White couple sue over black (half-Domincan) baby

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New member
Aug 2, 2005
The Dominican mother has been criticized here for claiming to be white. I don't probably need to explain why the father has not received similar criticism, or do I?

When did the Dominican mother claim to be white? In what newspaper did you find that?


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
The Dominican mother has been criticized here for claiming to be white. I don't probably need to explain why the father has not received similar criticism, or do I?
Her husband has not questioned the race of his wife, even after his wife being portrayed as white.

It's obvious her husband agrees with her, otherwise he would had objected to her considering herself white.

Plus, he would had doubt his wife when she first began to doubt the genetic make up of her daughter, but apparently he didn't.

The went through DNA testing and it has been found that the baby is not his!

The husband has not received criticism because many DR1ers don't question the motives of a white gringo in a race case, but they do question the motives of a Dominican woman in a case of racial mix up, particularly since the baby came out dark!

Its the same anti-Dominican sentiment that lies behind all anti-Dominican comments made by most non-Dominicans.

Sep 19, 2005
The husband has not received criticism because many DR1ers don't question the motives of a white gringo in a race case, but they do question the motives of a Dominican woman in a case of racial mix up, particularly since the baby came out dark!

Its the same anti-Dominican sentiment that lies behind all anti-Dominican comments made by most non-Dominicans.


come on Nals............you are going way over board arent you?

if you think there is more anti-dominican comments as opposed to anti-gringo comments on this board .........there is no help for you.

sankie comments aside



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2004
I have a friend whose mother is Dominican and father is a dark Jamaican and after hearing how she was treated by her mother's family as a kid these are real concerns that the mother is expressing. Whether she and husband embraces the child, the child may have tough row ahead. Also, I can seriously empathize with his predicament. Call me racist but I know if I was married to white woman and we went to fertility clinic and came back with some random white dude's kid that look nothing remotely like me it would be a lot to handle.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
come on Nals............you are going way over board arent you?

if you think there is more anti-dominican comments as opposed to anti-gringo comments on this board .........there is no help for you.

sankie comments aside

I never said there were more anti-Dominican comments vs anti-gringo comments on this board, what I am saying is that some people have jumped on the bandwagon of discrediting, victimizing, and attack a Dominican who is creating a lawsuit and presenting a story to the world via the media WITH THE HELP OF HER NON-DOMINICAN WHITE GRINGO HUSBAND.

Despite that, the gringo husband gets to come into this issue without criticism while the Dominican mother receives more than her fair share of criticism.

I must make clear that I don't think anyone here is being intentionally anti-Dominican, but rather that some non-Dominicans are reacting in an anti-Dominican way, perhaps subconsciuosly and this could be the result of self-indoctrination of a belief of Dominicans and then searching for proof and when the conditions appear right, there such person goes attacking the Dominican.

Her husband has as much fault in the creation of this lawsuit and in the exposure of this story to the media and any psychological damage this may cause that little girl in the future once she realizes her reality.

I have yet to see a non-Dominican blame the husband for any possible harm this media exposure may have on the girl, despite the husband being in favor of all of this.

They only blame the Dominican mother, they insinuate a racial problem as the basis of this, and from that they continue their anti-Dominican stand while ignoring the input of the white gringo into all of this.



Dec 1, 2006
Nals I'm confused - I was with you up until now.

I don't think the child looks like either one of them.

I think they have the right to question.

I don't think the Dominicana looks white from the photo.

The fertility clinic was wrong so couple is right she is not theirs.
I hope they love her regardless of the situation.

The mother is being vilified by many people on board and she shouldn't be. If anything they both should be. But we don't know if they had anything to do with this article as of yet.


The Post is as my father would put it-- is a rag!

I've been blaming both of them since the very beginning! I never blamed just the mother.

It takes two to bachata
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Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Nals I'm confused - I was with you up until now.

I don't think the child looks like either one of them.

I think they have the right to question.

I don't think the Dominicana looks white from the photo.

The fertility clinic was wrong so couple is right she is not theirs.
I hope they love her regardless of the situation.

The mother is being vilified by many people on board and she shouldn't be. If anything they both should be. But we don't know if they had anything to do with this article as of yet.

The Post is as my father would put it-- is a rag!
Well, the baby has DNA from the Dominican mother, so biologically the girl belongs to her and some guy out there.

The one who is probably feeling worst right now is the white gringo who expected to have a new child with his beloved wife and instead some other guy took his biological role in all of this.

The one who was cheated the most in this is the white gringo, the Dominican mother at least got half of what she wanted, but the other half came from some stranger she has never met, never wanted to be the biological father of her child, and probably feels that her husband has been cheated from fathering her second child as they all believed it to be.... until the baby was born and DNA proved their hunch to be correct.

I have yet to receive comment from the MSN link.



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Let's not put a racial label on the issue just because it makes others with racial issues feel bad or good.
Anti-Dominicanism is not a racial label, unless people think that only one type of person can be Dominican and such belief is racist by itself!

We all know the DR is a multi-racial society, eventhough there are people out there who feel that multi-racial only apply to white countries with racially diverse minorities and not vice-versa, but that's another topic all together!



New member
Aug 2, 2005
I don't think either parent should be villified, as they were both screwed by the fertility clinic. By the looks of this picture entitled "Our Family 2006" the little girl is well taken care of and considered a part of their family, otherwise she would not be included in the photo.
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Dec 1, 2006
I didn't understand the MSN link was an article that was to be read.

I just read it.

I still stand by my statements. It's all legal posturing. These quotes are taken from the legal documents to bolster their lawsuit. It's a game.

This couple is entitled to money in my opinion. If they--meaning the LAWYERS didn't say that they were traumatized by this event they couldn't sue. Ultimately the judge threw out that part of the suit but if they didn't say those things-- "Everytime when see her we are reminded.".I don't remember the whole quote they wouldn't be able to proceed. So, those horrible things are said.

I'm sure they don't believe it--- just like "I can't have relations with my wife"[I]--but to sue you have to.

It's how our legal system works. The Post exploited it.
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Jul 12, 2004
Like previous posters said, the Post is a rag and prints dramatic headlines for extra readers. A "White Couple sue over black baby" is more dramatic than "Mixed-Race Couple sue over black baby", no more no less. They deserve some compensation since it was not their fault, but the fault of the clinic. They BOTH are most likely over sensationalizing their grief in this matter because of the pending lawsuit, if they want a huge award, they have to show they are and will continue to be devastated.


They BOTH are most likely over sensationalizing their grief in this matter because of the pending lawsuit, if they want a huge award, they have to show they are and will continue to be devastated.

I agree as that was my understanding as well and I think this could be bad for the young girl when she is able to understand what went on. If I was a parent who had to choose between possibly winning a multimillion dollar suit and causing my daughter to doubt that I and her mother love her unconditionally and maybe doing something behind the scenes to reach a settlement for me it would be a no brainer - I just would never want to put at risk my daughter's trust.


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
They probably could, but they didn't expected such and given that DNA testing has proven that her husband is NOT the biological father of the girl, then its obvious that whatever way that girl was "made" is half dominican and half something else, possibly Afro-American according to the media.

The mother being Dominican, that baby could have been born just like she did EVEN if the husband was the father...

And the lawsuit is based on the mix up of the clinic, NOT on the fact that the baby is darker than the other or looks different, despite the fact that such difference is what caused the couple to question whatever it was that the clinic did with their sperm/eggs and it just so happens that the clinic messed up!

Re-read the original story...the lawsuit IS based on the fact that the baby is darker...otherwise they would have never questioned the DNA or the clinic...

If the reason was purely because the baby looks different and not because the clinic made a mistake, then they probably would be putting the baby up for adoption and that doesn't appear to be the case.

They want reparations for a life-long mistake a clinic made (how could they forget to use the husbands sperm is beyond comprehension) and they should receive compensation for that mistake.

I still hold my stand in asking why are people here blaming the mother and not even thinking of putting some fault on her husband who supports her or on the news who are writting that they are a "white couple"?

I see this as another example of how some foreigners are quick to discredit a Dominican when it comes to racial issues and conveniently ignore the input of a non-Dominican, in this case a white gringo and media from predominantly white countries who are portraying the mother as "white" as well.

Why have no one else raised this issue of the supporting white gringo and media? Why were some DR1ers quick to discredit the mother?

This is the same discrediting of Dominicans mantra that has been perpetrated by mostly non-Dominicans on many levels regarding all things race/color related whenever a Dominican is involve.

I think they love their baby as much as any couple who has a baby who they know is half something else they didn't want, similarly to a baby being born from a rape incident or a baby being born from an incest incident. In this case it was less dramatic, but just as troubling as the fact that you go to a clinic to have your husbands sperm fertilize your eggs to create a baby with genetic peaces of both of you and it turns out that your baby's father is someone other than your husband!

You can love that baby as much as you can, but the mix up is something that will continue to live in the minds.



Well, I for one blame the mother...because as a mother...I would have NEVER questioned the color of my baby's skin...The girl IS, after all, her own daughter...no matter who the father turned out to be...



New member
Jun 27, 2005
If I was a parent who had to choose between possibly winning a multimillion dollar suit and causing my daughter to doubt that I and her mother love her unconditionally and maybe doing something behind the scenes to reach a settlement for me it would be a no brainer - I just would never want to put at risk my daughter's trust.




Dec 1, 2006
If they had no idea that this was going to wind in the newspaper--- better yet-- on the cover-- I'm sure they are horrified at this moment.

If they did know --shame on them! and they should be vilified for putting their beautiful little girl throught his ordeal for a couple of bucks.


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
It was instantly obvious that she did not look anything like her mother, Nancy, a light-skinned native of the Dominican Republic, or dad, Thomas.

Did anyone bother to read this part on the MSN article and the rest of them???

And did anyone really look at that picture??? What do they mean 'it was instantly obvious'??? Look at the mother...she is at least half-black...look at her hair, for goodness sake!!! The baby could have gotten her looks from her ancestors...

Give me a break...:tired:

Nals...for the hell of it...I'm gonna say I blame the stupid gringo for even going that route...but if you really think about it...if the mother hadn't agreed to go along with the whole lawsuit, just because she felt ashamed of her daughter's skin color, instead of fighting like hell to protect her OWN child, none of this would have gotten out into the media...

THAT is why I, at least, blame the mother...

None of that anti-Dominicans stuff you are trying to portray here...I should be the least to talk...I'm married to one after all...but you can't hide the sun with your finger...no matter how much you try!!!:bored:



On Vacation!
May 24, 2006
Dominican mom sues fertility clinic for ?dark-skinned? baby

Quote Dominican today
NEW YORK.- A lawsuit was filed against a fertility clinic by couple form Long Island, after their baby girl was born with a complexion that is much darker than either parent's.

A judge has ruled to accept the suit, made public Wednesday, which claims the clinic botched the insemination of the wife's eggs..

"While we love Baby Jessica as our own, we are reminded of this terrible mistake each and every time we look at her; it is simply impossible to ignore,'' state Supreme Court Justice Sheila Abdus-Salaam's decision quoted parents Thomas and Nancy Andrews as saying. Nancy is a native of the Dominican Republic.

The judge quoted the Andrewses' affidavit as saying that, "we are conscious of and distressed by this mistake each and every time we appear in public.'.

The New York Medical Services for Reproductive Medicine was sued by the couple, from Commack, N.Y., who accuse the Manhattan clinic of medical malpractice and other offenses.

El Tigre

El Tigre de DR1 - Moderator
Jan 23, 2003
This $$hit is getting out of hand. I can't keep up with you people!!!

Anyone else want to take a stab at this before I close this puppy up?



Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
Quote Dominican today
NEW YORK.- A lawsuit was filed against a fertility clinic by couple form Long Island, after their baby girl was born with a complexion that is much darker than either parent's.

A judge has ruled to accept the suit, made public Wednesday, which claims the clinic botched the insemination of the wife's eggs..

"While we love Baby Jessica as our own, we are reminded of this terrible mistake each and every time we look at her; it is simply impossible to ignore,'' state Supreme Court Justice Sheila Abdus-Salaam's decision quoted parents Thomas and Nancy Andrews as saying. Nancy is a native of the Dominican Republic.

The judge quoted the Andrewses' affidavit as saying that, "we are conscious of and distressed by this mistake each and every time we appear in public.'.

The New York Medical Services for Reproductive Medicine was sued by the couple, from Commack, N.Y., who accuse the Manhattan clinic of medical malpractice and other offenses.

The red quotes, if indeed said by the parents, as just disgusting!!! How could a mother even THINK anything like that of her OWN flesh and blood????

If I had her near me, I'd slap her...and take BOTH her babies away...she doesn't deserve to be a mother...

Yes, the clinic messed up big time, but it's STILL HER OWN CHILD!!!

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