On average the US is testing about 40% more than Canada. Seems believable to me.Please share your data. You are delirious.
On average the US is testing about 40% more than Canada. Seems believable to me.Please share your data. You are delirious.
AgreedOn average the US is testing about 40% more than Canada. Seems believable to me.
What dates?I received an email from American Airlines today asking me if I still wanted to fly from MIA to POP. I've had this flight booked with them since early June. Is this standard practice for AA? Never received that type of email from Westjet or Air Canada.
It public knowledge no secret or conspiracy...Please share your data. You are delirious.
🤯I hail from the UK we have the highest number in the G7 that's because we made a mess of containing the virus, just like the US is now doing, but they have reopened ahead of us are are suffering the consequences, we are about to follow in the US footsteps by reopening with 3000 new cases a day, watch the disaster unfold in the UK
As I wrote some days ago DR is NOT on the EU European no-travel list.If both the US and DR get on the EU list for no travel to the EU then maybe its just best for the DR to tie itself in with the US and maybe also with Canada and Lat Am countries.
Please share your data. You are delirious.
Been saying all along that all the data is suspect. The only number that is slightly believable is the deaths/million population. The most delirious number is the one from the WHO suggesting the death rate is 3.4% which is obviously closer to .34%. Everybody has an agenda.Yes that data is suspect.
CDC indicates 33 million tested not 99 million.
You do know that death numbers lag one month behind the infection numbers?We are already seeing many more cases in Florida and still with less deaths. OPEN EVERYTHING, keep elderly and those with pre-existing conditions safe and let the world go on living.
Been saying all along that all the data is suspect. The only number that is slightly believable is the deaths/million population. The most delirious number is the one from the WHO suggesting the death rate is 3.4% which is obviously closer to .34%. Everybody has an agenda.
When you vastly underestimate the number of infections, the death rate rises. By the way, I said .34% is closer to reality than 3.4% which means that my .34 is closer to your 1.5 than the WHO at 3.4.cleary you have an agenda as .34% Is a right wing hoax as any reputable study with casenumbers in the 100000 shows 1 to 2%
Most groups and governments use the confirmed case number and not the number actually infected for the death rate. That is why one has 3.4% and the other has 0.34%, more or less.Been saying all along that all the data is suspect. The only number that is slightly believable is the deaths/million population. The most delirious number is the one from the WHO suggesting the death rate is 3.4% which is obviously closer to .34%. Everybody has an agenda.
Yes that data is suspect.
CDC indicates 33 million tested not 99 million.
You do know that death numbers lag one month behind the infection numbers?
Wait a month and the new hoax that death numbers are going down will be exposed to be a hoax like the hoax that virus goes away because of the summer heat.
its like the daily DR reporting of the death numbers going down: of course they have now more cases but the death are from the cases a month ago. you can not divide death now by case numbers now but by case numbers a month ago. Its a clear systematic error how they calculate the mortality rate.
A country that has a population of less than 40 million has tested 71 million?? These numbers don't add up.Canada has tested 71,000/million and the US has tested 99,000/million. If you account for size, Canada would have about 2000 cases per day whereas the US is closing in on 40,000 per day.
I think that is 71,000 PER million.A country that has a population of less than 40 million has tested 71 million?? These numbers don't add up.