When will DR open for International travel??????

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Aug 26, 2012
Grupo Punta Cana did NOT state any borderopenings on their announcements, not that i would have read.
they just announced that they will be ready for full operations under any possible/needed security/safety measures starting July 1st.
their announcement did not suggerate any border opening date.
thats what "people" interpret into such announcement, but Grupo Punta Cana did not tell such thing.

Of course they would not assert anything about border openings.
That is not their lane.
Clearly any statement by them about being ready to open the airport would, by necessity, be subject to the opening of the border.
That is precisely where they are exercising their leverage.
Mr. Raineri is as political as any Dominican politician in the country.
His personal wealth, the weight of GPC and his connections give him that ability.
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The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
not agreed.
other countries also reopen airports and still do not allow intl travel, not to/from everywhere.
maybe they run a few days of DR national airtravel.
not that it would be anything mayor, lol.
the point is,
Grupo Punta Cana did not mention border openings, but people interpret what they want
and the rumor mill is rolling and the guessing experts run on fire, hahaha.
Sep 22, 2009
Of course they (he) would not assert anything about border openings.
That is not their (his) lane.
Clearly any statement by them (him) about being ready to open the airport would, by necessity, be subject to the opening of the border.
That is precisely where they (he) are exercising their leverage.
Mr. Raineri is as political as any Dominican politician in the country.
His personal wealth, the weight of GPC and his connections give him that ability.
Fly can you come off the mainstream to say anything interesting?


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
and of course the Raineri family is big in politics,
how else could they have grown up a private intl airport, THAT intl airport of not just the country but of a wide region.
they built Punta Cana and their influence and ideas been the basic to form Punta Cana, bring it to where it is todays.
and of course their opinions/ideas/demands etc etc are still a big deciding factor when it comes to decisions in this sector.
and i have to admit, I like that.
but it does not change the fact that they never mentioned a July 1st border opening.


Aug 26, 2012
This is correct.
However we would be remiss in ignoring the big stick that the Grupo Punta Cana (aka Frank Raineri) carries into any discussion about reopening borders/business in the Dominican Republic.
It is quite possible that the official Grupo Punta Cana statement is an attempt to use their leverage in influencing the decisions to be made by the government.
I think we can all agree that their leverage is considerable.
Actually It wouldn't surprise me one little bit to learn that Mr. Raineri is sitting at the table when such decisions are being made and any statements by GPC are being made in conjunction with the government.
When it come right down to it....what difference is there really between July 1 and July 5.
At the end of the day the only real decision maker in this whole sordid debacle is the VIRUS.
Any and all decisions made by mere mortals can and will be subject to change.

I feel like this is more than 140 characters

Do you really?
I feel that 140 characters is for twits.
So there is that.
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Lobo Tropical

Aug 21, 2010
The question should be,
Does the Dominican government want to open the country to international travellers, during covid 19 pandemic?
As the US is restricting travel into the country from Canada the EU and Brazil,
Does the DR economic considerations aside, want US, EU or Brazilian travellers in country?
That the Republic can cope poorly with a major outbreak is clear.

In the last few weeks, tens of thousands of Haitian workers have returned from the Dominican Republic to their own country, many bringing the virus with them. That flow of returnees is expected to spark an outbreak that the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere will be unable to fight.

Virus testing and reporting, is dubious in the DR.
Sep 22, 2009
The question should be,
Does the Dominican government want to open the country to international travellers, during covid 19 pandemic?
As the US is restricting travel into the country from Canada the EU and Brazil,
Does the DR economic considerations aside, want US, EU or Brazilian travellers in country?
That the Republic can cope poorly with a major outbreak is clear.

In the last few weeks, tens of thousands of Haitian workers have returned from the Dominican Republic to their own country, many bringing the virus with them. That flow of returnees is expected to spark an outbreak that the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere will be unable to fight.

Virus testing and reporting, is dubious in the DR.
I only went to state school, papa, but what are you saying here? and what does the Washington post know about boots on the ground DR


Jun 16, 2014
Regardless of the date stated, does any sane/rational person really believe that the government is going to open up it's borders and airports on Sunday 5 July......which just happens to be the rescheduled national election day?
All national resources will be used for polling places and results on that day, as usual. With changes in office set to take place across the board nationally, authorities here have 0 interest if an international traveler is hoping to visit his girlfriend, make a new one, catch a tan, or put their condo on the market.
Even if all were to go 100% well in the time prior, Monday 6 July would be the better spot to lay your markers on. Just sayin'.
I agree. I thought that was odd, also. Doesn't make sense. Maybe the 6th(?).
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I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
Pretty crass if you ask me. As far as I am concerned a person is a person regardless of their age. 30,000 is a lot of people in my book. Being susceptible to serous complication from CV19 and in the age bracket that some youngsters call me "old", I take exception to being causally written off by people who don't know me.

Obviously I do not share your perspective and won't be changing my position. No reply necessary TP.
It kind of reminds you of when we first became aware of AIDS. There was the: "It really only effects drug addicts and gay people." attitude.
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I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
Three times in my little life annual flu deaths in the US have ranged from 60.000 to 120,000, as per the CDC's own website. I don't remember this incredible toll ever being covered by the media in such excruciating and alarming detail nor do I remember the reaction of government ever being so intense, i.e. shutting down the country and throwing the economy in stark--and perhaps irreparable--decline. Just saying.
Three times in the USA we've had between 60K & 120K annual deaths with no preventive governmental actions taken. With unprecedented governmental response to COVID-19 we have virtually no chance of not surpassing that maximum number in six months. If we had the per capita results cited earlier in this thread for UK (30K deaths out of 70M population) we'd have exceed it by >25% in four months. Now do you get it?


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
60-120.000 per year only 3 times during all this time.
usually the yearly usa deaths due the Flu range more like 17.000-60.000 per year, without any lock down.
and those figures also include citizens who had pre conditions of other sicknesses, very most do.
with most years on the lower figures, the years when the vaccine prognostics fail it goes towards the higher figure.
due Covid, the USA has already 100.000 deaths Now, after just 3 months of the first start.
it would already be 3 times that figure without a lock-down
and i would be surprised if it will be less than a quater million by christmas 2020 under restrictions.
to let it spread without any slow-motion actions, it will be way more and 300+K per year will be the new norm stat for the years to come.
every 4 days the number of victims of 9/11, all year long without any day off, without any cold months flu season and gone by Spring, safe in Summer.
aside of some, like Trump, who tell that Corona will be gone by summer start due the heat poofing it away,
the scientists of this planet get more and more in agreement, that the SarsCov2 runs a year around fairly constant climate, doesn't differ between ht summers or cold winters, doesnt matter between a tropical south american Brazil or a colder Canuck Land.
the Flu numbers are held down most years due some long term running experienced and fairly accurate next-season-prognostics in case of the awaited changes of the virus for the next season,so most seasons run "smooth" as the vaccines work, for the ones who get their shots.
many with pre conditions still bite the dust, but humanity/science does the max possible to keep the numbers as low as possible.
there is no way we humans could defeat those viruses, we live with many, they kill every year many humans, and we will have many more new ones/newly mutated ones in the future to work on.
but it is very very rare that One take's humanity as hard as SarsCov2, a spreading factor of 3-5(Flu is 1.2-1.4, Ebola is a 2.0 etc etc) and for MONTHS at the beginning by Significantly influencial world leaders DENIED to admit they exist(US med intelligence informed the white house in November 2019 about the alarming activities in Wuhan,urging further investigations and actions), then in each public speech shown as something harmless(one used repetedly in almost every press conference daily the words "we have it all under control" til mid March 2020, despite knowlege about it''s awaited furious spread and behavior).
todays we know as facts:
the Corona Virus spreads several times as easy and quick than the Flu, Ebola, Swineflu or any other since Ever.
it is not primarily runninghavock on specific regions or "just" within specific groups(like AIDS been told to be on gays and junkies etc),
it runs through all levels of society, from Alaska to South America, from the USA over Europe to Asia, Africa, Australia, no location spared.

the world economy is hit harder than ever in history,
by a pandemic harder than any other in history.
sure we need the economy back, running as soon as possible to reopen anything, otherwise we will kill as many people as a result of the lock down than Covid19 would without, BUT
as we are todays on the virus sector much smarter than we've been during the panish flu or in the mid centuries during the pest etc etc,
a lock down at the beginning of this Pandemic was necessary to stop it from the worst.
IF some significant world leaders would not have been as ignorant stupid as they acted,
much less people would have died and the world economy would have been hit far less hard than it is now,
because earlier restrictions/lock-downs would have allowed for earlier deescalation processes.

but all that sh.i is done now, no way to reverse anything of taken bad/unlucky/plain stupid etc actions at the very beginning.
now the world has to go the controled but steady way back to a running economy which can feed the globe's population.
we have to come back to our former global warming and ozone hole levels as soon as possible.

ignorant clueless remarks like "it is nothing more than a new flu", "take a tablet of Hidroxicloroquina per day even if not sick" and such dumb crap, do not help nor solve anything. not for the sick, not for the ones we have to prevent to get sick,not for any economy sector nor let alone the whole economy at all.

the worlds countries have started their "deescalation"programs/processes, everywhere it is going step by step back to a life which again include's people going to work, people meeting their friends, people having sex on the backseat in the auto cine, people daring to walk through a intl airport again.
this is a PROCESS, not a decision to do so over night and tomorrow morning we do again all what we did last christmas.
IF we would do it taht way, we would def nuke our economy to a sudden death in no time, have hungry people out on the streets to gain som food by any means.

we shut down our world economy, many people lost their jobs, some freedoms, their LIFES.
All that for NOTHING????
now we have to go that way and come back, but with a plan to follow.

nuke the ones who see their freedom taken away because they feel forced to wear a mask in public/in a supermarket when near strangers.
humaity needs some grains of common sense brain injected,
then we will walk back all together to a acceptable point of a new normal,
until in a few years a vaccine working nearly as effective as the Flu Shots is as Safe tested and available for the Masses.

til then,
nuke the ones who would not take a mask or vaccine to protect others
and dont listen to the clueless leaders who deny listening to their educated advirsors.
think about the whole thing yourself and let your own common sense decide which part you wanna play in this dirty game.


I am a out of touch hippie.
Nov 13, 2006
Bad decision, i'm sure most regret going there to begin with!
Yeah! If they could only scrape up $200 for a plane ticket they'd pull all the visa applications they've made for family members and take the the first flight out.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
TOP 10 Causes of Death in the USA.. see below , from CDC.
the first 6 are all in the HUNDRED Thousand +++ Range ..
Many of those Deaths Can even even be prevented by Eating right , Exercise , and not Abusing ones Body ..

Now tell me again how "30,000 is a LOT of People "and for which we need to DESTROY the whole Economy ??? and our way of LIFE for the REST of the 340 MILLION of the Living Population ??


  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
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Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
maybe because those natural deaths like heart attacks could not be reduced by social distancing?
your suicide rates most likely may even rise due quarnatines.
what a BS comparison.
A PREVENTABLE DEATH is a Preventable Death ..

unless being OBESE is Natural to u , Smoking Cigarettes is NATURAL death ?
And lets not forget Alcoholism, all included in those # s...
Its always amazing to me how people dont focus on things they DO have control over , and get completely distracted by those things they can Not EVER Control ..
The fact hat Social distancing is a Scientifically PROVEN Complete Crock of ISHT in the grand scheme of things is not even being factored in..
The CDC already admitted they made a Mistake with " surface transmission" .. at least they admitted that much .. after we spent how much time and effort putting on GLOVES like IDIOTS.....

Quarantines are actually Causing Deaths at this point ... I hope you dont ask me why because its pretty obvious ..
PEOPLE HAVE NOT BEEN TO THEIR DOCTORS for MONTHS .. and could have missed a diagnosis which is now Life threatening ..
What part of this is not factually correct ?
and yes , Suicides are UP, as well as Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse ..
those Six figure #s will seem like nothing come 2020 end results ... expect ALL those #s to be UP significantly
. which will then totally Eclipse the 30K Corona Deaths .. or any Lives we may have saved from the dreaded Corona virus
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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
TOP 10 Causes of Death in the USA.. see below , from CDC.
the first 6 are all in the HUNDRED Thousand +++ Range ..
Many of those Deaths Can even even be prevented by Eating right , Exercise , and not Abusing ones Body ..

Now tell me again how "30,000 is a LOT of People "and for which we need to DESTROY the whole Economy ??? and our way of LIFE for the REST of the 340 MILLION of the Living Population ??


  • Heart disease: 647,457
  • Cancer: 599,108
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
  • Diabetes: 83,564
  • Influenza and pneumonia: 55,672
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,633
  • Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
obese sedentary people who have neglected their bodies for decades; smoking, drinking, eating two pounds of sugar a day catch a cool draft and die. I have little sympathy for those slugs. They clog up the hospitals which should be reserved for the elderly who have taken care of themselves and family and deserve to be cared for. If you have been clogging your arteries for 25 years with a Marlboro hanging from your lip you should not even be counted as a statistic.
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