Police Killed and stations over run


Dec 11, 2003
I had a distressing call from a Haitian friend (who has been trapped in Ottawa during the COVID quarantine) --who reported that as of last Friday more than 600 policeman have been killed. He said about half the police in PauP have been killed. Many of the people that are seen running in the streets are simply running to get away from them as the gangs are indiscrimately killing people. Those who can evacuate the city are doing so, as they did after the earthquake in 2010.

Gangs now occupy about all of the police stations in Port Au Prince since last Tuesday. They have now arrived even in Petitionville where last night they occupied the house of Mme. Preval, widow of the former President.

(I would expect that there may be closings or evacuations from Embassies soon-- please post if you hear of anything)

He said that he had little hope that Haiti would be able to get itself out of this situation without intervention from the international community. (He did try to blame Trump until I pointed out that Haiti was NOT a US colony and that every time the US tried to intervene all that happened was that Haiti BLAMED us for whatever - and he corrected himself - saying that of course, I was right)

He further said that the gangs that are under the control of Moise are the gangs that came in with Martelly. The ones that were under the control of Aristide are occupied with protecting only him.

Moise has proposed a new constitution that my friend (we will call him "Joe") has sent me - which is due for a vote - which almost everyone opposes. I will study it and get back to you. He and I are scheduled to talk more this evening.


Dec 11, 2003


Dec 11, 2003
I would appreciate the help of any Francophones on this - https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/CCI-CONSTITUTION_Projet-de-Constitution-2-fevrier-2021-20h00.pdf. My Haitian contact is saying that this proposed constitution bars the prosecution of any former official for murder/theft or fraud. There are only a few of us on Twitter who are working on this. The election is scheduled for June 27th. Any help/opinions are welcome.. this draft has not yet been translated.
Never mind - Joe pointed out that it was Article 139 and Section 3 - particularly 141 & 155 that were "unacceptable".. But then we also both agreed that this was obviously the work of the "international" community - even though there were 5 named Haitians who took the credit - AND that it was going to passed no matter what on June 27. I quoted him the "serenity prayer" - "God give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" - and suggested that instead of fretting over the Constitution - he & others ought to get to work finding the people to run the country in 2022.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
Never mind - Joe pointed out that it was Article 139 and Section 3 - particularly 141 & 155 that were "unacceptable".. But then we also both agreed that this was obviously the work of the "international" community - even though there were 5 named Haitians who took the credit - AND that it was going to passed no matter what on June 27. I quoted him the "serenity prayer" - "God give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" - and suggested that instead of fretting over the Constitution - he & others ought to get to work finding the people to run the country in 2022.

Even if they found anyone good, who's to say it's going to be a fair election? My guess is that once this new constitution is rammed thru, the old boss will be the new boss.


Dec 11, 2003
I had a distressing call from a Haitian friend (who has been trapped in Ottawa during the COVID quarantine) --who reported that as of last Friday more than 600 policeman have been killed. He said about half the police in PauP have been killed. Many of the people that are seen running in the streets are simply running to get away from them as the gangs are indiscrimately killing people. Those who can evacuate the city are doing so, as they did after the earthquake in 2010.

Gangs now occupy about all of the police stations in Port Au Prince since last Tuesday. They have now arrived even in Petitionville where last night they occupied the house of Mme. Preval, widow of the former President.

(I would expect that there may be closings or evacuations from Embassies soon-- please post if you hear of anything)

He said that he had little hope that Haiti would be able to get itself out of this situation without intervention from the international community. (He did try to blame Trump until I pointed out that Haiti was NOT a US colony and that every time the US tried to intervene all that happened was that Haiti BLAMED us for whatever - and he corrected himself - saying that of course, I was right)

He further said that the gangs that are under the control of Moise are the gangs that came in with Martelly. The ones that were under the control of Aristide are occupied with protecting only him.

Moise has proposed a new constitution that my friend (we will call him "Joe") has sent me - which is due for a vote - which almost everyone opposes. I will study it and get back to you. He and I are scheduled to talk more this evening.
I told Joe that there would not be any help coming from the USA - at least not in the form of any sort of military intervention to restore the peace. There are folks in the US Congress working on the issue but the best that the USA is going to do - they have done - which is to halt deportations by extending Temporary Protected Status to any Haitians living in the USA ( not sure if the halt in deportations will apply to naturalized Haitians who are felons - probably not - they serve their time and are THEN deported - which seems like a waste of taxpayer dollars to me)
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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
I just stumbled upon this. I have nothing to do with the production of the video (which I find a little odd that the production quality is so good). Anyway, if you don't agree with something in the video, don't shoot the sharer.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
He said that he had little hope that Haiti would be able to get itself out of this situation without intervention from the international community. (He did try to blame Trump until I pointed out that Haiti was NOT a US colony and that every time the US tried to intervene all that happened was that Haiti BLAMED us for whatever - and he corrected himself - saying that of course, I was right)
Please tell your friend the international community does not need to do anything for that sorry excuse for a country nor does the USA need to throw anymore of our hard earned tax dollars at it... ever again.

It's time for those little cry babies to grow up, stop the witch craft, stop the spooky voodoo, stop looking for handouts, start using gas to cook with, stop expecting the rest of us (western nations) to wipe your *sses and join the CIVILIZED WORLD.

If your friend is so concerned about what is happening in Haiti why is he living in Canada (running/ hiding or chasing dollars) instead of going back down to Haiti asap and doing something about it?

Haiti's problems need to be solved by Haitian people on Haitian soil.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The Great Wall of China could not keep Haitians out of the DR....just like the "wall" between Mexico and the USofA is but an expensive, offensive joke.
Not really, the wall isn't complete but complete it would be very effective, just as the Israelis wall is effective. If you have ever been to the Vatican you would know that its walls are very effectives as well. Why is it offensive, good fences make for good neighbours.


Welcome To Wonderland
Apr 1, 2014
The Great Wall of China could not keep Haitians out of the DR....just like the "wall" between Mexico and the USofA is but an expensive, offensive joke.
More about border security with Haiti than a wall however a wall is being built in some areas to slow the flow and channel the illegals into areas which will be reinforced with additional personnel. If that doesn't help to stop the problem
I suppose they could always take the Egyptian approach.
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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2016
Not really, the wall isn't complete but complete it would be very effective, just as the Israelis wall is effective. If you have ever been to the Vatican you would know that its walls are very effectives as well. Why is it offensive, good fences make for good neighbours.
Not sure how effective a wall would be against bribes.