There Goes the Neighbourhood - Hell's Angels Bunker North Coast

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Mar 4, 2004
Sounds like some of you are in serious denial of what the HA's represent.

The denial, it seems to me, is not about this but about it's relevance to the north coast, where as DavidZ says:

There are already drugs, prostitution, gangs, corruption and everything else they are known for right here in Cabarete and probably every single town and province of this country, so why dwell on this?

In all reality there are bigger problems on the north coast than a gang of bikers whether they have criminal connections as has been speculated or not. But of course, if people don't want to see that, they won't see it.


Dec 7, 2006
Lambada: I already agree with you points, that they won't really be doing anything to change the landscape of the North. But there is an issue that goes beyond the North, and has implications for Candians, tourists or residents, or businesses, and dominicans that would wish to have interests in canada. The fact that the HA are legitimizing their position, can make any canadian visiting, living, doing business in/with the DR suspect to involvement with HA operations - not a good thing. At least from my perspective as a Canadian Citizen. Asides from that, as I said, the landscape will not change - but lets not paint them out to be the red cross. caman!

John Evans

I think you just lost all credibility with that statement- hells bells


Dec 7, 2006
Typical internet one-liner one-upmanship. Although my statement might be a little exagerated (for dramatic effect), the principal stands true. My credibility stands in that I worked an Intelligence organization that dealt with this type of thing .
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Aug 29, 2005
El_U...are you actually saying that because The HA bought a house here to vacation, or maybe retire here, that now all Canadians are suspect as to why they are traveling to the Dominican Republic, and likewise all Dominicans to Canada? If so, this is the most ridiculous statement in this rather ridiculous thread...


New member
Jan 11, 2008
There is a big difference between an HA member on vacation and the HA?s operating in a place as organized crime. Just as in Daytona during bike week, most of the time they are affable, fun-loving guys, no doubt. As I am sure many pro boxers are as well. But when a boxer is working, i wouldn?t want to be in the ring with them, especially without rules, a ref and even knowing that the bell has rung....


Dec 7, 2006
You don't seem to understand the implications of the fact that it is not a house, but a Chapter that is being open, not by dominicans, but by Canadians. I'm not sayin that every single Canadian will be a suspect. But people of certain demographics (i.e male 18-50) can expect to be searched, or questioned upon returnin to Canada. Men sponsoring women may be scrutinzed more than usual because of this sort of thing. This can definately have an impact on how Canadians who spend time in the DR are viewed by their own authorities. You might not see where I am coming from - but you probably haven't had an inside perspective. All I can say as that this announcement of the HA opening a Chapter in DR changes the way Canadians spending time in the DR will be scrutinized in an official perspective. No, I don't think each and every one of the 500 000 canadians that visit each year will be subjected to bad treatment, just that the percentage will increase, that is all.


Mar 4, 2004
At least from my perspective as a Canadian Citizen.

Ah! That explains why I'm not quaking in my boots - I'm not a Canadian citizen. :cheeky:

But, looky here. Some of these guys are becoming Dominican says.....

You gotta love the local mayor.........'Meanwhile, the local mayor says he knows of the Hells Angels bunker, nicknamed "Route 81" for the first and eighth letters of the alphabet, HA, short for Hells Angels, but says they're no problem, just a group of bikers like any other.'

Now..........has Vladimir been initiated? Is he part of the set-up? If you see him at the local tattoo-parlour you'll know why..............;)


Aug 29, 2005
I still don't see the connection between opening a "chapter" and starting an illegal business operation. As has been stated many times, they have been here for years and by all accounts are not doing that now, why would it change just because there is now a Chapter here vs. just a clubhouse?? If anything, they would have taken the opportunity while they were "under the radar" to open their meth labs and prostitution businesses, no?

And as far as understanding the implications, Ive lived in several very different but related situations... I owned a bar a few blocks from the HA Clubhouse in NY. At the time, I had long hair and rode a Harley. Many HA hung out there... I was never treated like I was suspected of being affiliated in any way with the HA. I have been to many HA sponsored events and was never implicated as an associate of the HA. I travel frequently and have my home residence in South Florida where probably 80% of the illegal drugs from the DR come into the US - they don't look at me funny at customs and expect me of being a drug smuggler...

I understand you were in the Intelligence business, but I think you are blowing this WAY out of proportion.


Dec 7, 2006
I'm not quaking in my boots. But it bugs me that this sort of thing will inconenvience a bunch of people that have nothing to do with the organization. They could have avoided that by keeping a lower profile. And some 50+ bikers, that happen to be members, are just "regular guys" who like bikes. HAHAHAHA. I wonder what kind of treatment the mayor gets.


Apr 11, 2004
You don't seem to understand the implications of the fact that it is not a house, but a Chapter that is being open, not by dominicans, but by Canadians. I'm not sayin that every single Canadian will be a suspect. But people of certain demographics (i.e male 18-50) can expect to be searched, or questioned upon returnin to Canada. Men sponsoring women may be scrutinzed more than usual because of this sort of thing. This can definately have an impact on how Canadians who spend time in the DR are viewed by their own authorities. You might not see where I am coming from - but you probably haven't had an inside perspective. All I can say as that this announcement of the HA opening a Chapter in DR changes the way Canadians spending time in the DR will be scrutinized in an official perspective. No, I don't think each and every one of the 500 000 canadians that visit each year will be subjected to bad treatment, just that the percentage will increase, that is all.

So I guess your beef is not with the HA in Cabarete, but with your own government who does not afford you the freedom to travel where you please without government intervention.

I suggest you take this up with the Canadian Government because we cannot help you here.


Mar 4, 2004
. I travel frequently and have my home residence in South Florida where probably 80% of the illegal drugs from the DR come into the US - they don't look at me funny at customs and expect me of being a drug smuggler...

You're darn lucky, sir! Last time I was at Miami airport they'd just brought in the new TSA machines which went off when my case went through - I got the Al-Quaida grilling. And I'm a female, British, short-haired old age pensioner........:laugh::laugh:


Dec 7, 2006
I still don't see the connection between opening a "chapter" and starting an illegal business operation. As has been stated many times, they have been here for years and by all accounts are not doing that now, why would it change just because there is now a Chapter here vs. just a clubhouse?? If anything, they would have taken the opportunity while they were "under the radar" to open their meth labs and prostitution businesses, no?.

Thing is it not necessarily them that is going to be doing the "work". They have money, money can get you some underlings to do your dirty work. So while you play the part of "perfect neighbour", you can have a few thugs do the work for you. It's that simple.

And as far as understanding the implications, Ive lived in several very different but related situations... I owned a bar a few blocks from the HA Clubhouse in NY. At the time, I had long hair and rode a Harley. Many HA hung out there... I was never treated like I was suspected of being affiliated in any way with the HA. I have been to many HA sponsored events and was never implicated as an associate of the HA. I travel frequently and have my home residence in South Florida where probably 80% of the illegal drugs from the DR come into the US - they don't look at me funny at customs and expect me of being a drug smuggler....

That's all fine and dandy. You are probably an upstanding citizen, and I assumed you ran your bar well, and had no accounting irregularities or anything of the like - no reason to suspect you of wrong doing. As for customs in South Florida not looking at you funny that is great too. However, most of the Drugs that come through the DR leave through Haiti. I am not familiar with your race, accent, or cut - but that may be another reason why you are not profiled. Another thing I'd like to point out, and I can't believe I'm saying this. Candian Border agents are azzholes. I used to think there was no worse than the Americans, but in the last few years, they have really changed the way the operate - The DR Chapter is news to them, believe me, this fact alone will change how travellers are treated upon return to Canada - especially a male travelling alone (not that sex tourism stigma helps with that any).

I understand you were in the Intelligence business, but I think you are blowing this WAY out of proportion.[/QUOTE]

And I already stated I was blowing things out of proportion, no doubt. To understand what I'm talking about you have to look at it from a Canadian perspective. It's not how the Northern DR is affected, things there don't change much. But look at it this way if you will. I own an import export business. I plan on importing 2 tonnes of organic coffee to Montreal from Puerto Plata. Do you think this type of operation will be further scrutinezed by border authorities in Canada due to HA presence in the country of origin. Yes or NO?


Mar 4, 2004
I plan on importing 2 tonnes of organic coffee to Montreal from Puerto Plata. Do you think this type of operation will be further scrutinezed by border authorities in Canada due to HA presence in the country of origin. Yes or NO?

Well if your brand is called Angel Organs or somesuch, probably yes. Please, stop worrying. Border authorities in Canada & US ought to be scrutinising everything because of the already existing shuttle-flights from PP & Santiago carrying drugs twice a week into US & Canada.


Dec 7, 2006
So I guess your beef is not with the HA in Cabarete, but with your own government who does not afford you the freedom to travel where you please without government intervention.

I suggest you take this up with the Canadian Government because we cannot help you here.

If you would learn how to read, you would already see that I have stated several times "their impact on the north to minimal". At least their direct impact. The implications for Canadian travellers to the DR has implications for tourist zones. We live in a global society. It's great that you believe that Canadian policies are irrelevant to the DR, but that's not the case in actuallity. If people begin to have bad treatment upon returning from a destination, soley for being in a destination, they might not come back. If businesses begin to have complications, soley because of the country where they are doing business, they may look elsewhere.

The DR unlike Canada, doesn't have any standards by which to decide to let someone into the country - it's a great place for a criminal to hide. Unfortunately, 50 members of an organization known to have criminal elements setting up shop abroad, carries implications at home, and internationally.

Yes my beef is the the GoC, but if you have any clue, you'd realize that that effects the DR aswell.

Why don't you tell me about your freedom a little more. Like when the last time you were able to walk around for more than a few lit blocks, unarmed at night. List some examples.

I'm not trying to burst any bubbles - it just seems that people can't see through their rose coloured "paradise" bubbles. Sorry, the DR, as beautiful as it may be, is not paradise. The DR is not immune to goings on of the rest of the world. What is so hard to understand??


Apr 11, 2004
I not only can walk around any time of day or night unarmed with no fear of, crime, but I can also carry a nice cold Beer in my hand. Something I doubt you can do where you live.


Aug 29, 2005
Thing is it not necessarily them that is going to be doing the "work". They have money, money can get you some underlings to do your dirty work. So while you play the part of "perfect neighbour", you can have a few thugs do the work for you. It's that simple.

I own an import export business. I plan on importing 2 tonnes of organic coffee to Montreal from Puerto Plata. Do you think this type of operation will be further scrutinezed by border authorities in Canada due to HA presence in the country of origin. Yes or NO?

To your first point... Do you think the HA are really the ones that have "Thugs" doing their dirty work? The thugs are out in force, throughout this and every other third world - and "first world" for that matter, Country. In case you haven't noticed...many of the cops, politicians, and local business people here are no "Angels" themselves. Do you actually think even the worst HA are worse than the local gangs, or above mentioned "Angels"?

To your second point... No, I don't think anyone or any business venture will be scrutinized by customs one tiny bit more because a small handful of Canadian Hell's Angel's decided to move to Cabarete!!! That is ludicrous.

However, every grain of coffee WILL absolutely be scrutinized as it is one the oldest "tricks in the book" for smuggling drugs - throws off dog's sense of smell, ya know...

And as to your comment about "freedom" and safety. I'm an Amercian, home of the supposed Free and the brave (notice it doesn't say "safe"!). I have never...once...anywhere in the DR...been acosted, attacked or otherwise threatened. I have walked alone late at night through several parts of Santo Domingo, Santiago, Juan Dolio, Punta Cana, Puerto Plata, and obviously Cabarete. I'm not a particularly big or imposing looking guy..I don't look like a "sucker" either, but my point is, I for one, feel as safe, if not more safe here in the DR and Cabarete specifically then I did anywhere in the US, or anywhere else I've travelled. Maybe it's just me....
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Jul 8, 2005
Why defend these nice snow birds with such vigor. Oh, do you have real estate projects going on in the Cabarete area???????????????

Chapter + clubhouse = bad news where ever it is.

I had the pleasure of seeing them in action for the past 2 weeks. Been down 20 times the past 5 years and never saw one. Past 2 weeks they were all over Sosua. I bet they are all nice in Cabarete but they are smart enough not to shyt in their own back yard. These dudes were HELLS ANGELS 100%.

So you guys are all right. They bring drugs and violence everywhere a chapter starts but nothing has happened yet. I hope nothing does happen but i doubt it.

Strength comes with numbers. As mentioned there are already gangs and drugs on the North Coast. But are these gangs and drug dealers organized like the club 81 gang. I think not. What's that Tony " with money comes power ".

Take it from an ex-con. They have more than sun, booze and hookers on their agenda.


Dec 15, 2003
Why defend these nice snow birds with such vigor. Oh, do you have real estate projects going on in the Cabarete area???????????????

Chapter + clubhouse = bad news where ever it is.

I had the pleasure of seeing them in action for the past 2 weeks. Been down 20 times the past 5 years and never saw one. Past 2 weeks they were all over Sosua. I bet they are all nice in Cabarete but they are smart enough not to shyt in their own back yard. These dudes were HELLS ANGELS 100%.

So you guys are all right. They bring drugs and violence everywhere a chapter starts but nothing has happened yet. I hope nothing does happen but i doubt it.

Strength comes with numbers. As mentioned there are already gangs and drugs on the North Coast. But are these gangs and drug dealers organized like the club 81 gang. I think not. What's that Tony " with money comes power ".

Yes I agree, there is an element of a dangerous HA sect that is here now, but there is no need for others to blow this out of all proportion, as if we all need to go out in armoured tanks to the supermarket in the future!
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