There Goes the Neighbourhood - Hell's Angels Bunker North Coast

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Aug 29, 2005
I'm sorry to have to report that I was wrong about all this.. I was out in Cabarete today and witnessed a horrifying site...that makes all these stories of the HA ruining Cabarete ring true...

I saw an HA jaywalk across the main street in Cabarete..shortly after, I saw two shoe shine boys trying get 20 pesos for shining a Canadian National's shoes... they appeared convinced he had tons of drug money stashed away somewhere that he was planning on re-patriating back to Canada... as if this wasn't shocking enough, while in the Farmacia I was horrified to see on the shelves.... Sudafed!! I believe this is one of the key ingredients in Crystal Meth...

The apocalypse has truly begun...


New member
Oct 17, 2006
This thread may be the funniest thing I have ever read on an internet forum.

A few Angel's appear- and suddenly they are responsible for all the ills in the DR- INCLUDING the drug problem, the coffee exporter sees his business becoming more difficult, meth labs springing up everywhere. And all this on the basis of what? A few burly guys with nice bikes, that not a soul has ever once seen cause a problem.

too funny.


Dec 24, 2007
Perhaps the point is that although they are probably behaving themselves here, they are a criminal organization....period. Now if you want to defend them that's your right.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Those that jest about these Burl Ives look-a-likes on their beautiful bikes have never had them infiltrate their neighbourhoods and town. They control to a large extent the drug trade in BC, Ontario, and Quebec, as well as a few states. Do they just want to have fun in the sun? Possibly but in my experience, and I've got relatives and people I went to school with that are fringe Where-ever these guys go trouble is bound to follow.


Aug 29, 2005
Perhaps the point is that although they are probably behaving themselves here, they are a criminal organization....period. Now if you want to defend them that's your right.

Quote one post where anyone here is "defending" the HA.....

The only thing attempted to be defended here is reality and logic...


May 29, 2004
The most disconcerting to me from the Winnipeg Sun... 'And the Angels were in particularly large numbers last week, as they celebrated the accession of the local Los Barracos gang to the rank of Hells Angels prospect.'

There are two gangs I've been told of in one of the Dominican neighborhoods with kids 16/18 yrs & up walking around armed & occasionally firing upon each other in little skirmishes. They really don't need to be mentored by anyone :ermm:

While I've only witnessed the HA's comportment in public to be like sheep in wolves' clothing... I hope they don't turn out to truly be wolves in wolves' clothing.


Dec 15, 2003
Oh stop all this stupid childish hysteria, so much prevarication. I live and work in Cabarete and both residents and my office colleagues would like to know how we are all missing all these dreadful acts of debauchery and Old Nicks workforce takeover. Unbelievable! Go read a good crime novel or watch a horror film, for goodness sake, or better still GET A LIFE.


Mar 4, 2004
Before everyone in Cabarete takes to the hills in the face of the new 'threat' :cheeky: could I just clarify that the 'bunker' is a Dominican style 2 storey block house with a garage downstairs & 2 apartments upstairs
where indeed they do sometimes have parties. The house next door with 'new barbed wire' does indeed exist & the barbed wire was installed because they were broken into twice over the last three months. So the local ladrones don't seem too scared.......... They 'named' the street themselves (as suggested above) & the reason they 'took over' Cabarete &/or Sosua last weekend was because of a very big wedding, co-inciding with the inclusion of the Dominican bikers' club. Once the wedding party leaves it could go back to the same numbers as before but you'd better keep a close eye on this. ;)

And I understand that if they are wolves some of them must classify as grey wolves given that some are aged in the 70's (& possibly above!).

Doesn't quite have the same ring as the Winnipeg Sun story, does it?

mike l

Sep 4, 2007
Before everyone in Cabarete takes to the hills in the face of the new 'threat' :cheeky: could I just clarify that the 'bunker' is a Dominican style 2 storey block house with a garage downstairs & 2 apartments upstairs
where indeed they do sometimes have parties. The house next door with 'new barbed wire' does indeed exist & the barbed wire was installed because they were broken into twice over the last three months. So the local ladrones don't seem too scared.......... They 'named' the street themselves (as suggested above) & the reason they 'took over' Cabarete &/or Sosua last weekend was because of a very big wedding, co-inciding with the inclusion of the Dominican bikers' club. Once the wedding party leaves it could go back to the same numbers as before but you'd better keep a close eye on this. ;)

And I understand that if they are wolves some of them must classify as grey wolves given that some are aged in the 70's (& possibly above!).

Doesn't quite have the same ring as the Winnipeg Sun story, does it?

Just back from a night on the town in Sosua's main street and these Old Timer's DO NOT HAVE MUCH GAS LEFT IN THE TANK !

John Evans

a hells angel bunker does sound a little more romantic than a two story villa....full colours equates to a tea-shirt with a badge to show where they come from...not a good idea if you are about to commit a crime


Oct 7, 2003
What a hoot! But I can now understand why Canadians up in Canada are getting a bit concerned (if they're reading this sort of stuff). Hint: change your reading material.

FYI Ginnie - I do not read this rag. What I have said it what I witnessed with my own two eyes. I can't speak for anyone else who is on this thread, but I do have the right to defend my own statements.

If you people want to make this a Canadian v.s. expats in the DR thing - go right ahead - I am through with this. I am a little surprised at how acerdic (sp?)some of the comments are to those of us who have experiences to back up our statements.

Have fun with your new friends, and just remember the old adage here on DR1 - you are judged by who you choose to spend time with!!


P.S. To the posters who tend to put down every one of my posts on this thread - please do not bother to reply = I have heard enough from you.


New member
Jul 9, 2006
Hells Angels in the UK are pretty much a law abiding group and every one I've met or spent time with has been a decent person. They organise 'The Bull Dog Bash' which is now a festival popular with all types of bikers, including us 'Jap Crap, Plastic Rocket' riders. They do a fair amount of charity work here, including visiting disabled kids (Easter Egg runs etc).

Perhaps it's different in different places? The way things sound up in Canada, that's a scary country I should avoid, all the drug running biker gangs, that the government can't control. I think I'll stick to Cabarete, it sounds safer than Canada.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
KeithF says: Hells Angels in the UK are pretty much a law abiding group and every one I've met or spent time with has been a decent person. They organise 'The Bull Dog Bash'

Bob Saunders says: They also are involved in charity teddybear runs here in Canada, and own legitimate businesses-good for cleaning money.

Canadian Hells Angels have crossed the Atlantic in the past. In 1994, two Quebec members came to London as part of an attempt to smuggle more than 500kg of cocaine into the UK. They had been infiltrated by the Mounties before they set off and were busted at the Hilton hotel where detectives found the contact lists for all the Angels' British chapters.

"The Angels in the UK have done a superb job of spinning a PR web while keeping the worldwide criminal activities of their club well hidden," say Julian Sher and William Marsden, authors of Angels of Death, a study of the group worldwide


Oct 21, 2002
This all is astounding. In Cabarete, 7 years ago, there were Hells Angels. I chatted with a few around the pool. Like one poster said, not much gas left in the tank for sure. Old Geezers with nice bikes they are. So, in the past 7 years, I've never heard of a member of the Hells Angels doing anything bad in Cabarete. Has anyone else heard of one of these fellows causing mayhem in Cabarete / Sosua? I don't think so.

I'm not disputing that they may cause mayhem elsewhere .. I don't know as I don't habitually hang with bikers (different tastes). But in Cabarete, they've simply been courteous and pleasant. Perhaps it is their retirement home. ;)

John Evans

I would be more scared by journalists myself - they can bring down the reputation of a place in much less time than a criminal gang


Mar 4, 2004
FYI Ginnie - I do not read this rag. What I have said it what I witnessed with my own two eyes. I can't speak for anyone else who is on this thread, but I do have the right to defend my own statements.

If you people want to make this a Canadian v.s. expats in the DR thing - go right ahead - I am through with this. I am a little surprised at how acerdic (sp?)some of the comments are to those of us who have experiences to back up our statements.

Have fun with your new friends, and just remember the old adage here on DR1 - you are judged by who you choose to spend time with!!


P.S. To the posters who tend to put down every one of my posts on this thread - please do not bother to reply = I have heard enough from you.

I'm sorry if you found my comments acerbic Marlie, they weren't meant to be. I was acually trying to keep a light-hearted content :cheeky: which maybe I didn't make clear enough. And I certainly wouldn't wish to deny your experiences in Canada because I have no right (nor knowledge) to do so. Just as you wouldn't wish to deny the experiences of those living in Cabarete or not too far away. These old guys don't happen to be my friends and I haven't yet been called in as Matron of their old folks home........;)

All I have tried to point out is that there are bigger crime problems here than this lot.
For those of us who moved to the DR 14-15 years ago - remember the zero-tolerance policy on drugs? Do you remember the people who were sent to jail for being caught for passing a joint on the malecon? Do you remember the signs up all other the DR stating its zero tolerance policy?

Indeed I do remember & boy has it ever changed!! That's the point - there is a serious drugs industry already in situ, pretty well organised & for the most part at the higher levels, anonymous. That is the thing expats need to be concerned about, not a dozen or so bikers living their second childhood by partying with the local talent. And themselves suffering from robberies just like a lot of other people do.


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Can someone let me know the location of the "HA Bunker" I would like to swing by and have a chat with them.


Apr 4, 2002
Can someone let me know the location of the "HA Bunker" I would like to swing by and have a chat with them.
As you drive into Cabarete, just turn left on the dirt road next to the colmado, go down a few feet past Jose's house and hang a right, cut through the baseball field to the beach and walk East a couple of hundred feet and there it is.




Dec 15, 2003
A knowledgable Canadian has asked me to make one thing clear, there are bad Canadian HA everywhere including some here. They are from a chapter in Quebec. Our "angels" in Cabarete have been quiet, troublefree and have lived here for years. Many of the good ones live in Costa Azul Robert should you like to meet with them.
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