
Digging up a past scandal involving the new director of the infamous La Victoria Jail

Attorney General Miriam German Brito says she was not aware that the new director of the La Victoria jail, Roberto Nivar, had been accused. Diario Libre publishes a 2011 news report reporting on his removal from his assignment. An online search turned up background on the scandal back in 2011 involving Nivar when he served at the public jail in Baní, Peravia province.

Noticias SIN reports that on 11 June 2011, the National Police Headquarters announced the arrest of the then major Roberto Nivar for renting his room in the Baní prison to inmates to have sexual relations.

The head of the Police at the time, José Armando Polanco Gómez, said that he recommended to the Executive Branch the cancellation of the officer, as can be read in the Diario Libre newspaper. Diario Libre in 2011 reported that Polanco Gomez was removed from the position.

Nivar at the time of his appointment to La Victoria was serving as director of the Km.15 prison in Azua.

This Monday, 25 March 2024 the National Police announced the appointing of Nivar as the new director of the La Victoria National Penitentiary. He replaces Police colonel María Isabel Gil Morales, who was the first woman ever to be named to direct the largest jail in the Dominican Republic. Gil Morales was named head of the Department of Protection and Security of National Police Officials, according to a statement.

Roberto Nivar was appointed to replace Gil Morales, in the aftermath of the 18 March fire and the 20 March 2024 fires at the La Victoria Jail.

Attorney General Miriam German Brito says she will be leaving the post once her four-year term is up in August 2024. She presented her annual report for 2023 on 26 March 2024. Before being named to the position of Attorney General, she had presided the Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.

In another recent development of the La Victoria Jail story, adjunct attorney general Yeni Berenice Reynoso called the offer of former Attorney General Jean Alain Rodriguez to consult with the government to assist in the opening of the Las Parras jail the equal of a drug trafficker advising the National Drug Control Agency.

There is urgency to close the controversial jail, but inefficiencies in the Abinader administration have impeded the opening of the Las Parras jail despite more than RD$7 billion being invested in its construction when Jean Alain Rodriguez was the attorney general. The jail is key to major accusations of corruption at the Attorney General Office.

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Noticias SIN
Diario Libre
Diario Libre
El Dia
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27 March 2024