What Needs To Be Done In Sosua

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the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
a bunch of gringos in Sosua think they are the new coming of Columbus. they want to colonize Sosua, and remake it in their own image. they want it to be what they have in their visions; a squeaky clean burgh, fit for some rich folks from Podunk, who do not want to be tormented by the sights of prostitutes and "pimp daddies" from Newark and Atlanta.

last i checked, the archipelago of the Bahamas had several uninhabited islands. maybe they should try to get a few, and build their precious high dollar condos there, away from the hoi polloi. that way, the people who were born in the DR, and who did not go to the department of immigration to get legalized, can earn a living, without some gringo trying to use the strength of cash to decide who can do what, and where they can do it. don't like the goings on in Sosua? go back to YOUR country.


Dec 16, 2011
According to Wolfgang the local government says she wants to change Sos?a into a family friendly resort. Focusing on aspects like ecology, art and culture.
It's a work in progress. What weak people see as a threat, others see as an opportunity.

the gorgon

Sep 16, 2010
This piece in today's Sosua News is very interesting. Makes a lot of sense.

From the Sosua News:

Wolfgang Sch?nner, co-owner of the restaurant Schnitzel Paradise, asks in amazement what the government of Sos?a has in mind with its policy. According to Wolfgang the local government says she wants to change Sos?a into a family friendly resort. Focusing on aspects like ecology, art and culture. Therefore, now bars in the main street are commissioned by the Tourism Bureau to be blinded, so walking by families are not exposed to the ongoing nightlife in the bars. Thus, the existing tourism is discouraged while it is not made more attractive for families. Besides a visit to the beach, there is not much to do for families with small children. Moreover families are aggressively approached by sellers and money changers. Often motorcycle taxis and taxis drivers try to abuse the tourists. You should always be on your guard. According to Wolfgang other measures are needed if they want to make Sos?a family friendly. Firstly, the sidewalks should be made accessible for pedestrians. In many places, the sidewalks are too narrow, metal wires and poles blocking the passage and you stumble over the holes. The noise and exhaust fumes of the passing motorbikes and cars, especially for the guests in the restaurants is a drama. With the partly closure of the Pedro Clisante this would be easy to solve.

The government must also work better with the bar, restaurant and shop owners. Both the Gastronomic feast as the music festival of last week on the beach of Parque Mirador were poorly prepared. There was little or no promotion in advance. Both events were therefore hardly visited by tourists. According to Wolfgang is breaking down the existing tourism (close bars, arresting girls) not the way to change Sos?a in a family friendly eco, art and culture interesting holiday resort, it is much more difficult.

art and culture? Sosua?


*** I love DR1 ***
Jan 29, 2012
Las Vegas is known for gambling, Washington D.C for politics, Aspen Colorado for skiing and Sosua,just like Tiajuana is known for the sex trade. To change that, will be a tall task.


Feb 10, 2005
I don't think you can change it but you could start by making the putas register along with a photo and carry a permit that they are a registered whore ,would make it a lot easier to track them down after they rip somebody off or cut somebody's throat.


hasta la tambora
Apr 4, 2005
I don't think you can change it but you could start by making the putas register along with a photo and carry a permit that they are a registered whore ,would make it a lot easier to track them down after they rip somebody off or cut somebody's throat.

It's actually a great idea, but do you really thing an administration that is trying to sweep prostitution under the rug is going to pay for IDs and staff to register the putas?

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Boca Chica has a long street off the beach that is only open to "Foot Traffic" at night.
The businesses put tables and chairs in the street to eat, drink, and "Make Mary", and Yudelkis, Marisol,and Fulana as well!
It's better than watching cable TV!
Nothing crazy, just "Men" being "Boys", and women doing "MEN"!
Best Brick Oven PIZZA in the DR too.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sep 10, 2008
They did that years ago in Playa Del Carmen MX.
The main street has deliveries till about noon,often electric vehicles are used.
The rest of the day it's pedestrian.

Although Playa Del Carmen now has a population of something like 500,000 according to a tour guide I was recently speaking to. The pedestrian street sure is nice though. And very long. Lots of shops and restaurants which I don't think Sosua could support because of the difference in the amount of people. But it is a good example if that is the way the mayor wants things to go. The sex trade is there as well, just not in your face.


Sep 27, 2010
I still don't get the windows thing.

They are glass;
Glass is transparent;
You can see what is happening inside;

Which accomplishes what exactly?

Maybe wishful thinking.

" A man may look on glass,
on it may stay his eye,
Or if he pleases, through it pass,
And then the heavens espy."

Proper daft I call it!..............
May 29, 2006
The windows are like the TRAP laws in the US in pro life states. No real function; it's just a way to punish business owners who cater to actual demand.

Marco use to keep video records of the trouble makers in his place. One time this petite chica asked me to escort her to the moto station because the cops were doing a street sweep. The next day, Ted told me that Marco had a video of her breaking a bottle on the bar and slashing another girl's neck who had tried to birddog a monger she was planning to hook up with..

They could stop a lot of the problems if instead of arresting the girls who make trouble, they drove them out to campo and put them out in a cane field in the middle of the night. No way to get a ride into town and no one to get in trouble with at the police station..

But they'll continue to make stupid laws that hurt business owners and have little impact on the sex industry.


Nov 2, 2011
Here is the brass tax! It doesn't matter if you like Sosua the way it is or hate it, what we say and think is irrelevant. We all are guests weather we have property or business or not. What the people in power want to happen doesn't have to make sense to us because the power players don't have our wishes in mind. Money motivates and the more money the better motivation! We all can see the direction Sosua is being lead to. The writing is in the tinted windows on pedro. We all have a choice adapt or leave. ( unless you have a vested intrest, family, property) I honestly believe the next step this high season will be some arrests of johns, just long enough so they miss their plane. Let the internet players spead that around in their next update. Time will tell.

May 29, 2006
I think I saw one tourist family in Sosua , four years ago

Exactly. There are a scant few kids at the AIs as it is. I think they should promote the little league games in Sosua. Hell, I'd go and I don't even like baseball much. Family fun for all. Or how about having a Baseball Day Camp for kids? Let the parents have something to do and the gringo kids get to tear around all day.
i have actually seen several couples with kids in sosua yesterday. Not joking, but i dont think they want to come back again since there are no sidewalks and no sivilized traffic behaviour.

You can put lipstick on a pig, but it will still be a pig...


Aug 17, 2011
They could stop a lot of the problems if instead of arresting the girls who make trouble, they drove them out to campo and put them out in a cane field in the middle of the night. No way to get a ride into town and no one to get in trouble with at the police station..
In Cuba the girls are forced to work in the cane fields (they are called something like rehabilitation camps) 30-... days if they are caught with more than 1-2 gringos over a certain period of time. But that doesn't hurt the biz, enough supply (from the campos).

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
I have actually BEEN to Cuba!!!!
Havana was crawling with prostitutes!
I "crawled" after, and even caught a few!
They ALL had very soft beautiful hands!
The sex with them was the same as sex with "Dominicanas", except for the most important ass-pect!!!
They charge about 5 times as much!
CUBA is NOT what the international press wants us to believe, from the standpoint of "Punishing" bad behavior.
POLITICAL punishment "SI", Moral punishment, "NO'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The "POLICIA" will extort money from prostitutes, but that always goes with the territory.
The Cuban Government is always desperate for the "Almighty US Dollar".
A dollar made by a Cuban prostitute spends just like a dollar made selling Cuban cigars.:smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:
I happen to just love them BOTH, but the cigars last a whole lot longer, in MY CASE at least!!! :ermm::ermm::ermm::ermm:
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Jun 9, 2004
Prostitution is the reason Sosua is/was prosperous, without the money prostitution brings Sosua would be just like any other broke beach town. They can talk about the Sosua beach all they want but in really Sosua beach is nothing to write home about. Can't compare it to Cabarete, Playa Dorada, Rio San Juan, even Nagua, not to mention the east coast.


Read how stupid this article is! The hotels (and other businesses) that cater to puta/client crowd are doing very well, the hotels that don't let the putas in (Sosua Bay, Casa Marina) are bankrupt or going bankrupt.


Jun 9, 2004
In Cuba the girls are forced to work in the cane fields (they are called something like rehabilitation camps) 30-... days if they are caught with more than 1-2 gringos over a certain period of time. But that doesn't hurt the biz, enough supply (from the campos).

HAHAHAHAHA. Man this is on the Skynet level of stupidity and ridiculousness. (very very stupid posts)
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