador said:
Google produced 14,500 hits on the search of "the military mindset". Here are some representative titles:

The Problem of the Military Mindset

The military mindset does not like or countenance people who think independently

What happens if the military mindset predominates over law enforcement in counter-terrorism?

I don't want the police to adopt the military mindset

The military mindset naturally gravitates towards war, hence the sealing of the Mexican border



Only 14,500....look what I found for Alien Autopsy:

Resultados 1 - 10 de aproximadamente 1,350,000 de alien autopsy. (0.18 segundos)

Google is not a source. It is a tool used to find sources. Then you determine the credibility of the source.

Sorry, Rick. I'm all done and will take my battle to PM.



Has left the building...
Feb 7, 2006

This is partly my fault. In the old days, The Kid would have been "sin-binned" permanently.

Now, since the troops are finally leaving DR territory, does this matter now? Or, as one poster asked yesterday, why that precise location? Someone said that it fits the mission. Well, okay. The Mission. DR has no choice in the matter.
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