Why Can't the Dominican Republic be the Solution to the Crisis in Haiti?


Jan 21, 2006
Actually, they do.. All of the unskilled work on Providenciales for instance is done by Haitians.. I had four Haitians there.. BTW, most god fearing decent people you would ever meet.. Very hard workers and respectful.. They all lived in an unfinished house by South Dock. Sheets for doors and windows.. Just a block structure. I used to pick them up every morning so they didn't have to do "Jitney" (Gypsy taxi) that cost them money because they sent all of their money home to their families.. No doubt that Haitians are one of the most taken advantage of people in the world.. BUT. That doesn't take away from the reality that Hattians need to fix their own country.. No one or no country can do anything to help them. They have to help themselves.. Even Haitians think that.

How does one "fix their own country" when they are illiterate, jobless and spend their time trying to find clean water and food.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2019
I thought Jimmy Carter was going to save Haiti. Habitat for Humanity was a bigger failure than the fake United Nations soldiers who killed 10 thousand by building a faulty sewage system and not treating the locals for cholera. I would rather vacation in South Sudan


Jul 10, 2004
How does one "fix their own country" when they are illiterate, jobless and spend their time trying to find clean water and food.
They don't . That is the entire point of this discussion which is an exercise in futility about trying accomplish the impossible.


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I thought Jimmy Carter was going to save Haiti. Habitat for Humanity was a bigger failure than the fake United Nations soldiers who killed 10 thousand by building a faulty sewage system and not treating the locals for cholera. I would rather vacation in South Sudan

I've seen HfH in the USA. It works there.

MINISTUH from the UN was a dismal failure. It accomplished nothing, which is exactly what the UN is good for.

Good pragmatic leader needed to instill confidence in the business community. It will take years. But it's doable.


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
If Haitians really want to get ahead they need to cleanse the government of all the corrupt greedy pigs at the trough. Then clean it up from the top down. Corrupt cops, gangs get rid of them. Either by jail or firing squad, the world won't miss them.
Bring Anderson Cooper and Sean Penn back. Didn't they do wonders for Haiti when the cameras where turned on.
As several have said only Haitians can fix Haiti. Until they start I can't see anyone investing 5 cents there as it just gets stolen.
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Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast
Haïti was a big destination for French tourists at that times indeed.
Not a matter of color, whites visit Kenya, senegal.... Why not Haiti?
Some people bias are showing

I went to Haiti in the 70s several times, the company I worked for in Manhattan had a factory there making woven wood window shades with Haitian cotton (gorgeous). I was sent
to oversee their accounting. I remember riding in tap taps and air conditioned cars, and even then the poverty was astounding. I always stayed at the a Royal Haitian in POP and yes, it was loaded with tourists.

What changed, IMO only, was the AIDS epidemic, and many pointed to Haiti as the source. Rightfully or wrongly. It depressed tourism in the 80s. (As an aside, my boss, a very handsome married man, actually died with AIDS that he picked up there inlate 70s early 80s, but that’s another whole story).

Once tourists leave, it’s hard to get them back.


Jul 10, 2004
Excellent points that no one in their right mind will put money into Haiti and that once a vacation place loses its luster it is virtually impossible to get it back.

Both support my case that Haiti is damaged beyond repair.
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Jun 10, 2008
Not at first. Most whites will be afraid to come down. I'm an exception. So you market to the black middle and upper class in the USA and elsewhere. Jacmel is an area to be showcased. There are others. I hear St. Marc is nice too. But you build with black tourism and eventually whites will follow.
I visited Cap Haitian. I liked it.


Well-known member
May 21, 2010
Not a matter of bias, just a matter of reality, especially for American whites.
Not at first. Most whites will be afraid to come down. I'm an exception. So you market to the black middle and upper class in the USA and elsewhere. Jacmel is an area to be showcased. There are others. I hear St. Marc is nice too. But you build with black tourism and eventually whites will follow.

I think your wrong that white Americans would not come, they go to Jamaica, and countries in Africa, why not Haiti. Cuba get 4.5 million tourists without any Americans black or white


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I think your wrong that white Americans would not come, they go to Jamaica, and countries in Africa, why not Haiti. Cuba get 4.5 million tourists without any Americans black or white

I guess the only way to succeed in making it multi-racial would be to go the AI route. That way you get the tourist $ and they feel safe. If that can be done, it very well could succeed, especially if the price is right.

I'm just not an AI kinda person and would never go to a new country in an AI. Here it's different because I experience the culture daily so a brief respite in an AI is welcome every few months.

Point being that most Americans are not comfortable in a non-AI environment. So if that could be done, then yea, you could be right.
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Jul 10, 2004
I think your wrong that white Americans would not come, they go to Jamaica, and countries in Africa, why not Haiti. Cuba get 4.5 million tourists without any Americans black or white
The Cubans lied about the numbers and the numbers are going down, down, down.

As for Haiti, who in their right mind is going to finance major AI resorts there?
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bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
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Jun 28, 2003
The Cubans lied about the numbers and the numbers are going down, down, down.

As for Haiti, who in their right mind is going to finance major AI resorts there?
Most americans love Chinese food. Many many fat americans love Chinese buffets "all you can eat". Hmmmmm do you see maybe a link here and answer to your question? lol
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DR Solar

Nov 21, 2016
If that is what you think you do not have to participate in the discussion.
In the beginning Haitians fixed Haiti. They were slaves and they overthrew their French masters. Then the world conspired not to let the new nation get a toehold in the world. Lest they encourage the rest of the slaves to rise up over throw their colonial masters and form their own countries. The French did the equivalent of scorched earth economic policy right from the git. Then over the history of the country other colonial powers have done what they could to extract resources while making minimum investments. The French need to take responsibility. They stepped up when a bunch of terrorists were fighting a war against England on the North American continent to support them. Slaves who freed themselves did not get that kind of support.

You are welcome for the history lesson ‼

Thanks for your one sided and not accurate history lesson. Haiti went through alot but never could get it's act together. Name one leader that worked for the people.? One? Or should we just shake our exposed buttress at a money making music moment.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2016
Hey, yourman! The DR did not benefit from Haiti's troubles. This country has done and continues to do lots for the Haitians.
There is a country on the North American continent that has a leader that is complaining that many ills that are befalling his country are due to the problem of the country that lies to the south of his country. Is it your contention that 🇩🇴 has no interest in having a economically stable, democratic government next to it on the island of Hispaniola❓
It is time for you to leave Vegas and get to Haiti, so you can get things sorted there.
Is this the best you got. You are suggesting that I move from Las Vegas to Haiti❓How would you propose that I do that❓

Thank you for coming up for air and sharing with us‼