There Goes the Neighbourhood - Hell's Angels Bunker North Coast

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I see your bet and raise you
Bikers for Christ
(too bad I can't find the link to "Gay Bikers for Jesus!" ;) [I kid you not... :D])


Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
I've been riding for over 40 years, and recently owned a bar where a lot of real bikers were known to hang out. I think I have a little insight into these guys.

For civilians out there (like me), just be aware that they just want to be left alone. Very rarely do they go looking for trouble. If they are involved in bad stuff, my advice is to just steer clear. Don't mess with them and they won't mess with you. Treat them with respect, and most likely they will return the favor.

You may just create some real problems for yourself if you get involved with them and their business. Those in the middle of turf wars are the civilians who end up in bad situations.


Dec 7, 2006
That article was featured in every all papers in the Sun syndicate. Basically it was published in every major city in Canada. A rag they are, I'll admit. This still is bad publicity for the DR. As for french articles, there have been others published in the past few days, but I won't bother posting them, as most members don't read french. As for my stance on the HA, well, as I said before their direct impact on the towns of the north is minimal, however, they aren't doing much for the reputation, and although they are good neighbours, there is a very high chance that they are involved in local crime schemes - not acutally doing, but ordering. The whole notion that "they are just guys who like bikes" is rubbish, and even if some are old, that is irrelevant, their work is as simple as picking up the phone.

Not that this has any kind of huge impact on me, I don't live in Caberete or Sosua, would never want to. There are already several criminals, paedophiles, etc. there, it makes sense that the HA would fit in.


New member
Jun 24, 2004
OK, so the HA are entrenched in their "fortified bunker" and "barbed wire" encircled residence. Seems like a perfectly natural way to blend in with the neighbourhood. So now let's see if the 'Ndrangheta set up "shop" on the North coast......or maybe they are already there. Just another group of fine, upstanding businessmen and community leaders who are only there for commercial purposes and having a fun filled vacation. However, they won't be riding choppers and wearing colours!


Jan 1, 2002
You don't think poor George was a Cabarete HA do you?
Estadounidense muere de infarto cuando hac?*a el amor tras tomar estimulante

For the non-Spanish readers George was a 74 year old who allegedly took one too many Viagras & went out smiling in Cabarete over the weekend.

On second thoughts he was a US citizen not a Canadian. And if there's a Mrs. George, our condolences.

You have to admit, it's a great way to go. That was very nice of the girl to stick around. Too bad the cops are gonna get the money and not her.


Apr 17, 2006
The cover of Montreal's biggest paper has had the "Hell's in the DR" on the covers since Friday practically. Huge 5 pages articles. This WILL make people in Quebec not want to go there as much. We have too much bad history with them and most people here will want to steer clear of them. (Even if the articles are probably exagerated).

I don't think it's just the geriatrics ones either. The cover on Friday showed a picture of 2 VERY well known members from Quebec in Cabarete.

John Evans

can i ask why they are allowed to roam free in Canada if they are known


Apr 17, 2006
Ever hear of O.J. ;)

Sometimes it's hard to put away the big guys when it's always the little guys that get caught with their hands in the cookie jar...Sad but true.


Mar 4, 2004
I don't think it's just the geriatrics ones either. The cover on Friday showed a picture of 2 VERY well known members from Quebec in Cabarete.

Yes they came for a wedding. The son of one of the 'well known members' got married here & all his buddies came down. I thought I'd explained earlier about the wedding?

We'll just have to hope it wasn't one of those 'mafia' judges in Higuey who performed the ceremony............on second thoughts, maybe that would be an effective way of dealing with the mafia judges?


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Would be a VERY effective way of dealing with them :)

IMy family had an upfront and personal encounter with the Ontario Chapter of HA.

Many moons ago we were camping in a tent trailer on a secluded beach on one of the lakes near our Canadian home. About 2 AM in roared 25-30 bikes...No I don't know exactly how's VERY dark in the woods!
We awakened, peeked outside and hoped to God they wouldn't spot us ( got the shotgun ready just in case).

There was an old shack a few hundred feet up the road that the gang proceeded to tear down and use to start a huge bonfire on the beach.
Lots of laughter and music and booze and hi-jinks - UNTIL the fire got big and bright enough that someone spotted the trailer.....

I've never seen a bonfire that big put out so quickly then they got on thier bikes and rode off into the sunrise!!!

Seems we scared them as much as they scared us!!:pirate:

Didn't have the heart to tell my DH that we were safe either way.....while I never wore the patch I did know the password. Dated a full patch HA in the mid-60's......

The stories I could tell (but wouldn't dare or I wouldn't have to worry about having another heart attack!!;))

DH has long since been informned of my short lived involvement with the HA.....

Don't bother them and they won't bother you......just know that your community will be forever changed by their presence.


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
El_U...are you actually saying that because The HA bought a house here to vacation, or maybe retire here, that now all Canadians are suspect as to why they are traveling to the Dominican Republic, and likewise all Dominicans to Canada? If so, this is the most ridiculous statement in this rather ridiculous thread...

In 1996 I was on a business training trip to the Detroit area. With nothing to do on Sunday afternoon myself and two other guys that I met on the trip decided to go to Windsor, ON for a cup of coffee just to say we'd been out of the country. There was no traffic but it took us over an hour of interrogation and taking the car apart and putting it back together to cross the border, because I had long hair and a motorcycle license. His point is not ridiculous it is fact. That said I don?t think that one citizen should be discriminated against to spare another an inconvenience.

Anybody who wants to tell me that Hells Angels is a only a motorcyle club has the credibility problem with me. It is a highly organized international criminal enterprise. Be happy they are staying to themselves and behaving nicely in your neighborhood, hope that it continues to be the case, and the maintain the same behavior with them.
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