'Nice' Dominicans get murdered too. Vanessa for example in Santiago. I don't think most people posting here equate the drug problem with the murder of expats. It is the overall increase in the sort of attacks which certainly middle class Dominicans in Santiago suffer, just as they do in Puerto Plata and elsewhere. There is a bigger picture than ghetto problems. People come OUT from the barrios into other areas.
With all the respect that the Ram?rez family deserves, especially regarding the case of their beloved Vanessa; I must say that her tragic death could had been avoided if she had not insisted on keeping her cell phone.
Yes, the fact that three very young males, perhaps unemployed and disenfranchised, wanted to steal her celular phone is outrageous. However, based on all reports concerning this issue that I have read, the guys shot her after she attempted to put up a struggle to keep her celular phone.
Perhaps, if she would have given the guys her phone, maybe she would still be alive today.
This I say with as much respect as the Ram?rez family deserves in normal circumstances, much more concerning this issue.
But, it's something I have been thinking about for a while. For certain, if someone manages to mug me (God forbid) and they want my wallet, if they are pointing a gun at me, I will give them what they want rather than make a fuss about it, especially if its more than one guy against me.
By the way, here are a few tips on how you can buy some time in case of an emergency, such as someone trying to mug you or force you into a car or something.
Always carry something in your hand wherever you go. Preferrably carry either a book (ie. a novel with a flat spine) or a bottle of water with at least some water in it.
The reason is, if someone attempts to do something to you, you can take the book, hold it firm in your right (or left hand) and with all your might shove aim to the nose of the perpetrator and shove the spine of the book into his nose. The same can be done with a bottle of water and if the bottle has some water in it, it will magnify the strength and the severity with which it will hit the perpetrator.
You can also hold your five fingers in a straight position, but together and shab your fingers into the eyes of the perpetrator. Always aim to his/her cheek bones. The reason is because in a situation, you will most likely be scared or shaky, etc and aiming might not be your best. If you aim to his/her cheek bone, you fingers will inevitably slide up into his/her eyes causing the temporary discomfort. Such discomfort will be enough to cause the perpetrator to stop and loose his attention/focus.
At that moment, quickly take both of your hands and with the palm slam both of them as hard as you can onto his/her ears. Doing this hard enough will cause a person to loose his/her balance and become disoriented.
At this time, you should have enough time to run towards help.
BTW, this is stuff my girlfriend learned when she took a self-defense course.