When will DR open for International travel??????

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Active member
May 28, 2016
Since no one has a tru definite answer, I'm guessing July, and I think many would fly in. Again, just a guess

I agree on the "many" at least for a couple of weeks .We should not forget that DR is currently closed for all ...So ,certainly many would like to come back in DR ....citizens or non citizen who have family in DR ,live mainly in DR who have assets....But also people who want to leave DR and know that they will be able to come back without any problems ...Not sure about tourists ....especially in hotels...houses rental is certainly OK but limited.
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Jan 9, 2004
Since no one has a tru definite answer, I'm guessing July, and I think many would fly in. Again, just a guess

188,000 came into SDQ in July of last year.

How many is many? And how few is few?

I do not see SDQ receiving anywhere close to that number if they do re-open in July......perhaps 20% of that figure (37-38k).

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Jun 19, 2009
August seems like consensus on here. If the DR gets it their way.

No consensus here Papi.

I said JULY :devilish:

As fly said, I am sure there are behind the scenes big shot who are pushing hard to open (hence all these declarations in the papers). Also, other islands have set to open soon (I have no doubt that DR is watching competition very closely , being 1st in the Caribbean and intending to remain that way).

Openings will probably be progressive made easier by the fact that most people are not dying to jump on a plane.

Vamos a ver 😎

Brendan Hubley

Dame luz vecino
Apr 30, 2020
Canada / Villa Liberacion
No consensus here Papi.

I said JULY :devilish:

As fly said, I am sure there are behind the scenes big shot who are pushing hard to open (hence all these declarations in the papers). Also, other islands have set to open soon (I have no doubt that DR is watching competition very closely , being 1st in the Caribbean and intending to remain that way).

Openings will probably be progressive made easier by the fact that most people are not dying to jump on a plane.

Vamos a ver 😎
Agreed -- I believe the Gov plan is have airports open and return to "economic normality" by or after July 5, as long as phase 1,2, and 3 operate according to plan.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
A PREVENTABLE DEATH is a Preventable Death ..

unless being OBESE is Natural to u , Smoking Cigarettes is NATURAL death ?
And lets not forget Alcoholism, all included in those # s...
Its always amazing to me how people dont focus on things they DO have control over , and get completely distracted by those things they can Not EVER Control ..
The fact hat Social distancing is a Scientifically PROVEN Complete Crock of ISHT in the grand scheme of things is not even being factored in..
The CDC already admitted they made a Mistake with " surface transmission" .. at least they admitted that much .. after we spent how much time and effort putting on GLOVES like IDIOTS.....

Quarantines are actually Causing Deaths at this point ... I hope you dont ask me why because its pretty obvious ..
PEOPLE HAVE NOT BEEN TO THEIR DOCTORS for MONTHS .. and could have missed a diagnosis which is now Life threatening ..
What part of this is not factually correct ?
and yes , Suicides are UP, as well as Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse ..
those Six figure #s will seem like nothing come 2020 end results ... expect ALL those #s to be UP significantly
. which will then totally Eclipse the 30K Corona Deaths .. or any Lives we may have saved from the dreaded Corona virus
as this is def off topic on This Post-Topic here, this is my last answer to it, as you quoted my post.
alocohol, cigarettes smorking, almost all the crap you mention(without the Flu),
are things nobody is passing to one an other, nothing anything of a virus.
people kill temself with alcohol, by smoking, by eating themself to elefnt size, killing themself slowly due such behaviors.
like people doing dangerous extreme sports which could get them killed.
all this is done by own choice of the individual person and without passing that danger to someone else.
no social distancing could prevent anything, so why to make such stu comparisons??
one is in no way and nowhere related to the other.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
while the government has planned JUly 5th 2020 as the grand reopening date,
it will not be the real/full onereopening date.
the reopening is a process over a lengthy time frame and run/adjusted flexibel by observations done during the process.
and far not everything is planned/sheduled to be open again by July 5th/with phase 4,
because a number of things are shut down until further notice, without any date set, not included in any phase.
the best and sure ost popular example is the reopening of teh Beaches for the Public.
til now there is no date set, the beaches are not includded in the reopening locations of any phase.
something which would left out this way, sure would lead soon to big trouble,
because opening the hotels with toruists on our PUBLIC Beaches,
but the same public beaches prohibited to be used by the DR Public, is a impossible thing to do,
I bet some smart lawyer minds will find out quickly such thing to be against some constitutional rights of the DR People.
the planned border opening/resort openings at which ever date they finally will take place very soon,
are a action done solely on favor of te big countries saving costs on their very costy expenses to keep their airlines alife.
the way it is planned to reopen the toruism sector, the hotels will have lowest occupancy rates but many extra costs, working non profitable.
most hotels will not reopen during that first time frame, they simply do not have the booking numbers to do so.
an example is the large Bahia Principe Resort in PC, 7 Hotels, only 2 are sheduled to open when the borders reopen.
2 out of 7, some math to do.
all outide of the resorts activities/excursions/shopping/bars/restaurants etc etc businesses are not allowed to operate with tourists,
BUT exactly those are the businesses whoreally feed DR People in Tourism, those are the businesses who make money on daily bases which stays right here in the DR and is spend on daily bases by DR People for daily goods/food/school/house/car etc etc etc.
so whatthe planned border opening on phase 4 is bringing, is solely some relief of some financial pains of the big shot countries to get THEIR nuked economy parts back up their way.
it does not do much in case of bringing the DR economy back on it's feet, to bring the DR poeple money to spend on their own DR economy to assist that here at home in the DR.
all those excursions, charter etc companies, a real motor to pay DR people's daily expenses, will more than struggle, most will disappear from the globe before year's end, so in a very near future such sectors can be taken over by the Foreign Run and outside of the DR paid for big touroperators, running such thngs eclusively, dictating teh rules for such activities. a nice big Mafia and the DR government actss on this case like it's puppy following all the orders.
the toruism reopening as planned now, will barely bring any money in any DR People pockets,
so it will bring near nothing to the DR economy.
thsi wy of a reopening has to be thought over completely new.
IF the DR is not ready to safely have tourists mingling with DR people, to safely walk streets outside of the Resorts,
THEN the DR is Not Ready to reopen any borders to anybody at all.


Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
as this is def off topic on This Post-Topic here, this is my last answer to it, as you quoted my post.
alocohol, cigarettes smorking, almost all the crap you mention(without the Flu),
are things nobody is passing to one an other, nothing anything of a virus.
people kill temself with alcohol, by smoking, by eating themself to elefnt size, killing themself slowly due such behaviors.
like people doing dangerous extreme sports which could get them killed.
all this is done by own choice of the individual person and without passing that danger to someone else.
no social distancing could prevent anything, so why to make such stu comparisons??
one is in no way and nowhere related to the other.

tell that to the Families of the People who Supposedly DIED at the AI's ....
Drinking Tainted Alcohol ???? ... did they do that on their own as well ? Did they VOLUNTEER to Drink poison ( if the stories are actually true)

I guess the WAY a person dies , is more important than the fact that they DIED, of NON Natural Causes ..

a death is a death .. if it is NOT by Natural causes ..
One does not have to be " Related" to the other
I got more Warped Statistics for you.. are you not aware nd did not get the memo
HOSPITALS were Paid Extra $$$ to list " cause of death" as Covid 19 Related, even when the death had absolutely NOTHING to do with Covid 19 ?
why is your anger not focused there ... we are talking FORGING a Death Certificate to read something which is False ,, to get More $$
How do you think Hospitals in the DR are going to Sweep Deaths under the Rug as " Covid 19" , when in fact it may have been ERRORS made

and to make this DR related ... it seems a LOT of People go to the DR to DIE in their Old age and smoking and drinking
and then they are SHOCKED when a Virus Chases them there .. with a less than 2% mortality Rate ..
something they have ZERO control over , especially in a 3rd world Country setting.
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Brendan Hubley

Dame luz vecino
Apr 30, 2020
Canada / Villa Liberacion
while the government has planned JUly 5th 2020 as the grand reopening date,
it will not be the real/full onereopening date.
the reopening is a process over a lengthy time frame and run/adjusted flexibel by observations done during the process.
and far not everything is planned/sheduled to be open again by July 5th/with phase 4,
because a number of things are shut down until further notice, without any date set, not included in any phase.
the best and sure ost popular example is the reopening of teh Beaches for the Public.
til now there is no date set, the beaches are not includded in the reopening locations of any phase.
something which would left out this way, sure would lead soon to big trouble,
because opening the hotels with toruists on our PUBLIC Beaches,
but the same public beaches prohibited to be used by the DR Public, is a impossible thing to do,
I bet some smart lawyer minds will find out quickly such thing to be against some constitutional rights of the DR People.
the planned border opening/resort openings at which ever date they finally will take place very soon,
are a action done solely on favor of te big countries saving costs on their very costy expenses to keep their airlines alife.
the way it is planned to reopen the toruism sector, the hotels will have lowest occupancy rates but many extra costs, working non profitable.
most hotels will not reopen during that first time frame, they simply do not have the booking numbers to do so.
an example is the large Bahia Principe Resort in PC, 7 Hotels, only 2 are sheduled to open when the borders reopen.
2 out of 7, some math to do.
all outide of the resorts activities/excursions/shopping/bars/restaurants etc etc businesses are not allowed to operate with tourists,
BUT exactly those are the businesses whoreally feed DR People in Tourism, those are the businesses who make money on daily bases which stays right here in the DR and is spend on daily bases by DR People for daily goods/food/school/house/car etc etc etc.
so whatthe planned border opening on phase 4 is bringing, is solely some relief of some financial pains of the big shot countries to get THEIR nuked economy parts back up their way.
it does not do much in case of bringing the DR economy back on it's feet, to bring the DR poeple money to spend on their own DR economy to assist that here at home in the DR.
all those excursions, charter etc companies, a real motor to pay DR people's daily expenses, will more than struggle, most will disappear from the globe before year's end, so in a very near future such sectors can be taken over by the Foreign Run and outside of the DR paid for big touroperators, running such thngs eclusively, dictating teh rules for such activities. a nice big Mafia and the DR government actss on this case like it's puppy following all the orders.
the toruism reopening as planned now, will barely bring any money in any DR People pockets,
so it will bring near nothing to the DR economy.
thsi wy of a reopening has to be thought over completely new.
IF the DR is not ready to safely have tourists mingling with DR people, to safely walk streets outside of the Resorts,
THEN the DR is Not Ready to reopen any borders to anybody at all.
I agree to most of your points, the big picture economic points. I don't agree with all or nothing. The economic sectors will have to adjust in light of the new reality salvaging what they can with limited operations and hopefully increasing/expanding in time. The question of opening borders has more to do with exposing the Dominican population to unreasonable risk. If that risk can be reasonably accommodated with various protocols then the risk is acceptable. Whether people will travel has more to do with "what can i do when I get there?", "will I be safe", "if I can't go to the beach etc. etc. what is there to do?" These types of questions as well as whether the traveler can afford to go given the economic downturn. The other consideration is the business or visitor traveler, not just the AI hotel spring break types. With the safety protocols at the airports and with the airlines (temperature checks, masks, distancing, sanitizing etc), I'd be more concerned about getting the virus in the DR than bringing it to the DR. Just my thoughts. :geek:
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Jun 16, 2014
as this is def off topic on This Post-Topic here, this is my last answer to it, as you quoted my post.
alocohol, cigarettes smorking, almost all the crap you mention(without the Flu),
are things nobody is passing to one an other, nothing anything of a virus.
people kill temself with alcohol, by smoking, by eating themself to elefnt size, killing themself slowly due such behaviors.
like people doing dangerous extreme sports which could get them killed.
all this is done by own choice of the individual person and without passing that danger to someone else.
no social distancing could prevent anything, so why to make such stu comparisons??
one is in no way and nowhere related to the other.
And how many of those people who were obviously irresponsible with their own lives and health took any responsibility for themselves during this pandemic and did not wear masks, use hand sanitizers, practice social distancing, and other recommended protocols? I'd really like to know that number. I saw videos of NYC, the absolutely worst hit place in the US, with people wandering around NYC w/o any masks on. And keep in mind, that if NY state were a country, it would be ranked as the worst country in the world with more than double the death rate of the next highest country.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
tell that to the Families of the People who Supposedly DIED at the AI's ....
Drinking Tainted Alcohol ???? ... did they do that on their own as well ? Did they VOLUNTEER to Drink poison ( if the stories are actually true)

I guess the WAY a person dies , is more important than the fact that they DIED, of NON Natural Causes ..

a death is a death .. if it is NOT by Natural causes ..
One does not have to be " Related" to the other
I got more Warped Statistics for you.. are you not aware nd did not get the memo
HOSPITALS were Paid Extra $$$ to list " cause of death" as Covid 19 Related, even when the death had absolutely NOTHING to do with Covid 19 ?
why is your anger not focused there ... we are talking FORGING a Death Certificate to read something which is False ,, to get More $$
How do you think Hospitals in the DR are going to Sweep Deaths under the Rug as " Covid 19" , when in fact it may have been ERRORS made

and to make this DR related ... it seems a LOT of People go to the DR to DIE in their Old age and smoking and drinking
and then they are SHOCKED when a Virus Chases them there .. with a less than 2% mortality Rate ..
something they have ZERO control over , especially in a 3rd world Country setting.
complete BS.
you are switching themes quicker than your underwear it looks like.
what has now any Fake USA Oress tainted alcohol deaths to do with a Pandemic?
keep smoking or sniffing what you have at hand, but stop typing to me,
as your changes f themes is completely out of interest to me to discuss.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
And how many of those people who were obviously irresponsible with their own lives and health took any responsibility for themselves during this pandemic and did not wear masks, use hand sanitizers, practice social distancing, and other recommended protocols? I'd really like to know that number. I saw videos of NYC, the absolutely worst hit place in the US, with people wandering around NYC w/o any masks on. And keep in mind, that if NY state were a country, it would be ranked as the worst country in the world with more than double the death rate of the next highest country.
irresponsible denyers of any recommended behaviors.
but again, e are bringing in 2 different things on one topic.
here it is about teh spread of a Vurus, a Pandemic, and its effects and when teh DR borders will reopen due that.
irresponsible drinkers and smokers do not pass their addiction like a virus around to the ones who prefer not to drink or not to smoke or not to have cancer or not to get fat elefants etc etc etc.
they act irrespinsible against themself and the consecuences stay on themself.
a virus spreading as a pandemic around the planet,
here the irresponsible deniers bring thething on others and let others suffer,
hence the world is planting recommendations and for part even part time laws to minimize the damage done by those irresonsible ones.
but so many see a obligation to wear a mask whle in closed defines with other, as a violation of their freedom.
and thats what I call egoistic BS of the not very smart brains of our humanity.
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Dec 12, 2009
Blue Collar Town in New Jersey
People who did not even HAVE Corona Virus , talking about it as if they are experts on the Topic..
perfect .

Social Distancing is a MYTH.. it absolutely does not do anything other than DELAY the eventual , ,which is that 100% of the population will be exposed to Covid 19 ... there is a Zero probability that you will not be exposed to it .
Touching surfaces and getting infected , CDC just admitted this is also a MYTH.. this is not how it spreads .

Keep repeating what you watch on the MSM ...and stay ignorant


Jun 10, 2008
No consensus here Papi.

I said JULY :devilish:

As fly said, I am sure there are behind the scenes big shot who are pushing hard to open (hence all these declarations in the papers). Also, other islands have set to open soon (I have no doubt that DR is watching competition very closely , being 1st in the Caribbean and intending to remain that way).

Openings will probably be progressive made easier by the fact that most people are not dying to jump on a plane.

Vamos a ver 😎
We can have coffee or tea nena if you like in July or August.
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Jun 16, 2014
irresponsible denyers of any recommended behaviors.
but again, e are bringing in 2 different things on one topic.
here it is about teh spread of a Vurus, a Pandemic, and its effects and when teh DR borders will reopen due that.
irresponsible drinkers and smokers do not pass their addiction like a virus around to the ones who prefer not to drink or not to smoke or not to have cancer or not to get fat elefants etc etc etc.
they act irrespinsible against themself and the consecuences stay on themself.
a virus spreading as a pandemic around the planet,
here the irresponsible deniers bring thething on others and let others suffer,
hence the world is planting recommendations and for part even part time laws to minimize the damage done by those irresonsible ones.
but so many see a obligation to wear a mask whle in closed defines with other, as a violation of their freedom.
and thats what I call egoistic BS of the not very smart brains of our humanity.
Ok, maybe I misinterpreted what your were saying. I thought you were saying that these people were blameless for their deaths. My point is, I think many of these people were directly responsible for their own deaths by not taking the appropriate, recommended precautions. They weren't passing off their bad behaviors to anyone, but they definitely threw out the welcome mat for the virus and have no one to blame but themselves.


Jun 19, 2009
We can have coffee or tea nena if you like in July or August.

Sure ! 😇



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
Ok, maybe I misinterpreted what your were saying. I thought you were saying that these people were blameless for their deaths. My point is, I think many of these people were directly responsible for their own deaths by not taking the appropriate, recommended precautions. They weren't passing off their bad behaviors to anyone, but they definitely threw out the welcome mat for the virus and have no one to blame but themselves.
total agreement on all points.
my point was,
that nothing of that has anything to do with the different thing, a Covid19 desease, which is spreading around etc etc.
hence the ations against covid19, are not something to do against heart atatcks, alcoholism, smokers deseases etc etc.
and that does not even mean that i agree to all things done in case of this pandemic,
it was solely to clarify that things like heart attack deaths, dying alcoholics, dying junkies, people dying by cancer etc etc
has ZERO to do with any actions under a Virus spreading around the planet.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
People who did not even HAVE Corona Virus , talking about it as if they are experts on the Topic..
perfect .

Social Distancing is a MYTH.. it absolutely does not do anything other than DELAY the eventual , ,which is that 100% of the population will be exposed to Covid 19 ... there is a Zero probability that you will not be exposed to it .
Touching surfaces and getting infected , CDC just admitted this is also a MYTH.. this is not how it spreads .

Keep repeating what you watch on the MSM ...and stay ignorant
nobody denies that.
teh opposite,
Social Distancing has the SOLE purpose to slow the unevitable spread,
so hospitals can do their job without stapling the corps out of the back door, companies do not need to shut down their doors again because in acertain vutal sector a too high of a %% of their stuff is sick at home at a time, so science has the necessary LONG time frame to maybe find a solution to live way better with this virus in the future.
nobody said that social distancing or wearing a mask will make the virus go away.
some Donald mentioned such things during the last couple months, but those medical self treatmet advisories we know what they are worth for ..

will you be any time able to eplain what your point on the whole thing is??
you shout against anything somebody types,
but tl now i did not read a single line of some kinda solution, other than everything should run as always and guaranteed nothing would happen to anybody then.
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