what's your opinion?????


Apr 28, 2006
Hillbilly, I know that in order to drive a good campaing in DR, one need to have DEEP POCKETS, I have been planing this thing since Leonel was elected the first time (1996).

I own 3 properties in the state of MA and have some other assests in DR.
I am looking to spend from my own money and to get some people that belive in me to contribute to my political campaing, just like any other candidate does.

I am currently working with one of the presidential candidates and I get to see how he gets his contributions made, I will hold his name for now, but I now he got a great chance to win in DR.

I am hopping to sell or cash out the equity out this properties, so I can pay for some of my campaing, and get people to trust me and help out with my campaing.

You are working with one of the presidential candidates, I presume that his name is out there and known, so what is the secret. Is he US or foreign educated?


On Vacation
Oct 7, 2006
I am working in the campaing of Pedro De Jesus Candelier, I belive he is the kind of man we need in DR to get back our lifes back to peace and safety,
he has a lot of great ideas in how to solve a lot of the everyday life problems and how to get criminals off the streets and make them productive Dominican citizens.

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
Sorry to hear that.

I have unsubscribed from this thread and will no longer be participating in this discussion.


Don Juan

Living Brain Donor
Dec 5, 2003
Holly shyt!! I almost believed your spiel!!

I am working in the campaing of Pedro De Jesus Candelier, I belive he is the kind of man we need in DR to get back our lifes back to peace and safety,
he has a lot of great ideas in how to solve a lot of the everyday life problems and how to get criminals off the streets and make them productive Dominican citizens.

My man, you've got to be joking!! You'd do good to do a bit more research into what makes this maniac tick!!
This man is the closest thing to a Trujillo clone!! And everybody knows it!
Don't waste your time Tallman, He'll never get elected!
The only way he'd be president is by way of a COUP D' ETAT!

Good Lord!!


New member
Nov 6, 2006
No doubt especially given they are classified as "licensiado/da" and have major $$$$. Being elevated to almost "god like" status simply b/c of the fortune a good US education goes a long way in the DR w/ many of our folks as many of us know. Having some cash money does not hurt either:devious:


Has left the building...
Feb 7, 2006
I am working in the campaing of Pedro De Jesus Candelier, I belive he is the kind of man we need in DR to get back our lifes back to peace and safety,
he has a lot of great ideas in how to solve a lot of the everyday life problems and how to get criminals off the streets and make them productive Dominican citizens.

Candelier's version of E pa fuera que van:

Es ist Zeist fur Rache!

Wir mussen die Juden ausrotten


Feb 3, 2002
Sorry to hear that.

I have unsubscribed from this thread and will no longer be participating in this discussion.


Tallman: This is just a very small taste of what you'd face...see how people's opinions change from one minute to the next. Earlier you were being commanded for being a "patriot" and the next minute people don't want to touch you with a ten foot pole...Just imagine how you'd be crucified by your opposition. You better have a very thick skin...

I have to say I'm not a huge fan of Candelier either...IMO the guy is corrupt and a dictator in training.


New member
Aug 6, 2005
Tallman: This is just a very small taste of what you'd face...see how people's opinions change from one minute to the next. Earlier you were being commanded for being a "patriot" and the next minute people don't want to touch you with a ten foot pole...Just imagine how you'd be crucified by your opposition. You better have a very thick skin...

I have to say I'm not a huge fan of Candelier either...IMO the guy is corrupt and a dictator in training.

Isn't this guy(Candelier) related to Trujillo?


On Vacation
Oct 7, 2006
Candelier is the only candidate that can clean up the mess in our country, he can bring some peace to Dominican society, if we continue like this in the 5 years criminals will rule our way of living, it's just out of control, when can even chat in your cell phone in fear that some motorista will steal it from you.

I want peace for my homeland and it's people, I want people not to be in fear of being mug when they walk on the streets or have their doors shut.

Candelier can bring this to reality, I am not saying that he is perfect but he can give the country what it needs which is peace and safety.

If you want to compare him to Trujillo go ahead but remember NOT EVERYTHING was bad in the Era of Trujillo!!!!!!!!!!



Apr 28, 2006
There has to be more than crime on his political platform. Can you give us an idea on where he stands on education, DR-Cafta, energy etc. Give us the your insider take on these items.


On Vacation
Oct 7, 2006
Something of el callejon, I will continue this until I feel like, tiguere, no es relajo, es serio things in DR need to change (including your modales).
Candelier may be our only chance to volver al progreso y orden, or do you like things the way they are????.

Candelier wants to make sure education takes priority in everyday Dominican life, our country will only move ahead if our people get educated (something of the night not included)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Candelier has also a plan to fix our energy problem and also agree with the Santo Domingo Metro.


Don Juan

Living Brain Donor
Dec 5, 2003
You know, Tallman, I wouldn't be disagreeable to someone who had the guts to go against the grain and fight the leaches and parasites that afflicts our government today. But I'm not sure your candidate is up to the task. He may be just another Trujillo or Hipolito Mejia who don't know diddly about running a country properly & correctly.

When you talk about "cleaning up the country", I hope you're including those that do the most damage. Not the common thief, but the ones that, in actual fact, steal the spirit, the core, the real meaning of being a Dominican!
I'm talking about people who go into politics for gain & profit. Those that use their relative position for their own benefit. Those that once elected, forget what they are there for, to be public servants. Not self-serving!

Sadly, the mind-set of aspiring candidates to DR public office often looks into what their particular political party can do for them rather than what their party can do to improve or change the prevailing conditions.

I don't think your Candelier has a clue as to what rightful governing is, unless he studied under Trujillo!! Which likely, is the case!
Last edited:


Apr 28, 2006
Well said Don Juan. Because of the crime situation the DR is going through people tend to make foolish choises.
I see Candelier as an apportunistic politician that capitalizes on fear, panic, and frustration amongs the population to capture votes. It's no wonder why his mantra is order and security........
Lets hope clearer heads will prevail.


On Vacation
Oct 7, 2006
Don Juan, Candelier may have the image of a Trujillo because is a hard man that has the pants on but this man can do the job that us Dominican need which is to clean up our country, of those who steal at a large scale, those politician that will be serving themselves not the people who elect them to office, this man will get the 40 plus years of bad politics in DR out the way and focus on what's important which is to move the our Nation foward that is why he is not with any BIG name political party and just his own (party), he does not want to be like you traditional Domincan politician.

He actually wants to work hard to help the average Domincan live a decent life and have food at their tables a la hora de la doce.

Candelier has the potencial to propel the DR to level where is suppost to be in the 21st century.

This man cames from the Balaguer school, but has an agenda of his own will.



Has left the building...
Feb 7, 2006
Something of el callejon, I will continue this until I feel like, tiguere, no es relajo, es serio things in DR need to change (including your modales).
Candelier may be our only chance to volver al progreso y orden, or do you like things the way they are????.

Candelier wants to make sure education takes priority in everyday Dominican life, our country will only move ahead if our people get educated (something of the night not included)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Candelier has also a plan to fix our energy problem and also agree with the Santo Domingo Metro.


Okay, fair enough. But there's no need to bring my uneducabilitednessticity out in the open.

Here's my unsolicited advice:

After you make your move to SD, consider returning to school and taking a law degree. I don't know much about the power players in SD, but in my hometown of Higuey, most of the folks in important political office, and those jockeying for positions, are lawyers. It sounds far-fetched now, but listen to The Kid. Some will even laugh at my suggestion, pero no importa.

-The Kid