
Son of president of Chamber of Deputies dies in gangland-type shooting in Houston

The Chamber of Deputies called off sessions this week after Alfredo Pacheco, the president of the Chamber of Deputies in the evening announced on Tuesday, 2 April 2024 the tragic death of his 34-year old son, Luis Alfredo Pacheco Rojas (El Pikante or Spicy) in Houston, Texas, USA at 8:20pm on Monday, 1 April. News media said Pacheco Rojas lived in Houston where he pursued a music career. He worked as a DJ in Houston.

News reports from Houston indicate Pacheco Rojas died from a hail of gunshots after making a stop at a convenience store in a Houston gas station on Monday, 1 April. Fox News said Pacheco Rojas died the result of a “gangland-type shooting.” The SUV in which he was in, a Chevrolet Escalade, was parked when it was struck by dozens of bullets. The authorities have identified four suspects of the shooting. These are said to be of Hispanic origin.

The media has yet to report on the identities of the others who were with Pacheco Rojas in the gas station tragedy.

As reported, Pacheco Rojas was commuting with three others, of which another is in serious condition, and two others were uninjured and are collaborating with the Police in the investigation.

Adrián Rodríguez, assistant chief of the Houston Police, told Telemundo Houston that the four men had rifles and were traveling in two vehicles, one a Dodge Charger and another a Mercedes Benz, that parked in front of the black Chevrolet Escalade. The Escalade was surrounded by four gunmen with ‘long guns’ who prevented the SUV from fleeing.

International media is reporting on the incident. Fox News called it “an international incident”.

N Digital described the lyrics of the rap music produced by the late Pacheco Rojas as “obscene.”

The death of Pacheco Rojas coincides with that of Jose Manuel Del Castillo Vanderlinde, son of senator Jose del Castillo Saviñon, who is running for reelection for Barahona. The Senate also shut down sessions for this week in solidarity with senator Del Castillo.

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3 April 2024