Update on the case of Sudiksha Konanki, Will the last person to be with her be cleared today?


Staff member
Feb 20, 2019

There has been much speculation in the case of missing 20-year old Sudiksha Konanki, an Indian 20-year old resident of Loudon County, Virginia and student of premed at the University of Pittsburgh who is missing since the dawn of 6 March 2025. She came to Punta Cana with five girlfriends on 3 March for spring break.

The local authorities have given privileged treatment to 22-year old Joshua Steven Riibe, from Rock Rapids, Iowa and a senior at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota, the last person known to have been with the young woman. As of 17 March 2025, he has never formally been arrested but instead has been asked to remain in a hotel room under 24/7 Politur surveillance to allow for collaboration with the investigators in the case. His passport has been kept by the authorities. He has said he has spent his time in his room...

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Apr 11, 2004
From the OP Post

In a new development, Diario Libre reported on its 18 March issue that the parents of Konanki have sent a letter to the Police giving their view that Riibe is telling the truth and their daughter drowned. They are asking the Police to declare the death of their daughter.
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El Hijo de Manolo

It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!
Dec 10, 2021
Dominican Republic

El abogado penalista Vinicio Aquino Figuereo afirmó este martes que la petición de los padres de la india desaparecida Sudiksha Konanki, de declarar su fallecimiento, no es posible en la República Dominicana, ya que las leyes del país no lo permiten hasta que no se encuentre el cuerpo o partes del mismo.​

«No es posible. Si no hay cuerpo, no hay prueba de un fallecimiento. En este caso, la joven lo que podría, en un tiempo determinado, es declararse desaparecida. Hay que dominar tres figuras fundamentales: el fallecido, que tú sabes que falleció, ya hay un cuerpo que yace, ya no existe físicamente; el desaparecido, que es aquel que tú ignoras su paradero; y el ausente, que es aquel que, aunque no esté contigo, tú sabes dónde está. Entonces, aquí no procede declarar como fallecida a la joven, hasta tanto no se encuentre su cuerpo o parte del mismo, que se determine por parte de un ADN que era ella», explicó el jurista al ser preguntado por periodista sobre el tema.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
You talk. The family admits and wants to concede she drowned. You are an embarrassment calling for her to be remembered chopped up and buried on the beach. Pathetic...........

What if the DR Refuses to give them a DEATH CERTIFICATE ?

What will you spew then ?
thats my guess btw.. if they are smart, they will release him but hold off on the Death Certificate.

The Girls Family has an extremely High Price and very smart lawyer

He is asking the DR to put up or shut up.

YOU somehow see this as a WIN of your argument, which you have repeated no less than a Hundred Times .

By declaring her as Accidental DROWNING on the Death Cert , they are boxing themselves in..
You DO know a Death Cert requires a CAUSE of death , right ?
And I hope they do it too,
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Jun 28, 2003
You talk. The family admits and wants to concede she drowned. You are an embarrassment calling for her to be remembered chopped up and buried on the beach. Pathetic...........
The family concedes. Life insurance don't pay. No insurance pays. Ok. Maybe they can live with that.