Thank you, all for your input, I was aware of the constitution stating that I must live in the desire are for 5 or more years, I currently own a property that I got back in 2004 in the area where I want to run for, and the reason that I travel so many times a year says that I only live in the USA part time, but my family does not support my idea about moving there full time and living my life, my job and house here, but this is a dream that I had since I was 17 and I am really sure I can do a great job as a diputado, I have the urge to see the DR solve some of the issues that make everyday life so difficult for the majority of Dominicans, I want DR to be a model for all of Latin America, DR is a country fill with honest hard working people, rich in natural resorces that needs to just be put in the right track and be taken out of that old mentality of how to do things.
I want to help my homeland grow, became not a rich country, but a place where people can live and not think that they have to leave the country to feed their families, educated the kids or build a decent place to live.
My vision is that the average Dominican be able to get health care, good education and a safe enviroment to live, work and wach their families grow.
I want people to have the oportunity to get out of poverty by getting an education that will enable them to get a good job.
I want to try to make the country safe, and stable so more foreing investment gets here, prepare more professionals to bring more white collar jobs to DR, to create new laws to change the way people are hire by most companies.
Create a not a little New York but a 21st Century Dominican Republic.