Why Can't the Dominican Republic be the Solution to the Crisis in Haiti?


Living my Dream
Apr 18, 2013
You are flogging a dead horse. Haitians can only help themselves. Until they are ready to do that you are wasting your breath. It's not the Dominicans responsibility to fix Haiti. They have done more for Haiti than all the other Caribbean countries combined and it's bringing the DR down.
Feb 16, 2016
Following up on my idea that those claiming Haitians do not care about Haiti:

I had half a dozen of my classmates offer to take me to Haiti as their personal guests. Sweeping statement made that characterize an entire population without exception are usually factually wrong. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts.

You might not be aware of this. I went to UNAPEC. Only Haitians were in my language classes. They were all from, how shall we say it ❓ , families of means. Not one of them, not one spoke of using their education in another country other than their own.

So I call technical foul on those claiming Haitians do not care about Haiti‼Those proffering that idea are doing no more than the gorilla reach around and fling.
Feb 16, 2016
In my opinion the Dominican Republic is not being brought down by the Haitians that I see working in this country. The way it looks from my point of view is that there is a lot that would not get done in the Dominican Republic if it was not for the Haitians I see doing the heavy lifting. I am not wasting my breath on this subject. 83 different posts say that there is quite a bit of interest in the subject. Seems like there always is when I start a thread on the subject of Haiti. It may be a waste of the energy from the posters that are banging on their keyboards typing out messages that ALL Haitians do not care about Haiti.

Reminds me of a story of when I was in South Africa after majority rule started. I was riding in a taxi and had a very interesting discussion that sticks with me to this day. My taxi driver was not of the majority population of his country. He told me that not every person in the minority was rich. He asked me the rhetorical question of what he was supposed to do. He was stuck there. He could not just sell off all his assets and leave the country. He was middle class in his country. Explained that he had just enough money for his house. A family with two kids to take care of and educate. He did not have any options like the rich. He was going to dig and make the best of the situation that was being presented of him. I often wonder how this individual is doing at this time. I hope he is doing well. And quite honestly, the conversation was a education for me because at the time I was flying all over the world and never thought about being "stuck".

"Flogging a dead horse" ⁉ What a dismissive attitude‼We up in here talking about fate of 11.2 million living individuals and someone compares them to animals that are dead. 🤔 We got individuals who are posting up in here me they love their country of origin but they live here in 🇩🇴. We got individuals posting up in here that is waste of breath to care about other people. Man there is a good reason I left my country of origin. Attitudes‼ It makes sense to me that a politician would make a statement that he is putting the population of his country first. I have heard this from more than a few world leaders as of late. Problem is we as community of human beings do not live in a isolated fashion anymore. There world is connected‼

If individuals wish to present some facts to support their sweeping opinions about Haiti, I am open to review them. Until then, they are just like I am. Another person up here in DR1 posting their opinions.
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Feb 16, 2016
These are only matters of opinion but mine is different.

Haiti is not a machine broken past repair and Haiti could be "fixed".
Look at what happened to the countries that were devastated by WW 2 and then Vietnam following the war.
Today our former enemies are wealthy trading partners.

All it takes is the will.
It is disgraceful that the wealthy western countries allow the suffering in Haiti to continue.

I believe there is a racist element to the refusal of the western countries to "fix" Haiti.
You are dead on point my man ‼
Only those who do not want to face the reality of this particular label when it applicable have the attitude below. Racism is like porn "We all know with when we see it". Unless you choose to turn a blind eye to it.
When you throw the racist label around you lose people who know it's bullshit.
I don't use the term. I do not need to. I know it when I see those types of attitudes being displayed on DR1. Issues from the countries of origin that people drag here to the 🇩🇴 and then put on full display here in DR1.
Feb 16, 2016
I must have missed the memo on all that France and the UK have brought to Haiti's needs, over the last century.
To Haiti's needs❓ Or the needs to the business interests of France and the UK❓ Because I do not think they would have sent you that memo.
Feb 16, 2016
Well, they do go to Jamaica. Despite Jamaica having less of a perfect record (I could be wrong but I believe JM has one of the highest murder rate in the Caribbean, although it rarely affect tourists).

Build resorts, make them feel safe, they will come. Beach, palm trees and safety, it all it takes.
Once again dead on point. And a point I have made myself‼
Feb 16, 2016
Too bad.. That makes you part of the problem..
As I have told many others, I disagree with you. You are willing to write off a population of 11.2 million people.

In my opinion you and individuals like you proffering your wrong headed views are the problem.

Throw some facts out to support your opinions on these issues other than your anecdotal stories and I'll review them.
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Feb 16, 2016
What struck me as really odd was that to the government guys.. This was no big deal and normal.. Haiti is and has been for decades seriously messed up.. Have organizations like the Clinton Foundation or Richard Branson made millions off of aid while screwing Haiti?? You bet, but until Haitians take responsibility for what's going on in their own country and stop trying to blame everyone else for everything wrong in Haiti, the "Blah-Blah" will continue. It's not our fault.. We're the victims.. you need to pay.. How about get off your duff, take responsibility for your own people, get real about what's wrong, and do something to make Haiti better..
Interesting picture you have painted of the "government guys". Did we ask the people of regimes of the past to correct their corrupt governments ❓ Or did governments intervene when they felt it met their interests❓


Oct 4, 2013
As I have told many others, I disagree with you. You are willing to write off a population of 11.2 million people.

In my opinion you and individuals like you proffering your wrong headed views are the problem.

Throw some facts out to support your opinions on these issues other than your anecdotal stories and I'll review them.
I as well as others on this thread already have.. Maybe you should read them and open your mind to alternatives while challenging your current beliefs.
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Feb 16, 2016
For a person with "rebel" in your name:

Rebel: a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader.

You appear to be a pretty conventional thinker. Do you have any facts to support your opinions. I have not seen them in your posts. My reading comprehension is fine. But maybe you should take your own advice my man.

And good morning to you. I hope you have a great day in whatever part of the 🇩🇴 you are right now‼

I as well as others on this thread already have.. Maybe you should read them and open your mind to alternatives while challenging your current beliefs.


Oct 4, 2013
For a person with "rebel" in your name:

Rebel: a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or leader.

You appear to be a pretty conventional thinker. Do you have any facts to support your opinions. I have not seen them in your posts. My reading comprehension is fine. But maybe you should take your own advice my man.

And good morning to you. I hope you have a great day in whatever part of the 🇩🇴 you are right now‼

Rebel.. A free thinker who doesn't go along with societies status quo. Also refuses to be manipulated by simple minded individuals.


Jun 28, 2003
Something to think about regarding the timing of Aninader speech. The past couple of months here on DR1 we have discussed the "interpetation "of the immigration laws. One or two posters strongly suggested that this enforcement is being done only for the sake of keeping Haitians out and or deporting them.

I'm wondering if the speech wasn't some sort of pre-emptive strategy for what is to follow in criticism of his action by the world powers. Maybe I'm over thinking this subject but what do you you guys think?


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
Something to think about regarding the timing of Aninader speech. The past couple of months here on DR1 we have discussed the "interpetation "of the immigration laws. One or two posters strongly suggested that this enforcement is being done only for the sake of keeping Haitians out and or deporting them.

I'm wondering if the speech wasn't some sort of pre-emptive strategy for what is to follow in criticism of his action by the world powers. Maybe I'm over thinking this subject but what do you you guys think?

This government needs tourists and their dollars. That trumps everything.


Jun 28, 2003
This government needs tourists and their dollars. That trumps everything.
I agree Nan but finsih the thought. Does it mean he wants to look good in some way? Remember he said "Its not our problem to solve". How does that generate tourism? Could be good but I don't know how? Or as I said I'm over thinking his motive for the speech. 🤷‍♂️


Nickel with tin plating
Apr 12, 2019
Boca Chica
I agree Nan but finsih the thought. Does it mean he wants to look good in some way? Remember he said "Its not our problem to solve". How does that generate tourism? Could be good but I don't know how? Or as I said I'm over thinking his motive for the speech. 🤷‍♂️

No, I thought you meant if he was going to go after overstayers. I don't believe that for a second. We bring in cash and help the economy. That's all I meant.


Jul 10, 2004
Something to think about regarding the timing of Aninader speech. The past couple of months here on DR1 we have discussed the "interpetation "of the immigration laws. One or two posters strongly suggested that this enforcement is being done only for the sake of keeping Haitians out and or deporting them.

I'm wondering if the speech wasn't some sort of pre-emptive strategy for what is to follow in criticism of his action by the world powers. Maybe I'm over thinking this subject but what do you you guys think?
There are people who think immigration laws only apply to Haitians. That all immigration laws in the DR are about Haitians in such people's minds. For those people, ignorance is bliss.

The government of the DR said they are going to enforce immigration laws , in this case there are some specific laws that apply to Haitians which could be enforced. If they enforce those laws, then the "rest of the world who wants to be" will be "outraged" as the DR starts to deport illegal Haitians. As if people outside the DR have any say in what the DR government should do in this matter.

The DR government had eased up on the big green busses rounding up and taking Haitians to the border prior to the recent elections. Perhaps those buses will start back up again, which is fully within the DR government's right to do so. Only time will tell. As far as I know, there has only been talk so far and no action regarding enforcing all of the immigration laws, not just the ones about Haitians.