How much money can be thrown to education to, for example, get most Dominican teachers to read a book?
And yet, that very system produces well rounded education for students intent on learning rather than going to school to socialize and killing time. Now Dominican public schools are into giving meals too, add getting a full belly to that too.
Well then, the next time give them a children's book and check up on that in a few months. One of the persons I mentioned previously grew up in a wooden shack with zinc roof and dirt floors. He went to the same public schools some are blaming for the education level and yet, he was able to get a scholarship and is now one of the highest income earners in the USA, among Dominicans he would most likely be in the 1%. Lets simply ignore him, because we all know the problem are the teachers and "the system" of Dominican public schools and not the students themselves. It makes it very hard to "blame the system" when this very same "system" produced him. Did I mentioned he also had a sister and has a brother who didn't have the grades to follow a similar path. They were like most of the other students in the same public schools, since all three attended the same primary and secondary schools.
More like some people don't want to accept reality. In the mean time, count your change the next time you pay at say Sirena. Some of the simplest addition seems to be extremely hard. One would think this issue was created by the schools they attended, but lets ignore the other students that went to the same schools as them and were their classmates but know that 2 + 2 = 4. Maybe what the teacher taught went in some ears and eyes much better than in others.
A person can be taught under a mango tree or in a very fancy school and if they don't want to learn, there is nothing anyone can do about it.