The other heartbreaking side of the DR


New member
Jan 20, 2004
7 kids at 29? How many more will she have? And with 7 kids when does she find the time to even have sex? It's hard enough to get it on with 1 kid in the house!


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
It is the church's fault.

7 kids at 29? How many more will she have? And with 7 kids when does she find the time to even have sex? It's hard enough to get it on with 1 kid in the house!

I blame the churches who do not believe in condoms. They just keep telling them that God will provide, and do not use protection. So then they show up at the church looking for food and money.

If it is cold, you put on a coat. If you cannot swim, you stay out of the water. If you are poor, and you cannot feed the first three kids, you put on a condom, and NOT have four more kids.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Where are the fathers of the kids? What type of men did she sleep with? How would they let their kids live like this? I don't know how people could have the heart to let this happen. I feel very sorry for the lady because she opened a personal hell for herself by having 7 kids without being able to support them. She might need to put some up for adoption in an orphanage. My heart goes out to her. And all this happens in the same country where the top ten percent live like the wealthiest Americans. It is very disturbing.


New member
Jan 20, 2004
And I'm positive that someone will hear her story, and help her out money wise.. I really do feel for her kids, but charity will just show her that everyone else will pay for her mistakes...
Dec 26, 2011
that actually do know better but choose to do the wrong thing just that same at the peril of others

I still wake up every morning thinking that everyone sees the world like I do. Then I have some coffee and reality sets in. I doubt DR1 is the place to have a discussion about the illusion of free will, but you understand that people with diminished mental ability due to poor nutrition during their formative years into adulthood and lacking positive parental examples of people that reaped the benefits of good decisions will see their existence very differently from those of us that have enjoyed the benefits of comparatively stable families and three meals a day of vitamin-enriched food and a snack to boot.

You seem pretty smart NotLurking. I bet 100$US that you've read at least one book in your lifetime. I bet the same that Dilenia has not.


Live everyday like it's your last
Mar 26, 2012
7 kids at 29? How many more will she have? And with 7 kids when does she find the time to even have sex? It's hard enough to get it on with 1 kid in the house!

Isn't grandma home watching kids? She probably goes out at night,somewhere behind the bushes,and i'm not being sarcastic.


New member
Aug 9, 2011
I blame the churches who do not believe in condoms. They just keep telling them that God will provide, and do not use protection. So then they show up at the church looking for food and money.

Condoms are not condemned by the church, if they were, they wouldn't be sold in every "colmado" in the country. What the church does condemn is abortion. As I said earlier condoms are very cheap, $10 to $15 pesos a condom, easily attainable by anyone.


Jul 10, 2004
windeguy, I don't want to dig deeper. I'm tired of making up excuses for people that actually do know better but choose to do the wrong thing just the same at the peril of others; the children & society. I can relate (understand?) that destiny can sometimes be a formidable foe (fickle friend?) and in many cases the situation is out of one's control but lets get a grip and look at this in prospective. Ms. Dilenia Rodriguez, had SEVEN kids. At some point, say, around the forth kid, she must have thought, uhmmm how am I and the kids going to eat. You are know telling me with a straight face that she didn't have the choice of not having more kids?????? Am I to accept that the animal instinct of sex clouded all reasoning? She has sufficient capacity to go out and beg, what is running through her mind when she begs? Isn't the same lame ass excuse applicable here? Her savage sexual desires ravage her every rational thought? I'm not buying into this.....


Perhaps she considers herself a "good Catholic".


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
Condoms are not condemned by the church, if they were, they wouldn't be sold in every "colmado" in the country. What the church does condemn is abortion. As I said earlier condoms are very cheap, $10 to $15 pesos a condom, easily attainable by anyone.

The Catholic church ALMOST implied that condoms may be helpful to prevent the spread of AIDS, and then did a very quick panicked rebuttal, and said that condoms are not morally justified, for the spread of AIDS, nor for contraception. The church preaches that any form of contraception "contradicts the will of God" . . . meaning, if the woman gets pregnant as a result of unprotected sex, then that was in God's "plan".
Aug 21, 2007
It's heartbreaking. We do what we can, but we're just one couple and we can't fix the whole town.

Like our housekeeper told us, "There are a lot of hungry people here".

Yes, there ARE a lot of hungry people out there. And you ARE just one couple and cannot fix the whole town. Nor the whole world.

But you CAN help one. And just doing that you have made the world a better place.

As for the others with all the criticisms of and solutions to the problems, I would hope that you have gone into the bateys, seen the circumstances first hand, and done some small thing to help in some small way before you expound upon the situation.

(And that comment will probably produce some nasty grams in my direction.)



Feb 3, 2002
I have mixed feelings about this. Feel sorry for the kids who were born in this situation through no fault of their own, but outrage at this woman and specially the kids' father(s) who continue to perpetuate this cycle and don't face up to their responsibilities. They should be in jail until they provide child support.

Oh and BTW condoms are free at clinics.

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
The Vatican

There are powerful organizations run by men that pretend to speak for imaginary friends that perpetuate this.

The Catholic church tells it's women that contraception and abortion is against Gods will.
The millions of children who are born to the women following this directive receive no help from the Vatican who's wealth is estimated by bankers at 10-15 billion.
Its time for another trip with the "Pope Mobile" to Latin America and the Philippines.
Not just in the poorest countries. In Quebec Canada one or two generations ago there are many women with seven to twelve children.
Thank you Papa!

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010

Can she please stop opening her legs? And where the hell are the sperm donors? She doesn't have a bed or a bathroom but she is pregnant every other year. Life is good...whoopee all the time.


Have you considered blaming the men?
If a women married or not says NO who do you think wins?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2007
All I can say is thank God for all our blessings. Many have it worse!!!!

Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
Hlywud Post #4

Abstinence needs no money. Common sense? If you can't feed one don't fornicate to avoid creating another which you can't feed either. My 8 year old can understand this. If you don't have enough for one, you'll certainly not have enough for two.


Post # 4 is worth noting!