Super Pola had cottage cheese one time about a year ago. Can't remember the brand name, but it was pretty good and cheaper than Breakstones. Super Pola is now twice as big as it used to be but just has twice as much of the same stuff it always had.
Hopefully that is just Temporary, until the Buyers can figure out what to put in the Valuable new space..
I hate when Retailers do that .
The Biggest Comedy of this I have ever seen ( and im not trying to go off topic, please, its just a "Retailing" point)
Is when DICKS sporting goods took away all the Archery stuff , all Hunting in fact etc.
They literally replaced it with like 3 ISLES of the same color Coolers.. and the Other Isles were Thermos Mugs. Hundreds of Mugs wide same exact color and size, one deep ... it was absolutely bizarre.