If you are in an area that Claro has Fiber Optic up and running you will have very stable, reliable internet. If not you are on your own.................
If you are in an area that Claro has Fiber Optic up and running you will have very stable, reliable internet. If not you are on your own.................
Conoce nuestros planes de internet por fibra para el hograr. Streaming, descargas de videos, juegos en línea sin fallas, videoconferencias y mucho más.
Conoce nuestros planes de internet por fibra para el hograr. Streaming, descargas de videos, juegos en línea sin fallas, videoconferencias y mucho más.
Thanks for the link to Altice plans. They used to be ridiculously expensive and not competitive with other providers. A lot better now. Not sure how reliable though. I have Claro fiber and have probably 99.99 % uptime with them. More than happy.
No contest between Claro and Altice regarding Fiber Optic. Just look out your window. Any Altice trucks roaming around? Not much but tons of Claro techs. Altice is a distant second regarding Fiber Optic on all accounts................
No contest between Claro and Altice regarding Fiber Optic. Just look out your window. Any Altice trucks roaming around? Not much but tons of Claro techs. Altice is a distant second regarding Fiber Optic on all accounts................
Your critique is fair but if Claro fiber optic isn't available in your area your point is moot. This was the case with me. After being a loyal Claro costumer for 20 years and not being able to get anything over 20Mbps down I got 100Mps from Altice then upgraded to 200Mps with an uptime of 99.99% in those 2 years I've been a costumer. Claro is now offering fiber in my area with 300 Mps max vs Altice 500 Mps max. I think Ill stay with Altice thank you very much.
Thanks for the link to Altice plans. They used to be ridiculously expensive and not competitive with other providers. A lot better now. Not sure how reliable though. I have Claro fiber and have probably 99.99 % uptime with them. More than happy.
You are very welcome. They've been very reliable in my area in Std Dgo Este. I do a speed test every once in a while and I am getting what I'm paying for with very few exceptions.